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Pdfx4 2008 joboptions download

Erro de criação de PDF: PDFX4 2008.joboptions.
Uso FM 9 e tenho alguns parágrafos na fonte chinesa Adobe Ming Std L no documento que criei. Recentemente, atualizamos o Acrobat Pro Extended 9 e Distiller 9. Agora, quando tento criar o pdf do mesmo arquivo, os parágrafos com as fontes chinesas são substituídos por caixas vazias. Recebo o erro:
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Verifiquei as fontes e a fonte chinesa está incluída nas configurações do destilador. A opção de trabalho de configurações que eu uso é a mesma que funcionou com versões anteriores e está configurada para incluir: Incorporar todas as fontes.
Alguém pode ajudar a resolver esse problema?
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.2, Windows.
Eu removi o arquivo FNTCACHE. DAT conforme você instruiu e reiniciou. Depois de recriar o pdf, não há alterações na exibição de fonte chinesa. O texto é substituído por caixas (caracteres desconhecidos?).
Executei o relatório Preflight e posso enviar o arquivo se houver uma maneira de anexá-lo a esta mensagem. Os resultados indicam que o documento PDF não é compatível com PDF / X-4.
Salvar como PDF falhou ao pós-processamento do arquivo PDF para Reflow: Não é possível salvar o arquivo PDF reprocessado.
O arquivo PDF deve estar intacto e utilizável, mas não pode refluxo corretamente. Verifique se o arquivo PDF de destino não está em uso ou suas permissões, então, salve como PDF novamente. Se o problema persistir, entre em contato com o suporte técnico da Adobe.
Direitos autorais e cópia; 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. Todos os direitos reservados. Termos de Uso Política de Privacidade.

Distiller: PDFX4 2008.joboptions bug?
Eu recentemente instalei o Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (eu não tinha nenhuma versão anterior). Ao iniciar Distiller, recebo uma mensagem de erro:
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Uma rápida pesquisa na web mostra que este não é um problema novo. Alguns dizem que o Distiller não é capaz de criar arquivos PDF / X4 e que o erro é, portanto, um bug no próprio Distiller. Isso é verdade? (Não consigo encontrar um arquivo de joboptions desse nome no meu sistema.)
Preciso fazer algo sobre isso ou posso deixá-lo?
2757 Просмотров Метки: нет (добавить)
1. Re: Distiller: PDFX4 2008. bug de bug?
Sim, é um bug no Distiller. Como não tenho necessidade desse arquivo de joboption, eu apenas o dei.

Pdfx4 2008.joboptions download
Eu recentemente instalei o Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (eu não tinha nenhuma versão anterior). Ao iniciar Distiller, recebo uma mensagem de erro:
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Uma rápida pesquisa na web mostra que este não é um problema novo. Alguns dizem que o Distiller não é capaz de criar arquivos PDF / X4 e que o erro é, portanto, um bug no próprio Distiller. Isso é verdade? (Eu não consigo encontrar um arquivo de joboptions desse nome no meu sistema.)
Preciso fazer algo sobre isso ou posso deixá-lo?
DB: 5.46: Distiller: Pdfx4 2008.Joboptions Bug? m8.
Sim, é um bug no Distiller. Como não tenho necessidade desse arquivo de joboption, eu apenas o dei.
DB: 4.44: Erro ao iniciar Distiller 9 3p.
Eu aviso a seguinte mensagem de erro na caixa de diálogo quando eu inicializar Distiller 9:
Erro na / Biblioteca / Suporte a aplicativos / Adobe / Adobe PDF / Configurações / PDFX4 2008.joboptions: / CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
O que isso significa e como faço para corrigi-lo? Poderia causar destilação do Distiller?
DB: 4.44: Erro ao iniciar Distiller 9 3p.
Este tópico explica a mensagem de erro:
DB: 4.11: Editando. Joboptions Files With A Text Editor 8p.
Mais alguém faz isto? Eu descobri que existem muitos outros recursos que os que estão disponíveis no Distiller.
Existe um artigo sobre o significado de todas as linhas de código? Existem algumas opções nos arquivos de texto. joboptions que eu não entendo.
DB: 4.11: Editando. Joboptions Files With A Text Editor 8p.
Eu não entendo o valor "UseName & quot; da passagem acima. Isso significa que o arquivo de trabalho PDF usará uma predefinição mais plana do mesmo nome?
By the way, não significa que você definiu UseName para o nome de a.
arquivo predefinido de achatador de transparências que já existe.
DB: 3.97: Distiller sc.
há pouco aí, além de escolha possível, impressão de mes pdf (escolha das ofertas nas opções de impressão).
Comente ensuite-je remdier a? J & # 39; ai dj supprim mes prfrences mes rien n & # 39; y fait.
Configuração: Mac OS 10.4, Adobe acrobat pro 7 Adobe Distiller 7.
Par avance merci.
desde pouco tempo, eu não posso escolher joboptions em janelas impressas com adobe pdf 7. Eu solto meus preferidos, mas não tenho sucesso.
Coul & # 39; d me ajuda por favor?
DB: 3.97: Distiller sc.
há pouco aí, além de escolha possível, impressão de mes pdf (escolha das ofertas nas opções de impressão).
Comente ensuite-je remdier a? J & # 39; ai dj supprim mes prfrences mes rien n & # 39; y fait.
Configuração: Mac OS 10.4, Adobe acrobat pro 7 Adobe Distiller 7.
Par avance merci.
desde pouco tempo, eu não posso escolher joboptions em janelas impressas com adobe pdf 7. Eu solto meus preferidos, mas não tenho sucesso.
Coul & # 39; d me ajuda por favor?
DB: 3.84: Adobe Distiller 9m.
Estou usando um programa que requer destilador adobe, como posso encontrar este produto.
DB: 3.84: Adobe Distiller 9m.
Você pode usar o Acrobat Standard para a maioria dos propósitos, mas alguns recursos requerem o Acrobat Professional. Nem um é para uso do servidor.
DB: 3.64: Distiller 8 trava ao criar o Pdf dj.
Oi, temos o DTS 5.3 SP2 instalado, usando o Acrobat 8.1.1 e o Distiller 8. Realizamos todos os nossos documentos usando a impressora PostScript, porque nós tínhamos problemas usando a impressora Adobe PDF. Ocasionalmente, Distiller permanecerá aberto, mas não estará processando nada. Uma vez que ele é executado em segundo plano, não consigo ver o que está fazendo. Tivemos problemas em que o & quot; Activation & quot; A caixa mostra que Distiller e DTS não sabem como lidar com o prompt, por isso permanece em um estado suspenso. Não tenho certeza se isso é o que está acontecendo aqui, mas o Distiller não finaliza o processamento do documento e o DTS deixa de funcionar. Assim que mato Acrodist. exe manualmente, o DTS começa a funcionar novamente e os documentos podem ser renderizados. Recebo a seguinte exceção no cts_log (devido à minha morte manual): 27 de fevereiro de 2008: 18: 19,677 INFO [Thread-23] CTSPluginHandlerImpl - DefaultApp falhou, tentará outro plug-in de mídia. documentum. cts. pluginmon. CTSPluginException: Ocorreu uma excepção desconhecida no método de transformação JNI Distiller em com. documentum. cts. plugin. distiller. DistillerPlugin. transform (método nativo) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. distiller. DistillerPlugin. generatePDFFromPostScript (DistillerPlugin. java: 237) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. distiller. DistillerPlugin. transformToPDF (DistillerPlugin. java:294) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. defaultapp. DefaultAppPlugin. transform (DefaultAppPlugin. java:275) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. defaultapp. DefaultAppPlugin. transform (DefaultAppPlugin. java:226) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. defaultapp. DefaultAppPlugin. executeProfile (DefaultAppPlugin. java:149) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. ctsplugin. CTSPluginHandlerImpl. callExecuteProfile (CTSPluginHandlerImpl. java:3517) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. ctsplugin. CTSPluginHandlerImpl. executeAtomicProfile (CTSPluginHandlerImpl. java:1627) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. ctsplugin. CTSPluginHandlerImpl. executeProfile (CTSPluginHandlerImpl. java:411) em sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0 ( Método nativo) em sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:39) em sun. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:25) em java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke (Method. java:324) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. CTSServiceBaseImpl. invokeHandler (CTSServiceBaseImpl. java:715) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. CTSPluginServiceImpl. executeProfile (CTSPluginServiceImpl. java:162) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. document. DocumentTranscodeProcessor. callMediaPlugIn (DocumentTranscodeProcessor. java:234) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. document. DocumentTranscodeProcessor. execute (DocumentTranscodeProcessor. java:125) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. CTSTas kBase. doExecute (CTSTaskBase. java:447) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. CTSTaskBase. run (CTSTaskBase. java:420) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. thread. CTSThreadPoolManagerImpl $ TaskThread. execute (CTSThreadPoolManagerImpl. java:270) em java. lang. Thread. run (Thread. java:534) Alguém já experimentou esse problema antes? Existe uma solução? Obrigado.
DB: 3.64: Distiller 8 trava ao criar o Pdf dj.
Oi, temos o DTS 5.3 SP2 instalado, usando o Acrobat 8.1.1 e o Distiller 8. Realizamos todos os nossos documentos usando a impressora PostScript, porque nós tínhamos problemas usando a impressora Adobe PDF. Ocasionalmente, Distiller permanecerá aberto, mas não estará processando nada. Uma vez que ele é executado em segundo plano, não consigo ver o que está fazendo. Tivemos problemas em que o & quot; Activation & quot; A caixa mostra que Distiller e DTS não sabem como lidar com o prompt, por isso permanece em um estado suspenso. Não tenho certeza se isso é o que está acontecendo aqui, mas o Distiller não finaliza o processamento do documento e o DTS deixa de funcionar. Assim que mato Acrodist. exe manualmente, o DTS começa a funcionar novamente e os documentos podem ser renderizados. Recebo a seguinte exceção no cts_log (devido à minha morte manual): 27 de fevereiro de 2008: 18: 19,677 INFO [Thread-23] CTSPluginHandlerImpl - DefaultApp falhou, tentará outro plug-in de mídia. documentum. cts. pluginmon. CTSPluginException: Ocorreu uma excepção desconhecida no método de transformação JNI Distiller em com. documentum. cts. plugin. distiller. DistillerPlugin. transform (método nativo) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. distiller. DistillerPlugin. generatePDFFromPostScript (DistillerPlugin. java: 237) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. distiller. DistillerPlugin. transformToPDF (DistillerPlugin. java:294) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. defaultapp. DefaultAppPlugin. transform (DefaultAppPlugin. java:275) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. defaultapp. DefaultAppPlugin. transform (DefaultAppPlugin. java:226) em com. documentum. cts. plugin. defaultapp. DefaultAppPlugin. executeProfile (DefaultAppPlugin. java:149) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. ctsplugin. CTSPluginHandlerImpl. callExecuteProfile (CTSPluginHandlerImpl. java:3517) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. ctsplugin. CTSPluginHandlerImpl. executeAtomicProfile (CTSPluginHandlerImpl. java:1627) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. ctsplugin. CTSPluginHandlerImpl. executeProfile (CTSPluginHandlerImpl. java:411) em sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0 ( Método nativo) em sun. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:39) em sun. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:25) em java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke (Method. java:324) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. CTSServiceBaseImpl. invokeHandler (CTSServiceBaseImpl. java:715) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. CTSPluginServiceImpl. executeProfile (CTSPluginServiceImpl. java:162) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. document. DocumentTranscodeProcessor. callMediaPlugIn (DocumentTranscodeProcessor. java:234) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. document. DocumentTranscodeProcessor. execute (DocumentTranscodeProcessor. java:125) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. CTSTas kBase. doExecute (CTSTaskBase. java:447) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. task. CTSTaskBase. run (CTSTaskBase. java:420) em com. documentum. cts. impl. services. thread. CTSThreadPoolManagerImpl $ TaskThread. execute (CTSThreadPoolManagerImpl. java:270) em java. lang. Thread. run (Thread. java:534) Alguém já experimentou esse problema antes? Existe uma solução? Obrigado.
DB: 3.47: Adobe Acrobat 8.10 em execução no Windows Server 2008 fd.
Eu instalei as atualizações do Windows Server 2008 64 bit + e agora tentei instalar o Acrobat Professional 8.10.
Tudo instalado sem erros. No entanto, eu não parece encontrar um driver de impressão para o Distiller? Normalmente, em outras versões, eu tinha uma impressora Distiller instalada automaticamente, mas estranhamente eu não consegui encontrá-lo. Eu tentei instalá-lo manualmente, mas perdi um pouco e me perguntei se alguém pode me indicar a direção certa?
DB: 3.47: Adobe Acrobat 8.10 em execução no Windows Server 2008 fd.
Vale a pena mencionar que, com poucas exceções, é geralmente.
considerou que o Acrobat não é para uso em um servidor (consulte o EULA).
Os produtos que você gostaria de ver incluem.
* LiveCycle PDF Generator.
DB: 3.41: Cs6 Whlt Falsches Appdata-Verzeichnis, Zb Beim Abspeichern Von Joboptions-Dateien js.
ganz seltsames Problema unter einem neu aufgesetzten Win7 / 64 und CS6 (auf einer SSD). Wenn ich PDF-Einstellungen speichern mchte - egal, ob zB aus InDesign ou Distiller -, Werden Diese in einer joboptions-Datei in folgendem Verzeichnis:
Nun befindet sich & nbsp; natrlich & quot; meine Installation (wie gesagt: komplett neu aufgesetzt) ​​auf Laufwerk C. Laufwerk "i & quot; stellt hingegen eine leere Festplatte dar, die ich noch zustzlich eingebaut hatte, ohne bislang selbst dort Daten abgelegt zu haben - nur Adobe Hat Mirror Dort Die Obige Verzeichnisstruktur angelegt. Dabei existiert de Verzeichnisstruktur auch auf LW C.
Wie kann ich Adobe beibringen, das er seine / meine Daten im richtigen & quot; normalen & quot; Usuários-Verzeichnis ablegt?
DB: 3.41: Cs6 Whlt Falsches Appdata-Verzeichnis, Zb Beim Abspeichern Von Joboptions-Dateien js.
Wie installierst Du Joboptions? (Sinnvoll ist: Distiller ffnen und in das Distillerfenster ziehen. Dadurch werden sie an den korrekten Platz kopiert.)
DB: 3.40: tela branca do Distiller mx.
Usando Frame 9.0p237 TCS 2 após I & # 39; Salvar como PDF & # 39; e sobre o tempo Frame, desligue o Distiller, a tela Frame fica em branco.
Meus pinos de CPU para 100% como Destilador manivelas, mas o diálogo de status do Distiller reconfortante - com sua barra de status de longa duração, fornecendo uma idéia de conclusão de bola - desapareceu.
O Gerenciador de Tarefas oferece pouco conforto, pois rotula o Frame como "Não Respondendo".
Algum tempo depois aparece um PDF perfeito e Frame des-zombifica.
Alguém mais vê isso? Alguma maneira de evitar a experiência na tela branca?
Alguém pode atribuí-lo de forma confiável a algum requisito mínimo de hardware específico ou simplesmente é um bug de software?
DB: 3.40: tela branca do Distiller mx.
FWIW, este (apagamento de tela) foi relatado no programa de pré-lançamento. Eu tenho acontecido na minha máquina constantemente, mas, de outra forma, não tem efeitos colaterais na criação de PDF. Apenas mais uma peculiaridade na lista de problemas que esperamos seja corrigido no FM99.
DB: 3.26: Adobe Acrobat Standard ou Pro? cp.
Estou atualizando um projeto, que não trabalhei originalmente, que foi desenvolvido usando o Acrobat 7.0 e Distiller 7.0. Ele adicionou a capacidade de salvar arquivos de relatório em formato PDF e assiná-los digitalmente. Além dos arquivos gerados pelo SDK, existem outros arquivos que foram gerados e editados pelo Acrobat 7.0 e Distiller 7.0. Arquivos que terminam em. js parece que eu só preciso de um editor de texto e. api é gerado pelo SDK. Então eu tenho os modelos de arquivos BlankPageDoc. pdf, BlankPageDoc. ps, TempDoc. pdf que foram gerados pelo Distiller. Então eu tenho outro arquivo com a extensão. joboptions que eu não sei como foi gerado.
Então, eu preciso do Adobe Acrobat Standard ou Pro para atualizar este projeto para 8.0 e 9.0? Eu sei que preciso do Adobe Acrobat Standard para executá-lo, mas preciso de algo no Pro para o desenvolvimento?
DB: 3.26: Adobe Acrobat Standard ou Pro? cp.
Pro certamente inclui várias ferramentas não encontradas no padrão que você pode achar útil.
DB: 2.81: Como definir o diretório de Joboptions padrão do usuário? sp.
Quando instalamos o Acrobat Pro 8.x em nossos sistemas Win XP Pro, nossos sistemas NÃO ESTÃO em um domínio do Windows. Naquela época, o local padrão para arquivos de joboptions criados pelo usuário / personalizado era:
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Nome de usuário \ Dados da aplicação \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
onde o nome de usuário é o nome do usuário LOCAL do Windows.
Alguns anos atrás, migramos para um domínio do Windows e convertimos nossos usuários LOCAL em usuários de domínio e desativados, mas não excluímos, a conta do usuário LOCAL. Nós também não removemos a estrutura de diretório de documentos e configurações do usuário LOCAL.
Nossos usuários agora fazem logon em um DOMÍNIO em vez da conta LOCAL.
Como resultado desse processo, a estrutura de diretório de documentos e configurações do usuário foi alterada para;
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username. DOMAINNAME.
Onde DOMAINNAME é, é claro, o nosso Nome de domínio do Windows.
Agora estamos começando a usar as opções de trabalho do Acrobat Distiller e percebo que, quando o Acrobat / Distiller vai salvar um arquivo de joboptions criado pelo usuário / personalizado, a localização padrão permaneceu;
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Nome de usuário \ Dados da aplicação \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
que não é o usuário que está logado.
O Acrobat / Distiller deve usar o diretório de Documentos e Configurações do usuário que está realmente conectado;
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username. DOMAINNAME \ Application Data \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
Esta anomalia criou alguma confusão e parece ter criado uma dependência do antigo diretório de documentos e configurações do usuário LOCAL que nos impede de excluí-lo.
Como podemos forçar o Acrobat / Distiller a usar o diretório de Documentos e Configurações do usuário logado (por exemplo: o usuário do Domínio)?
Em outras palavras, como definimos o diretório de joboptions padrão do usuário?
Ponteiros / dicas / e truques são bem-vindos.
DB: 2.81: Como definir o diretório de Joboptions padrão do usuário? sp.
Quando instalamos o Acrobat Pro 8.x em nossos sistemas Win XP Pro, nossos sistemas NÃO ESTÃO em um domínio do Windows. Naquela época, o local padrão para arquivos de joboptions criados pelo usuário / personalizado era:
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Nome de usuário \ Dados da aplicação \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
onde o nome de usuário é o nome do usuário LOCAL do Windows.
Alguns anos atrás, migramos para um domínio do Windows e convertimos nossos usuários LOCAL em usuários de domínio e desativados, mas não excluímos, a conta do usuário LOCAL. Nós também não removemos a estrutura de diretório de documentos e configurações do usuário LOCAL.
Nossos usuários agora fazem logon em um DOMÍNIO em vez da conta LOCAL.
Como resultado desse processo, a estrutura de diretório de documentos e configurações do usuário foi alterada para;
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username. DOMAINNAME.
Onde DOMAINNAME é, é claro, o nosso Nome de domínio do Windows.
Agora estamos começando a usar as opções de trabalho do Acrobat Distiller e percebo que, quando o Acrobat / Distiller vai salvar um arquivo de joboptions criado pelo usuário / personalizado, a localização padrão permaneceu;
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Nome de usuário \ Dados da aplicação \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
que não é o usuário que está logado.
O Acrobat / Distiller deve usar o diretório de Documentos e Configurações do usuário que está realmente conectado;
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Username. DOMAINNAME \ Application Data \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
Esta anomalia criou alguma confusão e parece ter criado uma dependência do antigo diretório de documentos e configurações do usuário LOCAL que nos impede de excluí-lo.
Como podemos forçar o Acrobat / Distiller a usar o diretório de Documentos e Configurações do usuário logado (por exemplo: o usuário do Domínio)?
Em outras palavras, como definimos o diretório de joboptions padrão do usuário?
Ponteiros / dicas / e truques são bem-vindos.
DB: 2.79: Ppd Choice Impact durante a criação de. Ps. Para ser destilado. zz.
Ao gerar um PostScript, via impressão de arquivo em um aplicativo, você tem a opção de escolher um ppd (arquivo de descrição da impressora) para qualquer dispositivo de saída (impressora) carregado no seu sistema. No meu caso, a aplicação InDesign CS3 em um XP. Qual importância / impacto (se houver) a seleção de ppd é reproduzida na funcionalidade de um PDF resultante criado por destilador (v8.1.3 para mim), usando esse arquivo. ps? Devo escolher um ppd específico da impressora, assumindo que o PDF resultante está destinado a ser emitido para ele? Devo deixar o ppd definido para o Distiller 8 ppd?
Os meus pensamentos não devem ser importantes porque, quando você imprime o PDF através de um driver de impressão, os ppd selecionados determinarão e descreverão as propriedades da impressora. No entanto, eu não sou 100% certo e procuro aconselhamento.
Eu fiz uma comparação entre um arquivo. ps gerado com o Adobe PPDF 8.0 ppd e aquele criado usando os ppd da minha impressora. Houve uma diferença de tamanho no pequeno teste. ps que eu criei, 429KB para 1,651KB, sendo o maior criado com a impressora ppd. Quando cada um foi destilado usando o mesmo arquivo. joboptions, os PDFs resultantes foram ligeiramente diferentes no tamanho 67.74KB 67.77KB, respectivamente.
Qualquer conhecimento útil é muito apreciado. Obrigado.
DB: 2.79: Ppd Choice Impact durante a criação de. Ps. Para ser destilado. zz.
Ao gerar um PostScript, via impressão de arquivo em um aplicativo, você tem a opção de escolher um ppd (arquivo de descrição da impressora) para qualquer dispositivo de saída (impressora) carregado no seu sistema. No meu caso, a aplicação InDesign CS3 em um XP. Qual importância / impacto (se houver) a seleção de ppd é reproduzida na funcionalidade de um PDF resultante criado por destilador (v8.1.3 para mim), usando esse arquivo. ps? Devo escolher um ppd específico da impressora, assumindo que o PDF resultante está destinado a ser emitido para ele? Devo deixar o ppd definido para o Distiller 8 ppd?
Os meus pensamentos não devem ser importantes porque, quando você imprime o PDF através de um driver de impressão, os ppd selecionados determinarão e descreverão as propriedades da impressora. No entanto, eu não sou 100% certo e procuro aconselhamento.
Eu fiz uma comparação entre um arquivo. ps gerado com o Adobe PPDF 8.0 ppd e aquele criado usando os ppd da minha impressora. Houve uma diferença de tamanho no pequeno teste. ps que eu criei, 429KB para 1,651KB, sendo o maior criado com a impressora ppd. Quando cada um foi destilado usando o mesmo arquivo. joboptions, os PDFs resultantes foram ligeiramente diferentes no tamanho 67.74KB 67.77KB, respectivamente.
Qualquer conhecimento útil é muito apreciado. Obrigado.
DB: 2.77: Não é possível salvar o erro do arquivo de configurações do Adobe pdf p1.
Eu uso o Acrobat X Pro com o Windows 8. Eu baixei um arquivo. joboptions para adicionar ao Distiller. Selecione Configurações Adicione as configurações do Adobe PDF, navegue até a localização do arquivo, selecione o arquivo e clique em Abrir.
Distiller diz, "não pode salvar o arquivo de configurações do Adobe PDF". & Quot;
No menu Iniciar, clique com o botão direito do mouse no Adobe Acrobat X Pro e na compatibilidade de propriedades selecionada Execute este programa como Administrador. Não ajudou. Sugestões bem-vindas.
DB: 2.77: Não é possível salvar o erro do arquivo de configurações do Adobe pdf p1.
Quando tudo mais falhar, leia a mensagem de erro.
Consegui trabalhar criando o diretório onde Distiller queria armazenar o arquivo:
c: \ Users \ Administrator \ Dados da aplicação \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Settings.
DB: 2.64: Disiler Epilogue / Prologue Files xk.
Este pode não ser o lugar para perguntar isso, mas eu não tive sorte no fórum do Acrobat.
Ao usar Distiller, normalmente um PDF será gerado nas dimensões definidas no arquivo joboptions sob o tamanho da página padrão.
A minha compreensão é que, se você passar para a seção avançada no arquivo joboptions e ativar o Processo DCS Comentários, então, verifique Redimensionar Página e Center Artwork para arquivos EPS, o PDF que é gerado deve ser do tamanho dos documentos originais e não o tamanho da página padrão definido no arquivo joboptions.
Infelizmente, isso não é o que eu estou vendo. Todo PDF gerado é definido como o tamanho da página padrão.
Existe uma maneira de controlar isso através dos arquivos epílogo ou prologue?
DB: 2.64: Disiler Epilogue / Prologue Files xk.
Por "estas" Quero dizer, os arquivos exportados diretamente do InDesign.
Eu sei que esses arquivos EPS serão desabilitados quando executados através de versões mais recentes do Distiller, especificamente Distiller X. Eu acabei de testar com o Distiller 7 e parece funcionar também.
DB: 2.64: Pergunta sobre o Acrobat Distiller 6.0. dm.
O Acrobat Distiller 6.0 é necessário para executar a versão gratuita do Adobe Reader XI ou posso removê-lo?
DB: 2.64: Pergunta sobre o Acrobat Distiller 6.0. dm.
Não, não é necessário. No entanto, é muito útil e foi (em seu dia) bastante caro, então tenha cuidado com a remoção.
DB: 2.63: IDs no Winserver 2008 Localização de Joboptions Files aa.
Estou tentando encontrar onde colocar meu arquivo joboption no Windows Server 2008. Indesign Desktop não está instalado neste servidor, nem pode ser. Eu tentei.
O arquivo de opção de trabalho que estou tentando usar é: PDFX1a 2001.joboptions.
mas o meu javascript que funciona localmente não está no servidor. Minha chamada de função é:
mydoc. exportFile (ExportFormat. pdfType, File (file), app. pdfExportPresets. item (& quot; [PDF / X-1a: 2001] & quot;));
mas isso resulta em um erro como o item não foi encontrado.
Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.
DB: 2.63: IDs no Winserver 2008 Localização de Joboptions Files aa.
Eu tenho um problema similar.
Coloquei as opções de trabalho em C: \ Users \ [serviceuser] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Adobe PDF \ Settings e isso funcionou no cliente no Windows Server 2008.
Mas, quando tento gerar a partir do servidor usando o Tomcat, isso não funciona.
Alguém sabe como configurar o Tomcat para que possamos usar as. joboptions sob a nova pasta?
DB: 2.63: Can & gt; t & quot; Save As & quot; Pdfx4 2008 jj.
Quando eu salvar como e escolher PDFX4, parece fazer um PDF por cerca de 8 minutos, então o arquivo de espaço reservado na minha área de trabalho simplesmente desaparece e nada acontece. Nada foi criado e nenhuma mensagem de erro.
Alguma ideia sobre o que poderia estar errado? Salvar como alta qualidade ou tamanho de arquivo menor cria PDFs bem.
PS. FYI, I & # 39; m no Windows 7, FM 9, 4 GB Ram.
DB: 2.63: Can & gt; t & quot; Save As & quot; Pdfx4 2008 jj.
Confirmando a resposta de Michael em nome da Adobe.
O PDF / X-4 é um padrão ISO que suporta transparência ao vivo e gerenciamento de cores, nenhum dos quais são atributos ou características do FrameMaker.
DB: 2.60: Cant Generic Pdf com tamanho grande 8x.
Se eu quiser gerar PDF com um grande tamanho de papel (exemplo 1.000 x 2.200 mm), nada será feito (testado com diferentes arquivos e diferentes opções de trabalho com diferentes tamanhos diferentes). Sem caixa de diálogo, sem janela. nada. Algumas vezes posso ver por pouco tempo o ícone da impressora. Mas . Se eu disser "Ok, pegue apenas 210 x 297mm" então tudo está bem.
Eu tenho Windows 8.1 Pro e Adobe CS 5.5 com o Acrobat Distiller 9.5.5316.
Eu quero gerar o PDF do CorelDraw sobre "Print & quot; e como a impressora é "Adobe PDF", então eu mudo o tamanho do papel e então eu quero gerar. nada.
Se eu usar um PS-Driver normal e exportar isso como um arquivo ps e se eu usar este arquivo para o meu Distiller, isso será feito.
Muito obrigado.
DB: 2.60: Cant Generic Pdf com tamanho grande 8x.
Se eu quiser gerar PDF com um grande tamanho de papel (exemplo 1.000 x 2.200 mm), nada será feito (testado com diferentes arquivos e diferentes opções de trabalho com diferentes tamanhos diferentes). Sem caixa de diálogo, sem janela. nada. Algumas vezes posso ver por pouco tempo o ícone da impressora. Mas . Se eu disser "Ok, pegue apenas 210 x 297mm" então tudo está bem.
Eu tenho Windows 8.1 Pro e Adobe CS 5.5 com o Acrobat Distiller 9.5.5316.
Eu quero gerar o PDF do CorelDraw sobre "Print & quot; e como a impressora é "Adobe PDF", então eu mudo o tamanho do papel e então eu quero gerar. nada.
Se eu usar um PS-Driver normal e exportar isso como um arquivo ps e se eu usar este arquivo para o meu Distiller, isso será feito.
Muito obrigado.
DB: 2.59: pastas mostradas pelo destilador que não funcionam Acrobat 9.5.2, Mountain Lion. xa.
Acabei de instalar o Acrobat 9.5.2 em um novo Mac com o Mountain Lion 10.8.2. As pastas assistidas não funcionam. Quando um arquivo. ps é colocado na pasta IN, ele é processado pelo Distiller, mas nenhum arquivo PDF é produzido. A janela de registro do Distiller afirma que o PDF foi produzido e colocado na pasta Out, mas não está lá. O arquivo. ps é movido ou excluído, dependendo da configuração. Os arquivos PS podem ser descartados no Distiller da maneira normal e os arquivos PDF são produzidos corretamente, então não há problema com as permissões. O problema persiste em uma nova conta de usuário, portanto, não é um problema de usuário. Outro Mac com a mesma configuração funciona bem, então não é um erro de compatibilidade. Eu vi apenas uma outra página do fórum com um problema semelhante, relacionado ao Distiller 6, mas não está claro qual foi a solução.
DB: 2.59: pastas mostradas pelo destilador que não funcionam Acrobat 9.5.2, Mountain Lion. xa.
Ninguém? Eu entendi trabalhando brevemente depois de excluir todo o conteúdo da pasta / Library / Application Support / Adobe. (Nível do sistema, não usuário.) Mas, assim que eu reinstalasse o outro material da Adobe, tudo parou de novo. Como eu disse, configurações idênticas em outras máquinas não têm problema. O que é estranho é que isso parece processar o PDF. Recebo a barra de progresso na janela Distiller e o log que o PDF foi colocado na pasta correta. Mas NENHUM ARQUIVO.
DB: 2.59: Distiller 8.1.2 - Charpath Error xa.
Mac OS 10.4.11 - Distiller 8.1.2 - Mala 12.1.7.
Estou escrevendo postscript fora do Quark 7.2 e tentando destilá-lo em um PDF. Este processo exato funciona em todos os outros Macs no meu departamento, exceto um. Recebo um erro de charpath no Distiller toda vez que eu tentar em um arquivo que usa a fonte Helvetica. Eu tentei:
Recarregando a fonte - Nenhuma correção.
Configurando um local de fonte dedicado no Distiller para Helvetica e, em seguida, forçando-o a incorporá-lo através da minha opção de trabalho - Nenhuma correção.
Trashing arquivos de cache de fontes da Suitcase - Nenhuma correção.
Preferências da aplicação Trashing Distiller - Nenhuma correção.
O engraçado é que eu posso levar exatamente o mesmo arquivo de postscript para qualquer outro Mac e ele será descompactado. O problema é isolado para esta máquina. Obrigado por qualquer ajuda - Mara.
Para quem entender o código, o erro segue:
Destilação: PCN-80247.1
Hora de início: quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008 às 15:38.
Fonte: /Users/admin/Desktop/PCN-80247.1
Destino: /Users/admin/Desktop/PCN-80247.1 A_BPZ_OF_f3.pdf.
Configurações do Adobe PDF: / Usuários / admin / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Adobe.
%% [Erro: ioerror; OffendingCommand: charpath] %%
%% [Flushing: o resto do trabalho (para o fim do arquivo) será ignorado] %%
%% [Aviso: erro PostScript. Não foi produzido nenhum arquivo PDF. ] %%
Distill Time: 0 segundos (00:00:00)
DB: 2.59: Distiller 8.1.2 - Charpath Error xa.
Você pode querer ter certeza de que não há caracteres especiais no nome do caminho.
DB: 2.54: Erro Postscript no Distiller 8 f7.
Eu tenho um arquivo EPS. Quando solto no Distiller 7, ele destila e cria uma multa em PDF.
Quando eu solto o mesmo arquivo no Distiller 8 usando as mesmas configurações, recebo o seguinte erro.
Alguém poderia me ajudar com isso ?
No Mac Pro 10.4.11.
Hora de início: quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2008, às 10:01.
Configurações do Adobe PDF: / Biblioteca / Suporte a aplicativos / Adobe / Adobe PDF / Configurações / Standard. joboptions.
%% [Erro: ioerror; OffendingCommand: stringwidth] %%
%% [Flushing: o resto do trabalho (para o fim do arquivo) será ignorado] %%
%% [Aviso: erro PostScript. Não foi produzido nenhum arquivo PDF. ] %%
Distill Time: 3 segundos (00:00:03)
DB: 2.54: Erro Postscript no Distiller 8 f7.
O texto dentro do seu documento original (Criado por T) - qual fonte é.
esta? Você pode querer verificar esta fonte ou usar outra como teste?
DB: 2.54: Como se sobreescrevar os arquivos padrão do Prologue / Epilogue. Ps Distiller 8? da.
Eu acabei de atualizar do Acrobat 7 (no Win XP) para o Acrobat 8, e não foi fácil.
Eu achei que para usar minhas configurações de joboptions personalizadas (impressão para o Acrobat PDF do FrameMaker 7.2), eu precisava colocar os arquivos. joboptions no & quot; All Users & quot; configurações em vez da minha pasta de configurações individuais do usuário (kb2.adobe / cps / 333 / 333453.html). Então, é direto.
Mas agora eu não consigo fazer a mudança análoga para os arquivos prologue / epiloge. ps. Como eles não parecem ser processados ​​quando os arquivos personalizados estão na minha pasta de configurações do usuário individual, eu estou tentando substituir os arquivos. ps no & quot; C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Adobe \ Adobe PDF \ Distiller \ Data & quot; pasta, mas eu estou recebendo um erro Access denegado.
Meu usuário é o "administrador do computador", então isso deveria me dar acesso a tudo, certo?
Mas, eu tentei desligar e "Apenas leitura" configurações para os arquivos individuais, sucessivamente pastas de nível superior, etc., e nada funciona. Eu também me certificei de desativar o Acrotray. exe com a chance de que isso estivesse bloqueando o arquivo e, em seguida, reiniciando, mas sem sorte também.
Então, como posso obter o combo do FrameMaker 7.2 e do Acrobat 8 ​​para usar meus arquivos própolis / epilogue. ps personalizados? Existe alguma configuração de registro?
DB: 2.54: Como se sobreescrevar os arquivos padrão do Prologue / Epilogue. Ps Distiller 8? da.
Utilizei um utilitário de desbloqueio (ccollomb. free. fr/unlocker/). E, embora tenha me dito que não havia alças de bloqueio, isso me deu a opção de excluir os arquivos. Eu fiz, copiado sobre meus arquivos. ps personalizados, e tudo bem agora :-).
DB: 2.54: Exportando Pdf da Indesign, Precisa Anexar as Opções de Trabalho dentro do Pdf, então Ele pode ser Verificado dj.
Exportando um PDF do InDesign, preciso anexar as Opções de Trabalho no PDF, para que possa ser verificado que ele foi produzido corretamente. Exportar a partir de Distiller funciona. O mesmo arquivo JobOptions usado e anexar JobOptions é clicado em ON. É necessário verificar como parte de nosso processo de QA.
DB: 2.54: Exportando Pdf da Indesign, Precisa Anexar as Opções de Trabalho dentro do Pdf, então Ele pode ser Verificado dj.
Obrigado pela resposta. Eu vou discutir isso com nossa equipe e procurar uma maneira de automatizá-lo, se seguimos sua solução. Or, let me phrase the question again as, How can I verify that a certain PDF Setting (Job Option) has been used to create that PDF when it is exported via InDesign?
DB:2.53:How Do I Autosign Documents Sent To Distiller dc.
I want to sign documents sent to distiller. Isso é possível?
DB:2.53:How Do I Autosign Documents Sent To Distiller dc.
Sorry about putting this request in wrong forum.
Meanwhile i phoned Acrobat and they confirmed it is not possible. Which i find very strange. Now i need to buy yet another software which can do this for me. Acrobat should now that it is very annoying and time consuming to 'sign/certify' documents one buy one. They should foresee an option in 'Distiller' which can attach signatures/certificates to documents while processing.
DB:2.50:Distiller 9 Error Message dd.
On startup of Distiller 9, I get the following error message:
Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4.
2007.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range.
I'm not really concerned since I don't use those joboptions.
That joboptions file is not installed by Acrobat 9 under Windows. Está.
not really openable by Distiller 9 either. When I try to open the file.
in BBEdit it is the only joboptions file that is not listed by BBEdit as.
openable. When I ask BBEdit to open the file it does so, the file looks.
The line(s) in question read:
which seem to correspond to what is available in the PDX3.
2002.joboptions file. Like I say I'm not worried. Perhaps the file just.
should not have been installed on the Mac, like it was not installed.
DB:2.50:Distiller 9 Error Message dd.
New to the forum and need help.
I recently install CS3 w/ Acrobat 9 Pro and encountered the same error message when I launched Distiller: " Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2007.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range "
I deleted the job option file - PDF/X-4.joboption file - as suggested and now when I drag and drop files into Distiller no PDFs generate and I now get the following message: " %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: obj ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %% "
I consider my self a novice so clear step by step instructions for a fix and/or other helpful tips is greatly appreciated. Obrigado!
DB:2.49:Error In Pdfx4 2007.Joboptions: dp.
I have just installed FrameMaker on a new computer. The install appears to be successful, but I always get the following message in Distiller when I try to Save as PDF:
Error in PDFX4 2007.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Printing to PDF does not work either.
I have Adobe Acrobat 8 installed and am able to create PDFs from other applications. I also have InDesign CS3 and for awhile thought that might be the problem. Has anyone run into this and have any ideas?
DB:2.49:Error In Pdfx4 2007.Joboptions: dp.
In Distiller when you click on the "Default Settings" dropdown there are many settings to choose from, among them two variations called PDF/A -- these are the "archive option" settings; the "/X" may also be archive.
Basically archive is meant for files that have to meet specific criteria for long term electronic storage. You'll find lots of info when you google "pdf a" and "checkcompliance"
DB:2.49:Jboss Setup + Launching Child Processes xp.
(Apologies for the cross post, I wasn't sure exactly where to post this.)We're trying to distill an eps into a pdf from within JBoss/Win32 using Acrodist (Adobe Distiller). We launch the job via COM/OLE in order to know when the job has completed, and the current thread just waits for the job to return. For the OLE connection we are using Jawin. We've succesfully run the code below in a command line tool, but when we run the same code from a Stateless Session bean(on JBoss 3.2.2), the resulting PDF does not get written out and no errors are reported. In both cases, we see Acrodist running in Task Manager, and see the CPU and memory spike; JBoss is running as admin, and the registry setting for Component control is set to 'full control' (On the command line, it already worked with just 'read control').Any ideas as to what we're missing to get this to work in JBoss? Thanks for your time. ChrisHere is the code: try catch( COMException e ) finally catch( COMException x ) >JBoss Error log (showing no errors though):2003-11-17 12:40:19,669 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initializing ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,685 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initialized ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,794 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] got distiller COM object2003-11-17 12:40:26,060 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] FileToPDF complete2003-11-17 12:40:26,075 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] uninitialized ole.
DB:2.49:Jboss Setup + Launching Child Processes xp.
(Apologies for the cross post, I wasn't sure exactly where to post this.)We're trying to distill an eps into a pdf from within JBoss/Win32 using Acrodist (Adobe Distiller). We launch the job via COM/OLE in order to know when the job has completed, and the current thread just waits for the job to return. For the OLE connection we are using Jawin. We've succesfully run the code below in a command line tool, but when we run the same code from a Stateless Session bean(on JBoss 3.2.2), the resulting PDF does not get written out and no errors are reported. In both cases, we see Acrodist running in Task Manager, and see the CPU and memory spike; JBoss is running as admin, and the registry setting for Component control is set to 'full control' (On the command line, it already worked with just 'read control').Any ideas as to what we're missing to get this to work in JBoss? Thanks for your time. ChrisHere is the code: try catch( COMException e ) finally catch( COMException x ) >JBoss Error log (showing no errors though):2003-11-17 12:40:19,669 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initializing ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,685 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initialized ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,794 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] got distiller COM object2003-11-17 12:40:26,060 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] FileToPDF complete2003-11-17 12:40:26,075 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] uninitialized ole.
DB:2.47:Re: jf.
A2Ki SP1, NT4.0 SP6 - 128.
1. Using Postscript level 1 or 1+, why doest Acad provide the page size in.
the file? I have to add an initialization string to the plot set up to send.
the page size before the plot. ie. setpagedevice.
2. Why doesn't Distiller recognize Acad's postscript 2 format? Is there a.
bug in Acad's output or do I have something set up incorrectly?
DB:2.47:Re: jf.
Typically Ghostscript produces slightly larger files than Distiller.
I've heard it said that Ghostscript creates a PDF that is just a raster.
image, whereas Distiller produces a PDF that includes vector data where.
possible. A quick look at GhostScript PDF seems to confirm that, but I.
am not sure if it's true.
The intended destination of most PostScript plots-to-file is.
questionable. The majority of my plots are for converting to PDF or.
inserting in other files. When I've copied an AutoCAD EPS directly to.
a printer, it's worked perfectly without any problems.
Member of the Autodesk Discussion Forum Moderator Program.
In article 7B118C2616C0D7D3D904E48906EFE9D2in. WebX. SaUCah8k​aAW,
Brian Debelius wrote:
I just got Ghostscript. From what Ive read, its more robust, faster,
produces smaller files than distiller.
are plotted rather than embedded in other PS files.
DB:2.45:Freeze When Editing Joboptions Files In Acrobat 8.1 mp.
Our prepress department has 3 macs, 2x G5 Mac dual 1.8 ppc, and 1x Mac Intel 2x2.66 dual core processors. All are running Mac OS 10.4.11. Since we have upgraded to CS3, none of us can edit pdf colour settings in distiller. We can click on all the tabs and edit settings, except *color*, which does not change to the color settings box. Can't say *cancel* or *ok*, and if we try to save the settings we get *Error occurred writing to Adobe PDF settings file*, or *An error occurred trying to save the job options*. Most times we will have to quit or force quit Acrobat, as we can't get rid of the edit settings dialog box. Is anyone else having this experience. I would really like to get this problem solved right away.
DB:2.45:Freeze When Editing Joboptions Files In Acrobat 8.1 mp.
I may have fixed mine. In the userlibraryApplication SupportAdobeColorsetting there was a duplicate or corrupt. csf file that I had created somehow. Monitor calibration? Not sure but when I trashed it Distiller was working again. a fluke?
DB:2.43:How Can I Save A Pdf With Custom Made Joboption? pd.
Hi, I'm new here and my english is not perfect so please, don't make me regret I joined this forum.
The thing is that I have to print pdfs to pdfs with certain. joboptions and I really have no idea how to that.
I tried to make it by distiller, it printed the error about the 'CheckCompliance out of range' error so I deleted the file and I set all of the options by myself just to realize that distiller won't work with. pdf files. I couldn't find all of the options I need in the Acrobat save menu.
Assim. is there any solution to print/save pdf to pdf with joboptions I need?
I hope the post is understandable.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:2.43:How Can I Save A Pdf With Custom Made Joboption? pd.
Hi, I'm new here and my english is not perfect so please, don't make me regret I joined this forum.
The thing is that I have to print pdfs to pdfs with certain. joboptions and I really have no idea how to that.
I tried to make it by distiller, it printed the error about the 'CheckCompliance out of range' error so I deleted the file and I set all of the options by myself just to realize that distiller won't work with. pdf files. I couldn't find all of the options I need in the Acrobat save menu.
Assim. is there any solution to print/save pdf to pdf with joboptions I need?
I hope the post is understandable.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:2.43:Prinergy Refiner - Outputting Lowres Pdf Documents In Windows 7 81.
Currently, I am using InDesign CS4 on Windows 7 64bit. I'm a graphic designer that can usually fumble through output settings whether it is for print or the web. I publish 4cp catalogs/magazines and typically use the same output settings each time that I output for highres printing. When print files have been finalized, I tend to also output the same document as a lowres version for publishing on the web. With that said, I have my joboptions that have stayed untouched for several versions of InDesign CS. I have recently upgraded to a newer PC with Windows 7 64bit. In the past (prior to Windows 7) I have had issues when directly outputting files to PDF through InDesign so I would typically output Postscript files via the Prinergy Refiner PPD and then distill with Distiller. This process worked fine with Windows XP.
Now that I am on Windows 7, I have been able to get my documents to work flawless when outputting highres directly to PDF rather than Postscript to Distiller. The issue that I am having is when I output my document for the web to be lower res than the printed copy. I have experimented with several joboption settings for outputting to the web but still end up with a PDF document that is approximately twice the size (bulkier) that I can get it when outputting from Win XP using the Postscript to Distiller Method.
Main Question: How can I get consistent output from InDesign CS4 on Windows 7 without using the Prinergy Refiner to created Postscript files that need to then be converted via Distiller to achieve the small file size that I used to get for PDF files for viewing on the web.
Like I said, I have tried adjusting the many settings in the output dialog box when outputting PDF files directly from InDesign. Even when I choose "[Smallest File Size] preset, it still creates a larger file than I can create when I use the Prinergy Refiner, Postscript to Distiller, option. I have conducted several search queries on the web regarding Prinergy Refiner and Windows 7 and I don't really get very far with it and can conclude that the Prinergy Refiner is and older virtual postscript printer that is being phased out. Either way, outputting with it allows me to get the maximum compression. Hopefully I am just overlooking something. The above quesiton(s) only applies to outputting lowres; not the print ready files that I send to the service burea.
DB:2.43:Prinergy Refiner - Outputting Lowres Pdf Documents In Windows 7 81.
I don't know any way to permanently remove the data beyond the trim, other than placing the PDF back into InDesign and exporting without marks (which can be automated to some degree). If you are using the Prinergy workflow, you can select all of your PDFs and publish to a new PDF, using the trim media option, this will permanently remove the marks and bleed.
DB:2.43:Distiller 8.0 Locks Up/Loops m1.
We've got one computer that Distiller won't work on. It loads like normal and check the fonts. Says everything is OK and then it starts looping. In the little status window it will sayError in PDFX4 2007.joboptions/check compliance out of range%%[Postscript error]%%the %%[Postscript error]%% will stay for a second, disappaer, then come back. On the Windows Status Bar the program disappears and then reappers constantly. You can barely kill the process with Task Manager. When I delete the PDFX4 2007.joboptions I get the same postscript error but it doesn't list the joboptions file. The machine is XP sp3 with CS3 standard on it. What do I need to do to fix this error? Thanks, Mike.
DB:2.43:Distiller 8.0 Locks Up/Loops m1.
We've got one computer that Distiller won't work on. It loads like normal and check the fonts. Says everything is OK and then it starts looping. In the little status window it will sayError in PDFX4 2007.joboptions/check compliance out of range%%[Postscript error]%%the %%[Postscript error]%% will stay for a second, disappaer, then come back. On the Windows Status Bar the program disappears and then reappers constantly. You can barely kill the process with Task Manager. When I delete the PDFX4 2007.joboptions I get the same postscript error but it doesn't list the joboptions file. The machine is XP sp3 with CS3 standard on it. What do I need to do to fix this error? Thanks, Mike.
DB:2.42:Acrobat Distiller sz.
Acrobat distiller x is not getting open. how to open it, it will show the acrobat distiller screen and log off.
DB:2.42:Acrobat Distiller sz.
Before I suggest that I just want to make sure that you are using the updated Acrobat version? If not I would suggest to update first.
Are you also facing any issues with Acrobat?
DB:2.41:Don't Embed Fonts In Pdf xx.
Is is possible to export a PDF from InDesign CS4 without embedding any fonts?
I can create a. joboptions file in Distiller with font embedding disabled and have this appear as a Preset in InDesign but the fonts are being embedded regardless.
DB:2.41:Don't Embed Fonts In Pdf xx.
Why not just install the approved fonts on the computers of the people making the ads?
DB:2.37:Distiller 9 In Snow Leopard Fails To Generate Pdfs zz.
I don't know if it's my set up or a bug. Running a brand new Core i5 iMac with OS X 10.6.3. Most of my files/prefs were migrated from an older iMac. On the old iMac I was running distiller 8 and CS3, along with Quark 7.5.On the new iMac, I just installed CS5 and Acrobat Pro 9, along with Quark 8. All current updates have been installed. The problem occurs after generating a Postscript file in Quark 8.1.6. It builds the file just fine, and then drops it into my distiller "watched" pasta. Distiller starts to work on it just fine. Then, I usually get a postscript error, with a never ending application hang, OR, I get a progress bar that starts counting random negative numbers, and never generates a pdf. Here's the strange part. The exact same Quark files will distill correctly, with no problem on my older iMac. What gives? If I were to redo the installation, I'd like to nuke ALL Acrobat prefs. What's the best way to do this? Anyone know what's causing this problem?
DB:2.37:Distiller 9 In Snow Leopard Fails To Generate Pdfs zz.
Here is the text of a typical Distiller Error I'm encountering - simple file with one image and mostly text:Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Standard. joboptions%%[ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: bin obj seq, type=129, elements=254, size=65153, non-zero unused field ]%%Stack:-save-%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%It generated this at the 99% mark, and now the counter has zoomed passed 100% and is still counting!
DB:2.37:/Checkcompliance Out Of Range xs.
I created a Postscript file from Illustrator.
When I run it through the Acrobat Distiller I get.
Acrobat Distiller 9.4.5.
Started: Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 2:48 PM.
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
CID support library initialization completed.
Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Distilling: Presentation
Start Time: Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 2:49 PM.
Source: /Users/john/Documents/Lexis/Idea Presentation/Presentation
Destination: /Users/john/Documents/Lexis/Idea Presentation/Presentation V01.pdf.
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Standard. joboptions.
Distill Time: 2 seconds (00:00:02)
How do I correct?
DB:2.37:/Checkcompliance Out Of Range xs.
The reason PDF/X-4 settings are installed in that location is a feature. Beginning several CS versions back (CS2? can't remember) in order make sure that all applications of the Adobe Creative Suite which creating PDF files (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat Distiller) were consistent, they began sharing common settings files.
In InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, they're called PDF presets. In Acrobat, they're traditionally called setting files. They are stored in a common location, which is the path referred to. They also share another folder where customized PDF presets can be stored.
The PDF/X-4 standard supports features like transparency which Distiller can't work with. So within the Distiller application, its name is "cloaked" so it can be inadvertantly selected. As to why they still show that message on startup, I have no idea. That should be cloaked as well.
However, PDF/X-4 would be the appropriate setting for newer RIPs which support live transparency like modern Adobe PDF Print Engine RIPs. These RIPs are not using PostScript files but can consume native PDF files. But this setting isn't appropriate for Distiller which is built around PostScript.
DB:2.36:Tips For Job Options For Lucene Search dk.
Our network admin is asking me if I'm aware of any Distiller. joboptions settings that can be used to optimize search results with Lucene. It's kind of a vague question and I'm not sure how to answer.
We're using Acrobat/Distiller 7. Is anyone aware of. joboptions settings that are suitable or conversely that impair searching?
DB:2.36:Tips For Job Options For Lucene Search dk.
Our network admin is asking me if I'm aware of any Distiller. joboptions settings that can be used to optimize search results with Lucene. It's kind of a vague question and I'm not sure how to answer.
We're using Acrobat/Distiller 7. Is anyone aware of. joboptions settings that are suitable or conversely that impair searching?
DB:2.36:Photoshop Cs2 And Pdf Presets Question. 99.
I have installed the recent free release of Adobe Photoshop CS2 on my Win 8.1 PC.
I am creating the artwork for a CD Cover, by using a CYMK template from CD-Baby.
They require that the finished artwork be submitted to them in PDF format, using the [PDF/X-4:2008] preset.
I found that Photoshop CS2 didn't come with this preset, but after searching the web, I came across this forum whereby a user posted a link to a "JobOptions" archive file at.
. I downloaded this RAR file and found that there was a file inside called "x4;2008.joboptions"
I installed this preset by the 'EDIT/Adobe PDF Presets/' route, and it seemed to successfully install the preset.
(No errors at least).
Now when I go to save my finished project as PDF, I am given the choice of.
(this is the exact description of each preset).
My only question is, do you think the desired [PDF/X-4:2008] was correctly installed?,
I'm not sure since the naming format is not exactly the same as the first 2 presets descriptions.
DB:2.36:Photoshop Cs2 And Pdf Presets Question. 99.
thanks for your reply Mylenium.
is it possible that this user preset might not exactly conform to the desired preset I'm after?
is there any way I can get a genuine copy of the factory preset [PDF/X-4:2008]?
DB:2.35:Faq: Creating Pdf Files From Framemaker V.6 Earlier Documents -- Why You Should Not Use "Save As Pdf"! -- Windows Macos Only! 9j.
An issue that has come up over and over again on several FrameMaker and Acrobat/PDF lists as well on the corresponding Adobe User-to-User forums is that of creation of PDF files. FrameMaker 5.5.6 and 6 have what looks like a convenient feature that is supposed to allow you to create PDF files via simply saving the document as a PDF file. I have gone on record as advising end-users not to use this approach for reliable creation of PDF files from FrameMaker documents under Windows and MacOS with FrameMaker 6 and earlier. Why do I most vociferously offer this advice and why doesn't the problem get fixed? And how SHOULD you create PDF files from FrameMaker?
I will start with the good news. The "next major version" of FrameMaker will indeed have "save as PDF" re-implemented in a manner that it will be as reliable as printing to the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS. I am personally working with the FrameMaker development organization to make sure this really happens and is fully and properly tested and debugged! Furthermore, this next major revision of FrameMaker, unlike FrameMaker 6, will come with a Distiller installer that will properly install the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows and the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer on the Macintosh (of course assuring that the latest PostScript driver is also automatically and correctly installed).
But what's wrong with "save as PDF" as currently implemented?
The following are some of the SYMPTOMS reported over the last few years by FrameMaker users that were traced back to use of "save as PDF" under FrameMaker:
(1) No PDF file is produced at all, possibly with a log file showing not-readily apparent PostScript errors during distillation.
(2) The PDF file "loses" color in images. All or some images (raster, bitmap images, NOT vector artwork) appear in the PDF file in grayscale.
(3) The resultant PDF file is on the wrong paper size, i. e., the document's logical page size does not match the output page size as seen in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
(4) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file is blotchy looking or overly bold.
(5) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file cannot be searched or indexed.
(6) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file appears in Courier or in some other substitution font.
(7) Interword or intercharacter spacing is a bit irregular in the resultant PDF file.
(8) Content is missing in the margin areas of the page, i. e. you cannot do full-page bleeds.
(9) Some or all page content is missing (other than margin areas).
(10) Relatively inefficient PDF is generated.
If this list by itself isn't enough for you, please note that some of these symptoms are very subtle and may escape attention when the PDF is first viewed or printed. Oftimes, it is when one attempts to manipulate the PDF file in Acrobat or repurpose its content or even view or print on a system other than the one on which the PDF file was created, that some of these symptoms make themselves obnoxiously visible (or invisible in some cases I won't make any bad jokes here about graphic examples!).
It is important to understand that FrameMaker does NOT have its own native ability to create PDF. Any and all PDF created from FrameMaker documents is actually done by creating PostScript via the PostScript driver and having the Acrobat Distiller create PDF from that PostScript. The only exception to this is creation of PDF via the Acrobat PDFWriter driver, which is likewise not recommended (see below).
In order for "save as PDF" to work correctly, FrameMaker must do the equivalent of calling Printer Setup and selecting the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS followed by setting the driver's options correctly for paper size, page range, etc., followed by sending the proper commands to the driver to create PostScript.
Contrary to popular belief, PostScript as generated by the Windows and MacOS PostScript drivers is VERY device-dependent. The information in the PPD file associated with a printer driver instance provides critical parameters for generation of PostScript including:
Whether the printer supports color (Acrobat Distiller does)
What PostScript language level is supported (Acrobat Distiller 4.x and Acrobat Distiller 5.x are both PostScript language level 3)
Whether native TrueType support is available (Acrobat supports native TrueType as Type 42 fonts)
Available binary communications (Acrobat Distiller supports pure binary and ASCII, but NOT TCP, TBCP, or PJL)
Resident fonts (Acrobat Distiller doesn't really have resident fonts)
Available paper sizes and custom paper size availability (Acrobat Distiller supports a wide range of predefined sizes and continually variable "custom" sizes up to 200" by 200")
Margins / printable areas (for PDF and the Acrobat Distiller, there are no margins in which imaging is not permitted)
Device resolution (Acrobat Distiller can be set to any value from 72 to 4000 dpi; as a convenience, the Acrobat Distiller PPD provides a series of values for use by the driver. Since there is no inherent "resolution" of a PDF file, this parameter is used only for purposes of allowing PostScript programs that query for such a value to be satisfied and for the driver to be able to communicate this value to the operating system and/or application as required.)
Paper handling (totally irrelevant to Acrobat Distiller if input or output tray selection via "setpagedevice" is found in the PostScript stream, it is ignored by Acrobat Distiller)
Thus, if the wrong printer driver instance is selected (i. e., it isn't associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD file) or that driver instance is improperly configured, improper PostScript will result and one or more of the symptoms described above can occur. As currently implemented, FrameMaker depending upon version will not necessarily choose the correct printer driver instance and/or correctly parameterize the print job via driver setup options. In fact, FrameMaker 5,5,6 might even try to generate PDF via calling a PCL driver, FAX driver, or even a non-PostScript inkjet printer!
The Acrobat PDFWriter is a relic of older versions of Acrobat. In fact, it is no longer installed by default in the "easy install" or the "typical install" of Acrobat 5. It hasn't really be updated since Acrobat 3 and only supports PDF 1.2. It is a GDI (Windows) / QuickDraw (MacOS) driver that directly generates PDF without any intermediary PostScript. Since it is not a PostScript printer driver, applications cannot pass through EPS graphics and/or PDFMark information (used for a wide variety of purposes by FrameMaker). For EPS graphics, most applications will send the low resolution TIFF (or PICT) EPS header in lieu of the PostScript text, if they send anything at all, to the driver. Forget about links, structure, or any other PDF "goodies." Expect that PDFWriter will fully "bite the dust" in the next major version of Acrobat.
The ONLY method that is really reliable for producing PDF files with FrameMaker 6 and earlier requires the generation of PostScript via a properly set printer driver instance associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD and distillation of the resultant PostScript by Acrobat Distiller.
Case 1: FrameMaker and the Full Acrobat 4.05 or Acrobat 5.0x Products.
PDF file from a "chapter" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance (Windows) or the Create Adobe PDF desktop printer (MacOS) already installed by Acrobat. If you check the "Acrobat data" option, then make sure to UNcheck the "print to file" option that gets set at the same time. As a result, the driver will automatically send the generated PostScript to the Distiller for you and delete the intermediate PostScript when done.
PDF file from a "book" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance with the "print to file" option checked (Windows) or the Virtual Printer desktop printer (MacOS) associated with the Distiller PPD (see details below under Case 2/MacOS). You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
In both the above sub-cases, the default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (Use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters under Windows. Make sure to set Level 3 only and Binary under MacOS. Font inclusion "All" for Acrobat 4.05 and "None" for Acrobat 5 under MacOS.). With Acrobat 4.05, make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. With Acrobat 5, you can set this on a job-by-job basis via the driver printer setup interface (or print dialog on MacOS).
Case 2: FrameMaker 6 and the Bundled Acrobat 4.05 Distiller.
Windows -- Create a new printer driver instance using the latest version of the Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer, downloadable from Adobe's web site AND the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subdirectory of the Distiller directory). This driver instance should be set to print to the local port named "FILE:". Name this driver instance as "Acrobat Distiller". The default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. Print directly to this Acrobat Distiller printer instance. Make sure that the "print to file" option is checked. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
MacOS -- Install the latest version of AdobePS 8.7.x, downloadable from Adobe's web site. In FrameMaker, go to Page Setup and select the "Virtual Printer" and go to the "Virtual Printer" window pane. Select the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subfolder of the Distiller folder). Print directly to the "Virtual Printer" (Make sure to set Level 3 only, Binary, and font inclusion "All".). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
Case 3: Acrobat 3.
Acrobat 3 is not officially supported for the latest OS versions and I personally would no longer recommend its use for generation of PDF files given that Acrobat 5.0.5 is the current version of Acrobat.
DB:2.35:Faq: Creating Pdf Files From Framemaker V.6 Earlier Documents -- Why You Should Not Use "Save As Pdf"! -- Windows Macos Only! 9j.
An issue that has come up over and over again on several FrameMaker and Acrobat/PDF lists as well on the corresponding Adobe User-to-User forums is that of creation of PDF files. FrameMaker 5.5.6 and 6 have what looks like a convenient feature that is supposed to allow you to create PDF files via simply saving the document as a PDF file. I have gone on record as advising end-users not to use this approach for reliable creation of PDF files from FrameMaker documents under Windows and MacOS with FrameMaker 6 and earlier. Why do I most vociferously offer this advice and why doesn't the problem get fixed? And how SHOULD you create PDF files from FrameMaker?
I will start with the good news. The "next major version" of FrameMaker will indeed have "save as PDF" re-implemented in a manner that it will be as reliable as printing to the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS. I am personally working with the FrameMaker development organization to make sure this really happens and is fully and properly tested and debugged! Furthermore, this next major revision of FrameMaker, unlike FrameMaker 6, will come with a Distiller installer that will properly install the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows and the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer on the Macintosh (of course assuring that the latest PostScript driver is also automatically and correctly installed).
But what's wrong with "save as PDF" as currently implemented?
The following are some of the SYMPTOMS reported over the last few years by FrameMaker users that were traced back to use of "save as PDF" under FrameMaker:
(1) No PDF file is produced at all, possibly with a log file showing not-readily apparent PostScript errors during distillation.
(2) The PDF file "loses" color in images. All or some images (raster, bitmap images, NOT vector artwork) appear in the PDF file in grayscale.
(3) The resultant PDF file is on the wrong paper size, i. e., the document's logical page size does not match the output page size as seen in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
(4) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file is blotchy looking or overly bold.
(5) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file cannot be searched or indexed.
(6) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file appears in Courier or in some other substitution font.
(7) Interword or intercharacter spacing is a bit irregular in the resultant PDF file.
(8) Content is missing in the margin areas of the page, i. e. you cannot do full-page bleeds.
(9) Some or all page content is missing (other than margin areas).
(10) Relatively inefficient PDF is generated.
If this list by itself isn't enough for you, please note that some of these symptoms are very subtle and may escape attention when the PDF is first viewed or printed. Oftimes, it is when one attempts to manipulate the PDF file in Acrobat or repurpose its content or even view or print on a system other than the one on which the PDF file was created, that some of these symptoms make themselves obnoxiously visible (or invisible in some cases I won't make any bad jokes here about graphic examples!).
It is important to understand that FrameMaker does NOT have its own native ability to create PDF. Any and all PDF created from FrameMaker documents is actually done by creating PostScript via the PostScript driver and having the Acrobat Distiller create PDF from that PostScript. The only exception to this is creation of PDF via the Acrobat PDFWriter driver, which is likewise not recommended (see below).
In order for "save as PDF" to work correctly, FrameMaker must do the equivalent of calling Printer Setup and selecting the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS followed by setting the driver's options correctly for paper size, page range, etc., followed by sending the proper commands to the driver to create PostScript.
Contrary to popular belief, PostScript as generated by the Windows and MacOS PostScript drivers is VERY device-dependent. The information in the PPD file associated with a printer driver instance provides critical parameters for generation of PostScript including:
Whether the printer supports color (Acrobat Distiller does)
What PostScript language level is supported (Acrobat Distiller 4.x and Acrobat Distiller 5.x are both PostScript language level 3)
Whether native TrueType support is available (Acrobat supports native TrueType as Type 42 fonts)
Available binary communications (Acrobat Distiller supports pure binary and ASCII, but NOT TCP, TBCP, or PJL)
Resident fonts (Acrobat Distiller doesn't really have resident fonts)
Available paper sizes and custom paper size availability (Acrobat Distiller supports a wide range of predefined sizes and continually variable "custom" sizes up to 200" by 200")
Margins / printable areas (for PDF and the Acrobat Distiller, there are no margins in which imaging is not permitted)
Device resolution (Acrobat Distiller can be set to any value from 72 to 4000 dpi; as a convenience, the Acrobat Distiller PPD provides a series of values for use by the driver. Since there is no inherent "resolution" of a PDF file, this parameter is used only for purposes of allowing PostScript programs that query for such a value to be satisfied and for the driver to be able to communicate this value to the operating system and/or application as required.)
Paper handling (totally irrelevant to Acrobat Distiller if input or output tray selection via "setpagedevice" is found in the PostScript stream, it is ignored by Acrobat Distiller)
Thus, if the wrong printer driver instance is selected (i. e., it isn't associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD file) or that driver instance is improperly configured, improper PostScript will result and one or more of the symptoms described above can occur. As currently implemented, FrameMaker depending upon version will not necessarily choose the correct printer driver instance and/or correctly parameterize the print job via driver setup options. In fact, FrameMaker 5,5,6 might even try to generate PDF via calling a PCL driver, FAX driver, or even a non-PostScript inkjet printer!
The Acrobat PDFWriter is a relic of older versions of Acrobat. In fact, it is no longer installed by default in the "easy install" or the "typical install" of Acrobat 5. It hasn't really be updated since Acrobat 3 and only supports PDF 1.2. It is a GDI (Windows) / QuickDraw (MacOS) driver that directly generates PDF without any intermediary PostScript. Since it is not a PostScript printer driver, applications cannot pass through EPS graphics and/or PDFMark information (used for a wide variety of purposes by FrameMaker). For EPS graphics, most applications will send the low resolution TIFF (or PICT) EPS header in lieu of the PostScript text, if they send anything at all, to the driver. Forget about links, structure, or any other PDF "goodies." Expect that PDFWriter will fully "bite the dust" in the next major version of Acrobat.
The ONLY method that is really reliable for producing PDF files with FrameMaker 6 and earlier requires the generation of PostScript via a properly set printer driver instance associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD and distillation of the resultant PostScript by Acrobat Distiller.
Case 1: FrameMaker and the Full Acrobat 4.05 or Acrobat 5.0x Products.
PDF file from a "chapter" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance (Windows) or the Create Adobe PDF desktop printer (MacOS) already installed by Acrobat. If you check the "Acrobat data" option, then make sure to UNcheck the "print to file" option that gets set at the same time. As a result, the driver will automatically send the generated PostScript to the Distiller for you and delete the intermediate PostScript when done.
PDF file from a "book" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance with the "print to file" option checked (Windows) or the Virtual Printer desktop printer (MacOS) associated with the Distiller PPD (see details below under Case 2/MacOS). You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
In both the above sub-cases, the default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (Use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters under Windows. Make sure to set Level 3 only and Binary under MacOS. Font inclusion "All" for Acrobat 4.05 and "None" for Acrobat 5 under MacOS.). With Acrobat 4.05, make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. With Acrobat 5, you can set this on a job-by-job basis via the driver printer setup interface (or print dialog on MacOS).
Case 2: FrameMaker 6 and the Bundled Acrobat 4.05 Distiller.
Windows -- Create a new printer driver instance using the latest version of the Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer, downloadable from Adobe's web site AND the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subdirectory of the Distiller directory). This driver instance should be set to print to the local port named "FILE:". Name this driver instance as "Acrobat Distiller". The default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. Print directly to this Acrobat Distiller printer instance. Make sure that the "print to file" option is checked. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
MacOS -- Install the latest version of AdobePS 8.7.x, downloadable from Adobe's web site. In FrameMaker, go to Page Setup and select the "Virtual Printer" and go to the "Virtual Printer" window pane. Select the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subfolder of the Distiller folder). Print directly to the "Virtual Printer" (Make sure to set Level 3 only, Binary, and font inclusion "All".). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
Case 3: Acrobat 3.
Acrobat 3 is not officially supported for the latest OS versions and I personally would no longer recommend its use for generation of PDF files given that Acrobat 5.0.5 is the current version of Acrobat.
DB:2.33:Distiller 8 - F Switch And The. Joboptions File cz.
Does anyone know if the - F command line option for distiller can be added to the joboptions file instead of the startup of distiller? We are working within fullswitch and the framework handles the opening and closing of distiller so the startup option doesn't work for us because there is no switch option for us when we configure distiller in the flows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.33:Distiller 8 - F Switch And The. Joboptions File cz.
Does anyone know if the - F command line option for distiller can be added to the joboptions file instead of the startup of distiller? We are working within fullswitch and the framework handles the opening and closing of distiller so the startup option doesn't work for us because there is no switch option for us when we configure distiller in the flows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.33:Setting Up For Print, Dust Jacket And End Papers kc.
1. Interior pages: I have tried downloading your "Full Bleed Lulu Joboptions" file, but it only launches my distiller with smallest file size option checked. I don't think that can be right. You must want a press quality pdf? I have set up my file in InDesign with a .125" bleed in doc. setup all the way around (all CMYK, all images 300dpi). Please can you tell me if your pdf requirements differ from the defauly acrobat press quality option? Do you need crop marks? Bleed marks? Special color destination?
2. Cover: I am requesting a hardbound 8.25x10.75 book with a dust jacket. I believe that I know the spine width as calculated by your handy calculator. I believe that the height of the cover should be 11" (and then add .125 for bleed)? I believe that the flaps are 3.25" (and then add .125 for bleed)? Isso é correto?
3. I have designed special endpapers but cannot see how to add them into my project. I am sure that they will cost extra. Please can you advise me the best way to set this up?
DB:2.33:Setting Up For Print, Dust Jacket And End Papers kc.
Sounds like you know your Adobe well. I am having trouble combining the back, spine and front into one piece for the one-piece pdf. I created a beautiful cover in InDesign and have the pieces in Ps now. I have the manual which says to use the spherical option in automated, panorama. final piece isn't working so well.
Author of the Spiritual Musings Series | spotlight/SpiritualMusings.
DB:2.33:Distiller Missing Text And Image Links When Saving To Pdf ax.
Not sure if anyone has experienced this issue before. Basically I create artwork 1up in indesign CS3 and print as a postscript file "print ready settings" then create a pdf through distiller 8.1.2. After this I then imposition the 1up PDF back into indesign (using the pdf as a link and then step and repeat it) then I print the new imposed artwork as postscript file again and distill it as a PDF ready for offset printing.
Most time this process works like a dream, but every now and then distiller doesn't want to process the file correctly and images and sometimes text have dropped off the final imposed PDF file. It doesnt notify me of any problems when distilling. As you can imagine working in the print industry this is VERY SCARY.
As i am using a common 1up pdf link the imposition should be correct, (all the pdf linked images should be the same anyway) Is it a memory issue, or a bug in distiller perhaps.
Im running a Mac with OSX 10.4.11 with 2Gig of RAM.
If you would like to see a sample of the issue let me know.
Any help on this would be awesome.
DB:2.33:Distiller Missing Text And Image Links When Saving To Pdf ax.
yeah your probably right. i will definately look into it anyway.
DB:2.33:Setting Files Exist But Are Not Found By Acrobat Distiller 9 sx.
I had to reinstall Windows 7 64-bit. Afterwards, when I try to use Acrobat Distiller 9 the program cannot find the setting files and does not work. The following data appear in the lower panel:
Adobe PostScript Versin de software: 3018.101.
CID support library initialization completed.
Error al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en High Quality Print. joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en Oversized Pages. joboptions: [= error reading configuration file. ]
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en PDFA1b 2005 CMYK. joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en PDFA1b 2005 RGB. joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en PDFX1a 2001.joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en PDFX3 2002.joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en Press Quality. joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en Smallest File Size. joboptions:
general parser failureError al leer archivo de configuracin de Adobe PDF en Standard. joboptions:
general parser failure.
If I go to the menu Configuracin (Settings) Editar configuracin de Adobe PDF, the following error message appears: "No se ha podido leer el archivo C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\Standard. joboptions" (= "the file C:\ProgramData. \Standard. joboptions could not be read"). But if I look with the Windows Explorer into the folder C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings, I can see the file Standard. joboptions, dated 20.03.2008 and other joboptions files.
I have reinstalled Adobe Acrobat without any success.
Many thanks in advance, if you can help me.
DB:2.33:Setting Files Exist But Are Not Found By Acrobat Distiller 9 sx.
I am having exactly the same problem. I get an error message that the file Standard. joboptions cannot be read, and cant make Acrobat X Standard practically do anything. I am running Windows 7 x64, and I have already uninstalled and re-installed with no progress.
DB:2.32:[Vb 2008] Convertir. Xls En. Pdf fc.
Je souhaiterais convertir chaque onglet d'un classeur Excel en PDF (utilisation de Acrobat Distiller et impression dans le même dossier).
Dim excelapp As new Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel. Application.
CType(workbook1.Sheets(1), Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel. Worksheet).PrintOut(, , 1, False, ActivePrinter:=Acrobat Distiller sur Ne07:, PrintToFile:=True, Collate:=False, PrToFileName:=C:\ficPDF. pdf)
DB:2.32:[Vb 2008] Convertir. Xls En. Pdf fc.
pour la conversion des fichiers office en PDF, il ya aussi de nombreux outils gratuits:
Gratuit convertisseur PDF.
Mais si vous voulez une meilleure sortie des fichiers PDF, je pense que le bureau du programme.
Convertisseur PDF vers office peut vous aider mieux.
Il est un utilitaire rapide qui vous permet de convertir par lots des documents Microsoft en fichier PDF de qualit professionnelle.
Je les ai appliques sur l'OS de Windows.
DB:2.32:Word To Pdf Via Distiller Results In Jagged Images 13.
I'm having an image compression issue (I think) when exporting a document from Word (both 2011 and 2008). The images in the document are png (Word's native format) and they print perfectly directly from Word. However, when I convert to PDF using Acrobat Distiller X (I have Acrobat Pro X), the images have slight jagged edges (enough for a discerning eye to notice and to make the document not look professional in quality). I'm converting in Press Quality. I've also tried turning off all image compression across the board, and it doesn't make a difference. Alguma sugestão?
DB:2.32:Word To Pdf Via Distiller Results In Jagged Images 13.
Check the resolution settings in the Distiller options.
DB:2.31:Distiller Disappeared After Update 1f.
My distiller disappeared as a printer option after I installed the latest update to my Acrobat 9 Pro 9.5.2 that I run on Mac OSX10.7.4. How do I get my distiller back?
DB:2.31:Distiller Disappeared After Update 1f.
Please see helpx. adobe/acrobat/kb/cant-print-pdfs-mac-os. html.
DB:2.31:Distiller Crash When Printing From Air 3.2 j1.
I have a problem with the new air runtime 3.2 when printing to pdf. For some reason when printing an movieclip through the pdf printer. It crashes.
-What i've tried so far.
Updated the air runtime // dev kit in flash builder. Changed the app xml and recompiled.
Removed the PDFX4 2008.joboptions (Suggested in some forums)
Tried to set the transparancy option to none (somewhere in the joboptions file).
What is odd, it works perfectly with the old air runtime engine 3.1. But after updating to air 3.2 it crashes.
This was the error message, it probably has something to do with text/embedded fonts (pure graphics seem to wordk). But i'm not sure. The error from the log file :
Acrobat Distiller 9.5.
Started: maandag 2 april 2012 at 7:54:13.
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
CID support library initialization completed.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Acrobat Distiller 9.5.
Started: maandag 2 april 2012 at 7:57:32.
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
CID support library initialization completed.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
I tried it with acrobat 8 (also worked with air 3.1)
%%[ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
DB:2.31:Distiller Crash When Printing From Air 3.2 j1.
I seem to have solved my own problem (will need some further testing but for now it is working). For some reason the display object that has to be printed needs to visible on the stage. So constructing an (sprite/movieclip with classic textfields) in memory and sending it directly as a printjob resolves into a crash. But if you attach it to the display/stage before sending the printjob, the problem seems to be resolved. Maybe this is the same reason why a printed sprite/movieclip gets corrupted after printing.
DB:2.29:Distiller 7 - Not Enough Memory fa.
I'm currently facing the issue that I get the following error message while trying to export a document as PDF with distiller 7:
[Not enough memory. Please retry with these features tured off: optimize]
The document Im trying to export is about 170000 pages big and it's aborting while the process is consuming about 1,8GB of RAM, although there is still more then enough free RAM (20GB) available.
Is there a limit for the file size that can be created, or is this a bug, does anyone know a way to solve this or some kind of workaround?
I would be grateful for any kind of advise or ideas!
DB:2.29:Distiller 7 - Not Enough Memory fa.
Distiller 7 dates from 2005 which makes it truly ancient by current standards. You can't even use the activation server any more.
However, Distiller 11 is still 32-bit. But there have been four released in which Adobe might have fixed bugs.
DB:2.28:Can't Remove Distiller Fonts Folders. Long Time For Opening Distiller. Xp 1f.
We have distiller 9.0 in workflow and in font location option is 1000000 font folders. I cant remove it from list and distiller need long tine to open. I try to manualy remove files *.lst (AdobeFnt108.lst. ) from \\Application Data\Adobe\Acrobat\Distiller 9\Cache but after distiller open he remake this files. How I can fix this?
DB:2.28:Can't Remove Distiller Fonts Folders. Long Time For Opening Distiller. Xp 1f.
I don't think you can. As I recall, Distiller loads all of the fonts recognized by the system and then any more that have been given separately to Distiller. In the past, the answer was to remove some of the system fonts. Your number sounds very excessive and probably few folks would use more than a handful. Thus they are just wasting your system resources anyway. A lot of the time, such fonts are added by various graphics packages and cause the problem. You may not like my solution and you may want to wait until someone else makes a suggestion more to your pleasure, if possible.
DB:2.28:Distiller Server "Could Not Open File" Modal Dialog f3.
We're running Distiller Server 8, and I've got a dilemma that I'm hoping is solvable.
This is installed on a Windows 2008 server, with jobs coming into watched folders from our OPI server. Periodically, we get a dialog box that says Acrobat Distiller "Could not open the file: P:\OPI_Data\PDF_Processing\Index_PDFs\out\filename". The path specifics will vary, but it's always a path to a file in process. not to a config file or anything like that.
The big problem is that this pops up as a modal dialog and Distiller won't process any more files until someone clicks "OK". On the console. On a server. In the datacenter. We run two shifts, and I'm getting really tired of phone calls at midnight saying "Distiller is hung. can you fix it?"
Is there a way to run Distiller Server in silent mode? Some way to tell it "If you have a problem, just fail that job and move on"? Having to have a server administrator connect in and click a dialog box is just silly.
DB:2.28:Distiller Server "Could Not Open File" Modal Dialog f3.
We're running Distiller Server 8, and I've got a dilemma that I'm hoping is solvable.
This is installed on a Windows 2008 server, with jobs coming into watched folders from our OPI server. Periodically, we get a dialog box that says Acrobat Distiller "Could not open the file: P:\OPI_Data\PDF_Processing\Index_PDFs\out\filename". The path specifics will vary, but it's always a path to a file in process. not to a config file or anything like that.
The big problem is that this pops up as a modal dialog and Distiller won't process any more files until someone clicks "OK". On the console. On a server. In the datacenter. We run two shifts, and I'm getting really tired of phone calls at midnight saying "Distiller is hung. can you fix it?"
Is there a way to run Distiller Server in silent mode? Some way to tell it "If you have a problem, just fail that job and move on"? Having to have a server administrator connect in and click a dialog box is just silly.
DB:2.28:Distiller 'Default Settings' Blank And Doesn't Show All Job Options xs.
We're experiencing a problem with Adobe Distiller 9.3.0 being blank next to "Default Settings" with the error, "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range".I can delete that joboptions file, which removes the error message, but the Default Settings pulldown menu still is blank and doesn't show all of the joboptions files that it should. Only 2 of them are showing up in the pulldown. How can I fix this? I've tried deleting all joboptions files and letting Adobe self repair them and have tried deleting a few com. adobe. distiller* preference files and nothing yet seems to work. Thanks!
DB:2.28:Distiller 'Default Settings' Blank And Doesn't Show All Job Options xs.
We're experiencing a problem with Adobe Distiller 9.3.0 being blank next to "Default Settings" with the error, "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range".I can delete that joboptions file, which removes the error message, but the Default Settings pulldown menu still is blank and doesn't show all of the joboptions files that it should. Only 2 of them are showing up in the pulldown. How can I fix this? I've tried deleting all joboptions files and letting Adobe self repair them and have tried deleting a few com. adobe. distiller* preference files and nothing yet seems to work. Thanks!
DB:2.27:Preview Locks Files, Not Only When Open, But Also After Being Closed fd.
I hand-create PostScript files, which are tested by being dragged to Adobe Distiller. This application is unhappy if the same-name PDF is busy. And if not busy, the same-name PDF is happily over-written. So far, so good. Until recently, whilst Preview had a PDF open, it could not be overwrittensomehow marked as busy, I guess. If closed, if could. But within the last two weeks this behaviour has changed. Preview 5.5.2 (719.25), under Lion, keeps them busy even after the file is closed or Preview is quit. It fails to un-mark as busy. So I have to drag the PDF to the trash before Adobe Distiller will overwrite. Please, is there any once-off action I can take to fix this new bug?
DB:2.27:Preview Locks Files, Not Only When Open, But Also After Being Closed fd.
Real-life disruption has caused me to look away. Apologies for delay; back on the problem. Just logged in as Admin, which had the same problem. So install-in-place it is.
DB:2.27:Lulu Joboptions Help xx.
I recently downloaded Adobe Acrobat 11 to help me in making a PDF for my book. I downloaded joboptions and used adobe distiller to install it. Or so i think. I now am not entirely sure it's working because nothing has really changed and i'm unclear now If i should click something to activate it or if its automatically applied. I'm sorry, I'm not very computer savvy but any help would be appreciated. Obrigado.
DB:2.27:Lulu Joboptions Help xx.
Thanks so much guys for your help on this.
I do use word, but it's an older version (2000) so saving PDFs are a little more of a challenge as I need to convert using an online converter, which actually works fine. The only issue with my PDF was a few pictures I had decided to put into my book. Lulu had trouble printing them and I installed the joboptions into Acrobat but just didn't know if it automatically adjusted the settings or if I needed to do another step.
Like I said, I'm really not that great with software and all that, but I did check out the help section and I think I might have gotten it right this time, if not, I'll just scrap the pictures. Thanks again guys, everyone here is really helpful.
DB:2.27:How To Load Pdfexportpreset From Outside 78.
How can i add a pdfExportPreset from ' *.joboptions ' file outside ?
DB:2.27:How To Load Pdfexportpreset From Outside 78.
How can i add a pdfExportPreset from ' *.joboptions ' file outside ?
DB:2.27:Hardcoding Metadata In Distiller Joboptions File 3f.
Is it possible to hardcode Metadata values into a joboptions file so any PDF created using this carries the required metadata?
I can see the following lines in the joboptions file when opened in a text editor but editing them does not work.
/MetadataAuthor () /MetadataKeywords () /MetadataSubject () /MetadataTitle ()
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.27:Hardcoding Metadata In Distiller Joboptions File 3f.
Is it possible to hardcode Metadata values into a joboptions file so any PDF created using this carries the required metadata?
I can see the following lines in the joboptions file when opened in a text editor but editing them does not work.
/MetadataAuthor () /MetadataKeywords () /MetadataSubject () /MetadataTitle ()
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.27:Creating Pdf From File, Missing Settings 3x.
Acrobat Professional. 6.0.
I never used Acrobats "Create PDF from file", as in my MS Office 2000 there was "Acrobat - Convert to Adobe PDF" menu item with the possibility to change joboptions settings.
My current MS Office 2007 now has its own PDF convertor only, so I tried the Acrobats feature "Create PDF from file". It works, but the Settings button is grayed out with all Office file types. I didnt find a way how to access Acrobats settings, so I tried by first opening Distiller and changing the options there. Nothing happened, the output from Acrobat has always the same file size and quality. Of course I could make PDF out from Office by printing to Adobe PDF printer, but how with other file types which are not Office types.
Thanks for suggestions, i. e. for showing me what I eventually didnt consider.
DB:2.27:Creating Pdf From File, Missing Settings 3x.
Well, I already tried to correct the misunderstanding: not the PDF Maker works from 2007, certainly not. But I am happy to know now, that higher AA versions do support this. Thanks for the discussion!
DB:2.26:Pdf/X-4 2010 Pdf Preset Made Via Indesign Not Compatible With Illustrator? 1j.
I am working with a digital printing company and want to create a pdf preset that they can distribute to their customers to help make sure pdfs are properly made for their workflow. We've tested pdf/x-4 on their equipment and want to make that standard the base for their preset.
I made a preset in IndesignCC which shows up and is accessible in InDesignCC and PhotoshopCC, but is not accessible in IllustratorCC. It does not show up in the presets list in the "save as. pdf" dialogue. It does show up in the EditAdobe PDF Presets function though.
When I attempt to load the. joboptions file into Illustrator via that Adobe PDF Presets function I get the error "The preset is not recognized as a valid. joboptions file."
I noticed that IllustratorCC is using the pdf/x-4 (2008) standard, while InDesignCC is using the pdf/x-4 (2010).
Is IllustratorCC not yet compatible with the 2010 standard? If not, this is a serious wrench in the pdf preset workflow that allows the applications to share. joboptions files amongt themselves.
Any thoughts or help solving the problem of sharing that InDesign Generated preset with Illustrator would be much appreciated.
Owner/Adobe Certified Instructor.
DB:2.26:Pdf/X-4 2010 Pdf Preset Made Via Indesign Not Compatible With Illustrator? 1j.
Hi jdanek, thanks for replying. PDF/x-4 supports transparency natively, supports multiple color spaces (this allows the vendor's rips to handle color conversion), and is an excellent option for their PDF print engine workflow. They want a custom variety that sets the resolution, bleed, etc. to give to their customers.
I did resolve the issue by making a new preset in Illustrator. That one is also available in InDesign and Photoshop but still, I'm curious as to why the InDesign-made preset is not compatible with Illustrator.
Owner/Adobe Certified Instructor.
DB:2.24:Kb15766 Patch For Security Vulnerability In Pdf Distiller 7x.
Is the KB15766 (security vulnerability in PDF distiller) patch released 07/17/2008 included in BlackBerry Professional Software for Microsoft Exchange version 4.1.4 (Bundle 183) version? I believe bundle 183 version is 4.1 SP4B, but not sure.
DB:2.24:Kb15766 Patch For Security Vulnerability In Pdf Distiller 7x.
-the most recent download for BPS should have the PDF issue taken care of, you can verify by checking the registry keys after the install as per the KB.
-and if you dotn see the registry changes as per the KB, that means its not addresed and there is no way arpund it anyways.
*****************************************************************************Click on KUDOS to appreciate our efforts and mark the thread RESOLVED if your issue is resolved.
DB:2.24:Can't Create Pdfs From Applications Nor From Distiller fs.
(Mac 10.5, Acrobat Professional 8.1)
From Firefox, Word, TextEdit: File Print.
Choose Adobe PDF 8.0 from the the printer list.
Choose file destination in dialog box that appears.
Printer icon appears in dock, then pauses.
Click on printer icon in dock, click on 'Resume printer'
Icon in dialog box shows 'Printer ready'
Click on job name, click on 'Resume'
Dialog box says 'Opening Distiller,' then again says 'Printer paused'
(I can't get any further than this.)
Start Time: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 10:22 AM.
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Standard. joboptions.
%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
Distill Time: 1 seconds (00:00:01)
I have Adobe CS3 Master Collection installed.
I installed a CS4 beta (Fireworks) and at that point became unable to print (create PDFs). I can do other things with Acrobat Pro (combine files, etc).
I've uninstalled CS4, used the CS4 cleaner script after installation and uninstalled the entire Master Collection CS3 and reinstalled CS3. The rest of the suite works fine. Adobe PDF 8.0 did not reappear in my printer list.
I added the PDF printer and here are the settings:
Print Server: Local.
Driver Version: 10.4.
PPD: Adobe PDF 3016.102.
PPD File Version: 1.1.
PostScript Version: (3016.102) 0.
I'd appreciate any help.
DB:2.24:Can't Create Pdfs From Applications Nor From Distiller fs.
Isn't CS4 covered by a Non Disclosure Agreement? If so, posting here -
questions or answers - would breach it.
DB:2.23:Fehler Im Distiller Vom Acrobat 9 z1.
zunchst ist es erforderlich, dass ich das Problem in unserer Anwendung beschreibe.
Zur Erzeugung einer Volltextsuche in einem Dokumentensystem wird aus dem erstellten pdf Dokument eine html-Datei erzeugt, die die Texte beinhaltet. Diese html-Dateien werden dann von dem Programm zur Volltextsuche gescannt.
Mit der Konvertierung aus einem Programm haben wir keine Probleme. Dafr ist eine Konvertierungsdatei (joboptions) hinterlegt, die eine pdf-Version 1.5 erzeugt.
Wenn nun eine erzeugte pdf-Datei im Acrobat nachgearbeitet wird und mit Speichern unter dann fr die schnelle Webanzeige aufbereitet ist, gibt es Fehler bei der in unserem Prozess erzeugten html-Datei. Es erzeugt Fehler bei unserer Volltextsuche.
Dabei entsteht zwar wieder die pdf-Version 1.5, jedoch in komprimierter Form. Die Komprimierung ist anscheinend die Ursache. Beim Distiller 8 bestand dieses Problem nicht.
Was ist anders geworden in der pdf-Konvertierung bzw. Komprimierung?
Oder ist es ein Programmfehler im Distiller?
Gerne erwarte ich eure Infos. Danke, schon einmal im Voraus.
DB:2.23:Fehler Im Distiller Vom Acrobat 9 z1.
Gibt es eine Mglichkeit fr den Distiller ( Win ) den voreingestellten Wert '.ps' bei der Dateiauswahl auf '.eps' zu ndern?
Danke im voraus fr jeden Tipp,
DB:2.23:How Do You Retain Changes To The Adobe Acrobat Default Printer Preferences? fk.
After upgrading to Adobe Acrobat Standard X on Windows 7: Changing the PDF default printer driver preferences in Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers to "Smallest File Size" and further changing "Smallest File Size" to Compatibility to Acro 8 and Resolution to 300 DPI, then Saving, Smallest File Size(1).joboptions, OK, Apply, OK. When I return to the driver Smallest File Size selection has returned it's original settings and no additional "Smallest File Size(1).joboptions" is available for selection. Is this a bug or am I approaching it incorrectly. It seemed to work in Acrobat Standard 9.
DB:2.23:How Do You Retain Changes To The Adobe Acrobat Default Printer Preferences? fk.
After upgrading to Adobe Acrobat Standard X on Windows 7: Changing the PDF default printer driver preferences in Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers to "Smallest File Size" and further changing "Smallest File Size" to Compatibility to Acro 8 and Resolution to 300 DPI, then Saving, Smallest File Size(1).joboptions, OK, Apply, OK. When I return to the driver Smallest File Size selection has returned it's original settings and no additional "Smallest File Size(1).joboptions" is available for selection. Is this a bug or am I approaching it incorrectly. It seemed to work in Acrobat Standard 9.
DB:2.23:Distiller Api Events Do Not Fire 81.
I am using Visual Basic Express 2008 on Win 7, 64-bit. I cannot get OnJobStart, OnJobDone, and OnLogMessage to work, but they don't.
Below is a simple example of what I'm trying:
Public Class Form1 Public WithEvents pdf As ACRODISTXLib. PdfDistiller6.
Dim myPSPath As String = "C:\Users\D. P. Story\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\distill\" Dim mypdfPath As String = "C:\Users\D. P. Story\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\distill\test1.pdf" Dim jobOptions As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Settings" Public Sub pdf_OnLogMessage(ByVal strMessage As String) Handles pdf. OnLogMessage 'OnLogMessage catches the log messages that normally would appeat in the distiller log strMessage = strMessage. Replace(vbLf, vbNewLine) TextBox1.AppendText(strMessage) End Sub Public Sub pdf_OnJobStart(ByVal strInputPostScript As String, _ ByVal strOutputpdf As String) Handles pdf. OnJobStart TextBox1.AppendText("Job Starts!" vbCrLf) End Sub Public Sub pdf_OnJobDone(ByVal strInputPostScript As String, _ ByVal strOutputpdf As String) Handles pdf. OnJobDone TextBox1.AppendText("Job Done!" vbCrLf) End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System. Object, _ ByVal e As System. EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click On Error Resume Next TextBox1.AppendText("Begin distilling. " vbCrLf) pdf = New ACRODISTXLib. PdfDistiller6.
pdf. bShowWindow = True pdf. FileToPDF2(myPSPath, mypdfPath, jobOptions, False) End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e As System. EventArgs) Handles MyBase. Load pdf = Nothing End SubEnd Class.
I do not get any text returned to TextBox1, so these events never occur. Is there some error in my syntax?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.23:Distiller Api Events Do Not Fire 81.
OK, found the problem. I was in debug mode, the application was started by the VP 2008 Express application and I was not getting those distiller messages; when I started the test app from windows explorer, the messages started appearing! This could then be an issue of the environment the application was executin in, rathe than an issue with Win 7, 64-bit. Many thanks for everyone's help.
DB:2.22:Checkcompliance Out Of Range cd.
I am using FrameMaker 8 and trying to create a Standard pdf file. I've recently upgraded to Acrobat 9 and installed CS5. The message I now get when creating a pdf is:
Adobe PDF Settings file read error in PDFX4 2008.job options /Check Compliance out of range.
Can anyone offer advice to fix this? I am trying to use the Standard job option but it seems to keep defaulting to PDFX.
DB:2.22:Checkcompliance Out Of Range cd.
It is not an error but rather a warning that Distiller found a joboption file that supports PDF/X-4, a version of PDF/X supported by direct export by the CS applications, but not by the Distiller. Since Distiller does not support PDF/X-4, it does not even display joboptions files invoking PDF/X-4.
You may very safely ignore the warning!
DB:2.22:Load Pdf Export Presets 73.
How can i load PDF export presets from file (.joboptions or. pdfs)?
DB:2.22:Load Pdf Export Presets 73.
DB:2.22:Jboss Setup + Launching Child Processes 87.
(Apologies for the cross post, I wasn't sure exactly where to post this.)We're trying to distill an eps into a pdf from within JBoss/Win32 using Acrodist (Adobe Distiller). We launch the job via COM/OLE in order to know when the job has completed, and the current thread just waits for the job to return. For the OLE connection we are using Jawin. We've succesfully run the code below in a command line tool, but when we run the same code from a Stateless Session bean(on JBoss 3.2.2), the resulting PDF does not get written out and no errors are reported. In both cases, we see Acrodist running in Task Manager, and see the CPU and memory spike; JBoss is running as admin, and the registry setting for Component control is set to 'full control' (On the command line, it already worked with just 'read control').Any ideas as to what we're missing to get this to work in JBoss? Thanks for your time. ChrisHere is the code: try catch( COMException e ) finally catch( COMException x ) >JBoss Error log (showing no errors though):2003-11-17 12:40:19,669 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initializing ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,685 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initialized ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,794 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] got distiller COM object2003-11-17 12:40:26,060 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] FileToPDF complete2003-11-17 12:40:26,075 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] uninitialized ole.
DB:2.22:Jboss Setup + Launching Child Processes 87.
(Apologies for the cross post, I wasn't sure exactly where to post this.)We're trying to distill an eps into a pdf from within JBoss/Win32 using Acrodist (Adobe Distiller). We launch the job via COM/OLE in order to know when the job has completed, and the current thread just waits for the job to return. For the OLE connection we are using Jawin. We've succesfully run the code below in a command line tool, but when we run the same code from a Stateless Session bean(on JBoss 3.2.2), the resulting PDF does not get written out and no errors are reported. In both cases, we see Acrodist running in Task Manager, and see the CPU and memory spike; JBoss is running as admin, and the registry setting for Component control is set to 'full control' (On the command line, it already worked with just 'read control').Any ideas as to what we're missing to get this to work in JBoss? Thanks for your time. ChrisHere is the code: try catch( COMException e ) finally catch( COMException x ) >JBoss Error log (showing no errors though):2003-11-17 12:40:19,669 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initializing ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,685 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] initialized ole2003-11-17 12:40:19,794 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] got distiller COM object2003-11-17 12:40:26,060 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] FileToPDF complete2003-11-17 12:40:26,075 INFO [com. myadguys. ejb. RenderOpsSession] uninitialized ole.
DB:2.22:Adobe X Standard: Cant't Load Standard. Joboptions Or Any Other. Joboptions File fj.
After installing Acrobat X standard on a Win 7, 64 Bit, professionell machine Acrabat and distiller start, but when printing to Acrobat or out of distiller there is always an error:
Adobe PDF-Setting: Error reading the file. (as described: the. options files).
So I can't write anything from any other location than from out of Acrobat X (but there just without changing any setting - so too low resolution).
- I tried chaning the access-rights to the files (now for everybody) - still doesn't work.
- I saved a configuration-file from another machine (running win 7, 32 bit) on a network drive and tried to open this one: Doesn't work.
The Acrobat X was installed before on a slow Win 7, 32 bit and everyhting worked.
Now after chaning and upgrading to the faster machine witz Win7 64 bit it doesn't work anymore.
DB:2.22:Adobe X Standard: Cant't Load Standard. Joboptions Or Any Other. Joboptions File fj.
Moving this discussion to the Printing Prepress portion of the Acrobat forums.
DB:2.21:How To Use Adobe Distiller In Win 2k8 Server 64-Bit For Financial Reporting cj.
We need to use the Adobe Distiller in Windows 2008 Server SP2 OS for generating PDF reports in Financial Reporting. However, the Adobe Distiller installation recognises the OS version i. e. 32-bit or 64-bit and installs itself automatically.
Now, the problem is that Hyperion Financial Reporting supports only 32-bit version of Adobe Distiller. Has anyone faced a similar issue or can anyone provide some lead into this?
DB:2.21:How To Use Adobe Distiller In Win 2k8 Server 64-Bit For Financial Reporting cj.
The version is
When we were unable to print the PDF reports, we raised an SR during which it was informed that.
only 32-bit version of Adobe Distiller is supported. This can also be due to implied dependency. As.
per the support matrix, if we use Win 2008 SP2 as the OS, only 32-bit binaries for FR is supported.
Hence, it implies that only 32-bit Adobe Distiller might be supported for generating PDF output.
Edited by: Kapil Bankeraika on May 9, 2011 12:23 PM.
DB:2.21:Can Not Save Pdf mj.
Whenever I try to save a PDF from Photoshop I get an error message that says "Could not save as XXXX. pdf because of program error. And every time I try to print a PDF through the distiller it automatically pauses itself and will not print the PDF. Alguma sugestão? I'm guessing this is a bug in the software?
DB:2.21:Can Not Save Pdf mj.
Hello people, here a little note from me: And same problem here. Brandnew computer, Windows 7, and Photoshop Elements 8 on it. Can you please tell me what to do about that? Obrigado!
DB:2.20:Selected Pdf Job Option Doesn't Exist. 1k.
When I try to print to a. ps file I get the message:
"The selected PDF Job Option does not exist n the current installation. Either create this Job Option or select an available Job Option. Continue?"
Was using FrameMaker 7.2 previously. Recently bought Frame 11 (not an upgrade, full program) and installed it on a new machine that is running under Windows 7. I also bought and installed (didn't upgrade) Acrobat 11 after using Acrobat 7 for years on another machine. There are no previous versions of either app on my Windows 7 machines.
I copied two JobOption files from the old machine (Acrobat 7/Frame 7) to the new machine. They are stored in the same location where I found the preset JobOption files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Settings.
In FrameMaker I went to File -- Print Setup and selected Adobe PDF as my default "printer". I set the Default Settings for that printer to the JobOptions file I want to use, which is one of the two I brought over from the other machine (in other words, my JobOptions appear in the list of settings from which to choose).
When I go to print the Book in Frame (Ctrl-P to open the Print Book dialog) I click PDF Setup and the correct PDF Job Options file is shown based on my Print Setup configuration. When I click Set though, I get the above message. I don't understand this message since I both see and can select my JobOptions files in FrameMaker and in Acrobat/Distiller.
I tried reading through the Adobe PDF Creation Settings document to confirm where the JobOptions files need to be stored, but the information I found doesn't seem to cover Windows 7 (named locations don't exist on my system, e. g., Documents and Settings folder).
Can someone clarify for me whether I can use my custom JobOption files from Frame 7 in Frame 11, and if so, where I need to place them? Also, any clarification of this situation in general and why I'd be getting this message when clearly Frame and Acrobat both "see" my JobOptions since they arein the drop-down list, is appreciated.
BTW - I also edited one of my JobOptions in Frame 11 and Saved As a new file but still get the same alert when I proceed.
EDIT: realizing that maybe I should have posted this in the Acrobat forum but since I am working from Frame and accessing settings via Frame, and getting a Frame errror, I started in this forum.
DB:2.20:Selected Pdf Job Option Doesn't Exist. 1k.
Oooo, thank you Arnis! This might make me a happier Frame user again!
DB:2.20:Need Acrobat Api For Pdf Distiller In Asp. ma.
I am doing manual pdf distiller using acrobat, but i need the api code for c# to distiller for asp c# code.
DB:2.20:Need Acrobat Api For Pdf Distiller In Asp. ma.
Except as part of LiveCycle PDF Generator.
DB:2.20:Adobe Pdf 9.0 Printer Not Working jz.
I use Acrobat 9 Professional here and Adobe PDF printer doesn't work.
Distiller notify " /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions.
/CheckCompliance out of range".
What's the problem?
DB:2.20:Adobe Pdf 9.0 Printer Not Working jz.
The cups-pdf printer I mentioned before: codepoetry/projects/cups-pdf-for-mosx will work on Snow Leopard per the instructions of users SFJeep and JLG.
DB:2.20:How To Save Structured Fm With Cross-References As Pdf With Distiller? sp.
We have installed FrameMaker 11 in our company and all works properly except when we try to save as PDF. It appears that it works, but suddenly the Distiller 5.0 shows a message saying that "the specified Distiller joboptions file doesnt exist". We cant find the origin of the problem, so we can't save the structured document as PDF keeping the cross-references active.
DB:2.20:How To Save Structured Fm With Cross-References As Pdf With Distiller? sp.
Distiller 5.0 is quite old and uses a different location for storing the joboptions file from what FM11 is expecting with newer versions. [IIRC, it was around Acrobat 7 or 8 that the location changed].
If you're on a Win7 system, then you could try creating the following folder and populate your joboptions there:
C:\Users\user login name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings, where user login name refers to your Windows system login name.
However, it is highly recommended to upgrade your Acrobat version. Also, if you installed FM11 using all of the default options, then PDFCreator would have also been installed possibly "bunny stomping all over" (corrupting) your existing Distiller version.
DB:2.19:Pdf Printing Broken In Fm10 Win7 64bit dd.
1) When printing As PDF, the FM doesn't use fonts correctly. I get font substitutions. It doesn't match the PDF setting in the selected PDF distiller profile I selected (embed all fonts).
2) When printing to Acrobat Printer, the file name window opens with just the header bar (when I tab through windows) without the windows. It locks FM - Not Responding. Have to go into the task manager and kill the FM tree (right click process). Have to reset the files when I reopen the book.
I believe this second one is a know bug mentioned earlier. Probably both of then.
I now have to go old school and print to a postscript file and drop it into the Distiller.
I don't see how testing coiuld miss this one during FM10 beta.
DB:2.19:Pdf Printing Broken In Fm10 Win7 64bit dd.
Have you upgraded to already?
DB:2.19:Purpose Of Adobe Pdf Converter Advanced Options pk.
I am curious about the purpose of the "Advanced Options" (also called "Advanced Document Settings") for the Adobe PDF virtual printer. For example accessed from an application via.
Print (. select Adobe PDF as printer) Properties Layout Advanced.
I've included a screenshot for clarity.
The options include Paper Size. Mostly I am interested in creating PDF's from MS Word documents, and the page setup in Word would override the Paper Size option, I'm pretty sure.
There is an option for Print Quality. But the joboptions files (profiles accessed through . Properties Adobe PDF Settings Default Settings/Edit) seem to control the ultimate output print resolution.
There is an option for PostScript Output Option, with possible selections including "Optimize for Portability" and "Archive Format". I am interested in PDF/A output, but these two suggestive PostScript options appear useful only if the postscript file was going to be created/used/manipulated. It seems that nowadays the postscript file is not usually explicitly created, but serves as a 'hidden' intermediate in creating the PDF. See also freeframers. org/archive/01/msg00050.html.
Am I right in concluding that the 'Advanced' options are a legacy feature, not useful to anyone who is creating PDF's in a single step rather than print-to-file in postscript format, followed by PDF creation using the distiller?
See e. g. forums. adobe/message/1240330#1240330.
DB:2.19:Purpose Of Adobe Pdf Converter Advanced Options pk.
See also posting at forums. adobe/thread/438530 DIV.
DB:2.18:How To Specify Joboptions From "Save As" Or "Convert To" x8.
When I print a document (from Word or FrameMaker) to the Adobe PDF printer, I get a chance to set PDF options. There is a list of my. joboptions files. I can choose my low-file-size-poor-graphic-quality file or my big-file-size-great-graphics-quality joboptions or my middle-size-middle-quality joboptions.
However, when I "save as" a PDF file from Word, or right-click in Explorer and choose "convert to PDF" I don't get a chance to specify the joboptions. Is there a way to determine which joboptions will be used in either or both of those cases?
Using Acrobat Pro 9 Distiller 9.
DB:2.18:How To Specify Joboptions From "Save As" Or "Convert To" x8.
When using the convert to PDF option, use the preference under that menu option in WORD or other application using PDF Maker. The job. options are selected in the convert preferences.
DB:2.18:Download Of Default. Joboptions Files 78.
Im looking for a download of all the default. joboptions files that are created when indesign and acrobat pro are installed.
DB:2.18:Download Of Default. Joboptions Files 78.
Find here : yousendit/download/TEhVN3RhbEpOQnljZDhUQw.
DB:2.18:"Adobe Distiller Cannot Continue Because Acrobat Is Not Activated." ac.
I have been using Acrobat Pro 8.0 installed as part of CS 2.3 Premium.
This version of Acrobat does not require ALM activation, nor has it ever asked me to activate it.
I have just applied the Acrobat 8.1 update to it, and now when I try to start Distiller, I get the message, "Adobe Distiller cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated."
If I open up Acrobat Pro the activate and deactivate fields are grayed out.
Is this a bug in the 8.1 update? Or do you now have to somehow activate this version.
Upon further investigation, I found that after the upgrade to 8.1 the file.
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\alm_config_files\AdobeConfig. xml.
that is customized for Adobe Creative Suite 2.3 Premium, which prevents ALM from prompting you to activate Acrobat has been replaced with a version which does require activation.
The title of the two files are:
"Adobe Software Application - Client License Setup File - ALM Master Exception." e.
"Adobe Software Application - Client License Setup File for Retail Products."
So I replaced the file AdobeConfig. xml with the original one and now Distiller no longer says that Acrobat needs to be activated.
Has anyone else run in to this?
DB:2.18:"Adobe Distiller Cannot Continue Because Acrobat Is Not Activated." ac.
This has been a problem since May or June. It is reported that a patch is on the way.
DB:2.17:Acrobat And Distiller az.
After unistalling a trial version of acrobat pro my distiller software doesn't print anymore. Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.
DB:2.17:Acrobat And Distiller az.
Distiller is a part of Acrobat, so if you uninstalled Acrobat, Distiller is likely to be gone.
DB:2.17:Acrobat X Distiller Works Intermittently W/ Font sf.
I have an issue with Acrobat X Distiller and it happens off and on, usually every other week when we need to run it.
We need to print PDFs dealing with our work, and out of the batch that we need to print, there are two Taiwanese language pdfs that it needs to save, using the MingLiu font which is installed in Windows by default, I believe.
When the Distiller needs to print these, we get this error message:
%%[ Error: invalidfont; OffendingCommand: show; ErrorInfo: TblDirOffset --nostringval-- ]%%
So, I have three or four different font versions for MinLiu. Windows Server 2003 3.21, Windows 2008 6.24 (I think), Windows 7 7.0, and Windows 2012 R2 7.1.
If I remove the font, and re-install either Windows 7's 7.0 version, or Windows 2012 R2's 7.1 version, it prints correctly. But then, the next week we run it, it doesn't work again and I get that same error message as above. So I go through the hassle of removing fonts, ending the acrobat. exe, and acrotray. exe processes, and all processes related, and after working for a bit, finally get it to work again.
This is a process we need to do every week, and it is really slowing us down.
Our old Distiller 9 on an older Windows Server 2003 machine needed to be decomissioned, so we cannot get this new server with Distiller X to work consistently.
Kind of at a loss.
DB:2.17:Acrobat X Distiller Works Intermittently W/ Font sf.
Distiller X is not for server use.
DB:2.17:Creating Postscript File Using Adobe Distiller And Vb 7j.
This is my first post/question. If I have posted to wrong group kindly let me know the correct group to re-post.
I am using Adobe Acrobat, Distiller v8.0, VB 2008 ( 3.5) and MS Office 2003.
I need to convert my Word files to post script files from vb. I already have a post script printer installed.
I would like to write a function in VB which ideally accepts a Word docuement and returns a post script file.
Can someone please guide/suggest how can I do this.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:2.17:Creating Postscript File Using Adobe Distiller And Vb 7j.
This is my first post/question. If I have posted to wrong group kindly let me know the correct group to re-post.
I am using Adobe Acrobat, Distiller v8.0, VB 2008 ( 3.5) and MS Office 2003.
I need to convert my Word files to post script files from vb. I already have a post script printer installed.
I would like to write a function in VB which ideally accepts a Word docuement and returns a post script file.
Can someone please guide/suggest how can I do this.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:2.17:Where Is Distiller? x9.
I upgraded to a new Mac Pro and reinstalled Acrobat Pro v. 8.
Where is Distiller? I cannot find it anywhere.
DB:2.17:Where Is Distiller? x9.
Why do you need Distiller?
DB:2.16:Broken And Missaligned In Pages That Distiller Xi Has Divided Into Vertical Slices. sx.
I am using Acrobat XI Pro. I am printing from Word 10 into into Adobe distiller, but the text is broken and missaligned in pages that Distiller XI has divided into vertical slices. Apparently this happens only when there are large images in the page. It appear to be a bug in Acrobat XI. Como posso resolver este problema?
DB:2.16:Broken And Missaligned In Pages That Distiller Xi Has Divided Into Vertical Slices. sx.
I am printing directly from Word into the Adobe PDF driver. Apparently the problem is associated with size reduction. I need to reduce the size of the press quality output to 79%. If I reduce to 80% (or print without any reduction) the problem seems to disapears.
How can I obtain a PDF from Word that is 79% smaller on the page?
DB:2.16:Postscript Distiller &Amp; Refinery ap.
We currently use Adobe Distiller 5.0 with Stellent 6.2, and plan to upgrade to 10g or 11. What other Postscipt Distiller engines are available that work with 10g or 11?
DB:2.16:Postscript Distiller &Amp; Refinery ap.
We currently use Adobe Distiller 5.0 with Stellent 6.2, and plan to upgrade to 10g or 11. What other Postscipt Distiller engines are available that work with 10g or 11?
DB:2.16:Installing Distiller On A Server cx.
What are the advantages of using ACROBAT DISTILLER on a server?
DB:2.16:Installing Distiller On A Server cx.
You can't install and use Acrobat Distiller on a server.
DB:2.16:Where Are The. Joboptions Stored On Mac For Creative Cloud Apps? Put Them In The Usual Directory . ..But They Are Not Seen There. pj.
Where are the. joboptions stored on Mac for Creative Cloud Apps?
I put them in the usual directory: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF . . . But they are not seen there.
Stored some other place? SOCORRO!
DB:2.16:Where Are The. Joboptions Stored On Mac For Creative Cloud Apps? Put Them In The Usual Directory . ..But They Are Not Seen There. pj.
Unless there is an option to select during the download/install process, I do think you will get better help in a program forum rather than this one.
Hopefully, an answer for one program will help with all the other programs.
DB:2.15:Problem With Broken Cross References When Converting Word To Pdf 38.
I am having a problem converting a Word document using Convert to PDF and print to file (prn), then using Acrobat distiller to make the PDF (I've tried both methods). The links in the TOC work and some of the xrefs work in the doc, but some of the cross references from the Word doc are broken. It says "error. not found blah blah" indicating a broken link in the PDF. It works fine in Word, but the PDF conversion breaks the cross ref links. Alguma ideia? I'm using Acrobat 9, Word 2007, Windows XP. I've even tweaked the joboptions, but no luck. I've successfully converted FrameMaker to PDF, but Word is having issues.
DB:2.15:Problem With Broken Cross References When Converting Word To Pdf 38.
See also this forum discussion: forums. adobe/message/1914941#1914941.
DB:2.15:Difference Between Pdfmaker/Distiller And Print-To-Pdf j9.
When I create a PDF from within MS Word either through the File Print menu, or through the Adobe PDF Convert to Adobe PDF menu (i. e. PDFmaker?) I end up with subtly different results, despite using exactly the same joboptions file. Why is this?!
Samples are attached.
In the first pair, the text glyph placement differs.
In the second pair (see following), the dotted circle outlines are different. [Also the leftmost grey table border is claimed to be different, although I can't pick the difference by eye.]
(Adobe identifies the problems through Acrobat's Document Compare Documents menu set for detailed analysis of page-by-page visual differences although for the character positioning it's a bit subjective, I think.)
Tip: you have to zoom in a lot to see these on screen.
p = printed to PDF.
DB:2.15:Difference Between Pdfmaker/Distiller And Print-To-Pdf j9.
DB:2.15:Cs3 Export Eps Grabs Entire Page. ks.
When I export an eps from Indesign 2 into my pdf hot folder, the ensuing pdf is the same size as the original document (ie, my pasteboard is 27p6 x 50 agates, my pdf is the same. )
When I do the same out of CS3, my pdf is now 11"X17", and my document is stuck down in a corner of it.
I have specific joboptions set in Distiller that I need in the final output. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere in Indesign CS3?
Mac OS 10.4, dual core G5 with 3GB ram, all Adobe products just updated. PDF is created on an older G4 running Distiller 6. eps file produced by using the "Export" function in Indesign. (The same procedure and machines work fine with CS2. )
DB:2.15:Cs3 Export Eps Grabs Entire Page. ks.
I have specific joboptions set in Distiller that I need in the final output. Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere in Indesign CS3?
What version of Distiller is it, and what are your settings, particularly for default page size on the "General" tab, and for re-sizing based on DSC comments in the "Advanced" tab?
DB:2.15:Word 2010: Probleme Beim Pdf-Schreiben 1k.
wenn ich aus Word 2010 heraus eine PDF ber den Distiller schreibe, habe ich folgende Probleme:
__Wenn eine Pixelgrafik auf der Seite ist, wird der restliche Text auf der Seite in der PDF in kleinere Rahmen (Beschneidungspfade) gepackt und gedoppelt leicht bereinander versetzt dargestellt.
__Alle Pixelgrafiken werden auf eine Auflsung von 300 dpi (hoch)gerechnet, obwohl die Joboptions nur das Herunterrechnen von Farb - und Graustufenbildern ber 399 dpi auf 300 dpi vorsehen - definitiv also kein Hochrechnen erlauben.
__Strichzeichnungen: werden in RGB konvertiert und ebenfalls auf 300 dpi runtergerechnet.
__Word-2010-Formeln wurden beim PDF-Schreiben einfach ignoriert und fehlen in der PDF.
__Vektorgrafiken werden teils in Graustufenpixelgrafiken umgewandelt.
Ich habe es mit meinen speziellen Joboptions (leichte nderung von PDF/X-3), mit Standard-Joboptions Druckausgabequalitt und PDF/X-3 versucht, die Resultate waren immer die selben.
DB:2.15:Word 2010: Probleme Beim Pdf-Schreiben 1k.
ja, ich gehe ber Drucken - Adobe PDF .
Viele Gre, Maria.
DB:2.15:Distiller X Failure f7.
Distiller (as part of Acrobat X Pro) has suddenly started generating these errors, and won't run:
Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files.
You must have Administrator priveleges to install these files. Please contact your local system administrator.
I've tried copying files to the location (failed due to access issues, despite trying to give full control access). I've tried reinstalling Acrobat X, and it still gives the same messqage. Does anyone have any ideas?
DB:2.15:Distiller X Failure f7.
That is a mystery isn't it. I see, every so often, a problem where security has gone awry like this, but I've never see anyone suggest how it can happen. Clearly (a) someone does it or (b) some software does it or (c) something breaks, but that doesn't help very much! Glad you solved it.
DB:2.15:Reader 9.4.6 Bug Displaying Pdfs From Autocad 9d.
I've received several architectural drawings produced from Autocad as PDFs. All of them display correctly in Reader 9.4.6 for Windows, but in Reader 9.4.6 for Unix, some dashed lines are missing from the PDFs when viewed on the screen or printed. When I look at the document properties in Adobe Reader, it shows PDF producer as "Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)", and PDF version as "1.4 (Acrobat 5.x).
DB:2.15:Reader 9.4.6 Bug Displaying Pdfs From Autocad 9d.
I've received several architectural drawings produced from Autocad as PDFs. All of them display correctly in Reader 9.4.6 for Windows, but in Reader 9.4.6 for Unix, some dashed lines are missing from the PDFs when viewed on the screen or printed. When I look at the document properties in Adobe Reader, it shows PDF producer as "Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows)", and PDF version as "1.4 (Acrobat 5.x).
DB:2.15:Argh. Distiller 8 Refuses To See Watch Folder. kd.
Okay, this whole Acrobat 8 hoo-har is driving me nutso! I have to finally admit defeat and ask for help.
We've been running Mac OS Acrobat 4 through OS X Acrobat 7 with virtually no problems whatsoever for years. And now the second we switch over to Intel Macs and Acrobat 8, we have nothing but one problem after the next.
Since all I've experienced are Distiller ioerror issues (myself and other people on this forum) with Intel Macs and Leopard, I decided to throw in the towel and downgrade back to Tiger for our production stations and attempt to create a valid workflow with CS3 and Tiger, since there seems to be far too many unresolved issues with Distiller 8 and Leopard.
Now I'm no dunderhead when it comes to setting up Distiller workflows, I've been doing this for years for our newspaper and others in our group. But every single time I set up a watch folder in Distiller 8 or the 8.1.2 update, the resulting. ps file is passed from the Inbox straight to the Outbox without an error and without a PDF being produced.
Here's the log file entry:
Start Time: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at 4:10 PM.
Source: /Users/craigwright/Desktop/PDF FILES TO LONDON/In/63011115.AD. ps.
Destination: /Users/craigwright/Desktop/PDF FILES TO LONDON/Out/63011115.AD. pdf.
Adobe PDF Settings: /Users/craigwright/Desktop/PDF FILES TO LONDON/folder. joboptions.
Distill Time: 7 seconds (00:00:07)
It's the weirdest thing. You can see the output file in the listing above, but there's never a PDF produced.
Dragging the. ps file onto the Distiller window itself produces a perfect PDF, but Watch Folder workflow is completely broken.
Here's an example log from a postscript file dragged onto the Distiller window:
Start Time: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at 4:07 PM.
Adobe PDF Settings: /Users/craigwright/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/London Free Press. joboptions.
Done processing prologue. ps.
Done processing epilogue. ps.
Distill Time: 18 seconds (00:00:18)
. you'll notice that the file dragged onto the Distiller window had its prologue. ps and epilogue. ps files processed. This was not processed by the Watch Folder method. And YES, I did check the settings file under the Watch Folder options and they ARE set to process the file's prologue and epilogue.
The settings for the "folder. joboptions" and "LONDON FREE PRESS. joboptions" files are absolutely identical.
Now, I can remove the folder from the Watch Folder queue, destroy the folder on the desktop and create a new one, adding it to the Watch Folder list in Distiller every time, and it does the same thing every time.
I've tried re-installing CS3, I've tried fixing permissions, I've tried updating and downgrading Acrobat and Distiller to and from the latest fixes. I've tried font cache rebuilds (I know it's not related, but I'm clutching at straws here). Nothing works.
Does anyone have any clues?
DB:2.15:Argh. Distiller 8 Refuses To See Watch Folder. kd.
Ever since we started creating PDF, we were told to always process the prologue and epilogue files. SEMPRE. PROCESS. A. PROLOGUE. AND. EPILOGUE. Make sure it's checked in the Advanced tab!
So I turned it off after you said "older prologue/epilogue files" - it kinda' got me thinking it might be a legacy OS 9 based v.1.3 PDF creation issue - and BOOM. Worked first time.
I am mind-bendingly happy now.
Assim. does anyone know why the prologue/epilogue file checkbox would have prevented the PDF file from being produced?
DB:2.15:How To Programmatically Disable Prompts For Output File Names In Acrobat X 88.
My code to programmatically disable output file names (below) is not working on a Windows 7 64-bit machine using Acrobat Distiller X. It works perfectly on a Windows XP machine with Acrobat Distiller 8.
The latest API Reference I was able to find is dated June 2008. My logic follows this convention.
I have confirmed that the registry key is updated as specified below. I have also confirmed that I am able to write to the directory indicated.
Please provide any suggestions to resolve.
'Create the Registry Key where Acrobat looks for a file name CreateNewRegistryKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _ "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl"
'Put the output filename (FilePath) where Acrobat could find it SetRegistryValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _ "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl", _ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS. EXE, _.
T:\PDF Files\Current Week\NFS_Lori, Test. pdf.
DB:2.15:How To Programmatically Disable Prompts For Output File Names In Acrobat X 88.
try creating your registry key in.
DB:2.15:Extrapolate The Joboptions Associated With A Pdf. sz.
Is it possible to extrapolate what joboptions are associated with a pdf. We received a pdf that we would like to use as a template to create other pdfs.
We create postscript files that we run through distiller, however, using the standard joboptions file does not produce fast printing i'm guessing because of the heavy use of a form. We noticed another pdf what was using an xobjects image subtype that prints very fast and we would like to model ours to be the same.
DB:2.15:Extrapolate The Joboptions Associated With A Pdf. sz.
It's almost certainly not the job options, but the tool used and how the PDF was designed. What does Document Info say about its creator and producer?
DB:2.15:Fonts Problem After I Converted To Pdf From. Ps File mj.
I have completed a. ps file and then use the acrobat distiller to convert to pdf file and resulted in unreadable text. See below comments from the distiller:
Adobe PDF Settings: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/Smallest File Size(1).joboptions.
MSungStd-Light-Acro-Hanzi-Adobe-CNS1-0 not found, using Courier.
MKai-Medium-Adobe-CNS1-0 not found, using Courier.
MSungStd-Light-Acro-Hanzi-Adobe-CNS1-0 not found, using Courier.
MKai-Medium-Adobe-CNS1-0 not found, using Courier.
AdobeMingStd-Light-Adobe-CNS1-0 not found, using Courier.
Distill Time: 2 seconds (00:00:02)
DB:2.15:Fonts Problem After I Converted To Pdf From. Ps File mj.
Hi Michael, the font locations has indicated the fonts but still cannot read the text.
DB:2.15:Pdfexportpresets. Add - Name Becomes Default "Adobe Pdf Presets 1" - Bug? 17.
I am not really a programmer and completely new to scripting. I just want to create a very simple script that I can use with a panel created with Adobe Configurator.
I'm trying to load new joboptionsfiles (.joboptions / PDF Export Preset) via a script. I found/slightly adapted the script that does this:
app. pdfExportPresets. add(File. openDialog("Choose a File: "));
But: this will change the name of the job option in the list to the default "Adobe PDF Presets 1". When I load the same joboptionsfile the normal way (via File Adobe PDF Presets Define), it does show the correct name.
Is this a bug in the scripting, in my script? Existe uma solução alternativa?
DB:2.15:Pdfexportpresets. Add - Name Becomes Default "Adobe Pdf Presets 1" - Bug? 17.
I am not really a programmer and completely new to scripting. I just want to create a very simple script that I can use with a panel created with Adobe Configurator.
I'm trying to load new joboptionsfiles (.joboptions / PDF Export Preset) via a script. I found/slightly adapted the script that does this:
app. pdfExportPresets. add(File. openDialog("Choose a File: "));
But: this will change the name of the job option in the list to the default "Adobe PDF Presets 1". When I load the same joboptionsfile the normal way (via File Adobe PDF Presets Define), it does show the correct name.
Is this a bug in the scripting, in my script? Existe uma solução alternativa?
DB:2.15:Acrobat Xi Distiller Has Stopped Working dx.
Version 11.0.09 acrobat XI.
Version 11.0.929 distiller.
Windows Server 2008 R2 terminal server.
My users print to pdf from any application and distiller fails with an app crash of Event ID 1000 and 1005. I run repairs of the installation and it resolves the issue for a few days. On average 8 users on the terminal server.
DB:2.15:Acrobat Xi Distiller Has Stopped Working dx.
Obrigado pela informação.
DB:2.15:Exporting Indesign To Pdf: Resolution Output / Distiller Color Management 1k.
Power PC G5, Mac OS X 10.4.11.
InDesign Middle Eastern Version CS3.
Thanks to anyone who can answer any of these questions for me.
I am sending files to a printer who has requested either PDF files directly from InDesign (file-export) or run through Distiller then into Acrobat.
(default setting of PDF/X-1a:2001).
Question 1: Resolution.
They also have the instructions "PDF Output resolution should be set to 600dpi." Is this referring to the Compression pane (Bicubic Downsampling to 300)? I called the printer to confirm if this is what they were referring to, but was told they don't answer questions about making PDFs and that's why they encourage people to use their in-house designers.)
Question 2: Color Management.
For the Distiller/Acrobat option, they have an instructional PDF which I followed, but on the Color Management Pane, they choose the option for Color Handling: "Let InDesign Determine Colors" and the Output color is Composite Gray. But when I get to the color handling option, I only have 2 options: "let PostScript determine" or "no color management." How do I get the InDesign option?
Question 3: Grayscale Text.
Another requirement is that the "Interior text should be submitted as grayscale only." In Acrobat I can preflight and change to grayscale. But will solving the problem of #2 in creating a PostScript file take care of this?
Question 4: Error in Distiller.
I get this error when I open Distiller: "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2007.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range" However, the Postscript file goes through just fine as far as I can tell. I found a forum post on this and the basic idea seemed to be "ignore it." Is that a correct interpretation?
DB:2.15:Exporting Indesign To Pdf: Resolution Output / Distiller Color Management 1k.
One more thing I thought I'd better check on. There are 4 or 5 art pieces in a couple of the chapters. They are grayscale, 600 ppi. A couple have a profile of 20% dot gain and a couple have a profile listing of "NA." See attached. Since they are not 100% black to start, do I need to do something different for the files with the pictures?
If I've got it all, these would be my action steps:
1. Export ID file to PDF using X1A preset.
2. Run preflight in Acrobat.
3. Convert colors in Acrobat.
I'm trying to learn more about the PDF process, so I was wondering what is the difference between this convert colors process and using the Convert to Grayscale preflight Fixup?
DB:2.15:Photoshop To Pdf Via Distiller Help Please? 33.
I'm trying to convert a photoshop cs4 file to pdf using distiller. When I save as an EPS file, then run it through distiller I get this error:
\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\PDFX1a 2001.joboptions%%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: PUT nextImage ]
Stack:[-null - - null-]-dict-[-null - - null-]-mark-
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%Distill Time: 00 Hour(s) : 01 Minute(s) : 01.437 Second(s)**** End of Job ****
I tried printing to Adobe PDF in photoshop, and that seems to work but the fonts don't embed, and the publisher requires a distiller produced file.
I could swear that when I did a test on an earlier version of the file it worked just fine, but have tried everything I can think of and can't seem to get it to work now. Perhaps I messed up a setting somewhere or missed a step? I'm new at this so that's entirely possible. Thanks for helping!
DB:2.15:Photoshop To Pdf Via Distiller Help Please? 33.
That sounds like a good suggestion, but when I save the Photoshop PDF, one line of text in the middle of a paragraph comes out with one letter in the wrong color and the rest of the line bold. But since anything's worth a try I attempted to save and print to a ps file from th pdf and had no luck with that either. The save progress hung up at 0% and eventually just closed without producing anything, both ways. I do seem to have solved the problem by going to Illustrator instead, which isn't exactly the ideal answer but at least it takes the pressure off. Thanks for trying anyway.
DB:2.15:Acrobat Freezes 93.
I have Adobe CS3 installed on my computer now. I am running windows XP.
When I open a pdf file and click on the file button on top I start to scroll down to print the doccument and it freezes on the word Organize. It just freezes there and I have to shut down the program. Also if I am in a program and I want to print to the PDF driver it also freezes. I have a 2.3 Ghz processor and 2 gigs of ram. WHen I try to print to the PDF driver it opens Distiller, it starts and then freezes. Here is the error message that is displayed.
Error in PDFX4 2007.Joboptions:/check compliance out of range.
It seems to keep starting and stopping. When I try to exit Distiller it just keeps retrying so it will not let me close it. I have to reboot my system to get it to shut down.
I had Adobe CS2 on the computer before and it did the same thing. I even installed Acrobat on another computer and I do not have these problems. I would imagine that it is an issue with some kind of settings with my computer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.15:Acrobat Freezes 93.
I have Adobe CS3 installed on my computer now. I am running windows XP.
When I open a pdf file and click on the file button on top I start to scroll down to print the doccument and it freezes on the word Organize. It just freezes there and I have to shut down the program. Also if I am in a program and I want to print to the PDF driver it also freezes. I have a 2.3 Ghz processor and 2 gigs of ram. WHen I try to print to the PDF driver it opens Distiller, it starts and then freezes. Here is the error message that is displayed.
Error in PDFX4 2007.Joboptions:/check compliance out of range.
It seems to keep starting and stopping. When I try to exit Distiller it just keeps retrying so it will not let me close it. I have to reboot my system to get it to shut down.
I had Adobe CS2 on the computer before and it did the same thing. I even installed Acrobat on another computer and I do not have these problems. I would imagine that it is an issue with some kind of settings with my computer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.15:Acrobat Prologue Or Epilogue For Resizing And Centering Eps Files 7m.
We own Distiller Server 6 and are having problems distilling EPS files. The EPS files are distilled to PDF files, but Distiller Server seems to be ignoring the "Resize page and center artwork for EPS files" option in the joboptions for the watched folder.
I suspect that it has something to do with the fact that we're now using InDesign 5.5 and that Distiller Server 6 is so old that the embedded coding for this has changed?
I was wondering if resize and center can be forced by using a prologue or epilogue file. If possible, I would like to avoid purchasing LiveCycle.
Anyone have any ideas?
DB:2.15:Acrobat Prologue Or Epilogue For Resizing And Centering Eps Files 7m.
I loaded the joboptions file into ID and exported as PDF. Had the same issue with fonts. Nice try, though.
The PDF looks fine. PDF is placed onto Quark page. Page is printed to a PostScript file and then distilled using Distiller.
When the new PDF is opened, letters are replaced with boxes, kerning is way off, etc.

Pdfx4 2008.joboptions download

Im looking for a download of all the default. joboptions files that are created when indesign and acrobat pro are installed.
DB:5.22:Download Of Default. Joboptions Files 78.
Find here : yousendit/download/TEhVN3RhbEpOQnljZDhUQw.
DB:3.58:Distiller 'Default Settings' Blank And Doesn't Show All Job Options xs.
We're experiencing a problem with Adobe Distiller 9.3.0 being blank next to "Default Settings" with the error, "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range".I can delete that joboptions file, which removes the error message, but the Default Settings pulldown menu still is blank and doesn't show all of the joboptions files that it should. Only 2 of them are showing up in the pulldown. How can I fix this? I've tried deleting all joboptions files and letting Adobe self repair them and have tried deleting a few com. adobe. distiller* preference files and nothing yet seems to work. Thanks!
DB:3.58:Distiller 'Default Settings' Blank And Doesn't Show All Job Options xs.
We're experiencing a problem with Adobe Distiller 9.3.0 being blank next to "Default Settings" with the error, "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range".I can delete that joboptions file, which removes the error message, but the Default Settings pulldown menu still is blank and doesn't show all of the joboptions files that it should. Only 2 of them are showing up in the pulldown. How can I fix this? I've tried deleting all joboptions files and letting Adobe self repair them and have tried deleting a few com. adobe. distiller* preference files and nothing yet seems to work. Thanks!
DB:3.38:Pdf Preset (Joboptions) 8m.
Where do PDF Preset files or joboptions files need to be stored for InDesign CS3 Server to "see" eles. Would InDesign Server need to be restarted to pick up changes to the Presets?
DB:3.38:Pdf Preset (Joboptions) 8m.
InDesign save a preset in the default Settings folder in the Adobe PDF folder. InDesign server looks into this Folder.
1. Choose File Adobe PDF Presets Define.2. Do one of the following: - To create a new preset, click New. If you want to base the new preset on an existing preset, select the preset first. Set PDF options, and click OK. - Or. To edit an existing custom preset, select the preset and click Edit. (You cannot edit the default presets.) Set PDF options, and click OK.
If u click "OK", InDesign save a preset in the default Settings folder in the Adobe PDF folder. InDesign server looks into this Folder.3. Start or restart InDesign Server.
In your JavaScript ( i hope u use JavaScript) insert the lines:
/Desktop/TestDocument. pdf"), false, myPDFExportPreset);> catch (err)
DB:3.27:How Can I Save A Pdf With Custom Made Joboption? pd.
Hi, I'm new here and my english is not perfect so please, don't make me regret I joined this forum.
The thing is that I have to print pdfs to pdfs with certain. joboptions and I really have no idea how to that.
I tried to make it by distiller, it printed the error about the 'CheckCompliance out of range' error so I deleted the file and I set all of the options by myself just to realize that distiller won't work with. pdf files. I couldn't find all of the options I need in the Acrobat save menu.
Assim. is there any solution to print/save pdf to pdf with joboptions I need?
I hope the post is understandable.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:3.27:How Can I Save A Pdf With Custom Made Joboption? pd.
Hi, I'm new here and my english is not perfect so please, don't make me regret I joined this forum.
The thing is that I have to print pdfs to pdfs with certain. joboptions and I really have no idea how to that.
I tried to make it by distiller, it printed the error about the 'CheckCompliance out of range' error so I deleted the file and I set all of the options by myself just to realize that distiller won't work with. pdf files. I couldn't find all of the options I need in the Acrobat save menu.
Assim. is there any solution to print/save pdf to pdf with joboptions I need?
I hope the post is understandable.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:3.24:Vmware Image: Centos 4.2 Server zk.
This download is about half the size of the cd image which I thought was rather amusing. This image is 358MB and is a standard install using the Centos Server CD. Default login is root/password.
DB:3.24:Vmware Image: Centos 4.2 Server zk.
This download is about half the size of the cd image which I thought was rather amusing. This image is 358MB and is a standard install using the Centos Server CD. Default login is root/password.
DB:3.11:Download Assistant ka.
default path of download trial version of CS6 using adobe downlaod assistant.
DB:3.11:Download Assistant ka.
Save the file in a user folder such as Desktop. After the file downloads completely, the installer will start and ask for the install location.
If in doubt, go with the defaults.
DB:3.06:How To Load Pdfexportpreset From Outside 78.
How can i add a pdfExportPreset from ' *.joboptions ' file outside ?
DB:3.06:How To Load Pdfexportpreset From Outside 78.
How can i add a pdfExportPreset from ' *.joboptions ' file outside ?
DB:3.06:Error Loading An X-4 Std Joboption Into Distiller d9.
I have a customer running CS4 / OS 10.5.8.
We recently changed our CS4 presets to encompass the X-4 2008 Standard. When installing he gets this error:
Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Error in /Users/jasonhatcher/CS4_1.5_WCSC_X-4.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
This is the first time I have heard of this.
I sent him the exact preset changing the X-4 standard to none and it loads just fine.
Desde já, obrigado.
DB:3.06:Error Loading An X-4 Std Joboption Into Distiller d9.
Another thread discussed this. The short answer is that Distiller can't distill an X4 file. BUT, InDesign/Illustrator can export one directly. So, you don't load it into Distiller, load it into InDesign and do a direct export from ID using the X4 preset. That's my understanding.
DB:3.03:The Problem Of Automatically Turn The Page 9d.
When printing from 2008 Acad page format A1 (841 x 594)
landscape and using Pdf-Maker "Convert to Adobe PDF"
size sheet in PDF produced 594 x 420. For other sizes is the.
None of my own *.joboptions preferences and properties of.
paper for the press do not help -
program does not recognize sheet orientation, as it was.
convenient in Acrobat 4.0. Por quê?
DB:3.03:The Problem Of Automatically Turn The Page 9d.
When printing from 2008 Acad page format A1 (841 x 594)
landscape and using Pdf-Maker "Convert to Adobe PDF"
size sheet in PDF produced 594 x 420. For other sizes is the.
None of my own *.joboptions preferences and properties of.
paper for the press do not help -
program does not recognize sheet orientation, as it was.
convenient in Acrobat 4.0. Por quê?
DB:2.95:Lulu Joboptions File In Indesign xa.
I'm currently working on a project that has full-page graphics in InDesign.
I'm using the Joboptions file I've downloaded from the site, as I've had problems with using other custom settings in the past - but the downloaded file has 'Document Bleed Settings' turned off, while the recommendation for having graphics that go to the edge of the printed page is (obviously) to have a bleed area at the edge of the page to allow for variances in cropping, which is how my document is set up.
Is it alright to just turn on the bleed settings in the export settings?
DB:2.95:Lulu Joboptions File In Indesign xa.
Yes, you can use bleed but print as single pages, not spread. That will get you proper bleed pages to that full spread graphics overlap properly.
FWWIW, the Lulu Indesign job options are ancient. I'm working with Lulu to try to update something from the modern era. X-1a:2001 PDF v1.3 is rediculious (IMO).
I know they use PitStop Pro to do their preflight checks. I just don't know what they test against.
DB:2.91:Where Are Custom "Adobe Pdf Page Sizes" Files Stored? 79.
I recently got a new computer - and on the old computer there are several custom "Adobe PDF Page Sizes" (used in the print dialog).
I did a search on the old computer for. joboptions files, and found the folder c:\Program files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Settings, but I don't see any files with names that match my custom sizes (i. e. "Daves Book Cover"). I also did a search for files named, (for example) "Daves Book Cover" para nenhum proveito.
Any ideas where I wold find these kinds of files so I can copy them over to my new coputer and not have to re-create from scratch?
DB:2.91:Where Are Custom "Adobe Pdf Page Sizes" Files Stored? 79.
I think they are stored in the registry. I would look there.
DB:2.90:Missing Job Options kc.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but a search does not seem to turn up much.
I'm missing job options on Adobe Distiller 9 Pro. Here are my stats:
G5 1.8ghz, 4gb RAM OSX 10.4.11.
Acrobat 9.1.3 Pro.
We just purchased this upgrade yesterday, downloaded and installed. Previously we had Acrobat 6.0 Pro. My problem is that anytime I start Adobe Distiller I get only two joboptions: PDFX1a 2001.joboptions and PDFX3 2002.joboptions.
All other joboptions do not show. I can see the rest of the job options in the following location: Macintosh HDLibraryApplication SupportAdobeAdobe PDFSettings.
I have tried fixing/changing permissions. I have tried deleting this folder. When I delete, Adobe Distiller recreates all job options, but I still cannot see more than the 2 previously mentioned job options. I can delete the following folder which Adobe Distiller recreates: Macintosh HDUsers.
usernameLibraryApplication SupportAdobeAdobe PDFSettings. This folder is empty when created. I can copy job options to that folder; Adobe Distiller still only sees 2 job options.
When saving a new job option in to either location I get an error. If I save to the desktop and copy into either location Adobe Distiller will then recognize the new job option. Someone else on another forum had a similar issue which is how I was able to find out that I could save and move.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to force Adobe Distiller to recognize these missing joboptions? I would really rather not have to recreate them if I don't have to.
Additional info that I think may be pertinent to this:
I suspect that this is a permissions issue related to the following: My user account is a network account. We have a Windows 2003 SBS server running Active Directory. Our usernames (and therefore shortnames) are standard. First Name period Last Name. Ie., Erik. Youngren I have Acrobat 9 Pro installed on my PB G4, but my user account here is a local account with no period in the shortname. No issues on the PB.
But if this is the case, why would Distiller then see the newly created joboptions when copied into the Settings folders?
I'm out of ideas!
DB:2.90:Missing Job Options kc.
I've recently came across this same problem, only it happened with the current version, Acrobat Pro X.
I found the sollution by accident on some other site:
1. Open Control Panel/"Regional and Language Settings" dialog.
2. Click the "Customize" button on "Regional Options" aba.
3. Choose period as "Decimal Symbol". Press OK, Apply.
4. Launch Distiller.
I must mention that I am working on Windows an haven't tested this on a Mac.
DB:2.85:Distiller 8 - F Switch And The. Joboptions File cz.
Does anyone know if the - F command line option for distiller can be added to the joboptions file instead of the startup of distiller? We are working within fullswitch and the framework handles the opening and closing of distiller so the startup option doesn't work for us because there is no switch option for us when we configure distiller in the flows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.85:Distiller 8 - F Switch And The. Joboptions File cz.
Does anyone know if the - F command line option for distiller can be added to the joboptions file instead of the startup of distiller? We are working within fullswitch and the framework handles the opening and closing of distiller so the startup option doesn't work for us because there is no switch option for us when we configure distiller in the flows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.76:My Pdf Presets/Joboptions Dont Work In Acrobat Pro 9.0 - Help! dd.
We just upgraded from CS2 Acrobat Pro 7 -- to CS4 Acrobat Pro 9 - Windows.
DB:2.76:My Pdf Presets/Joboptions Dont Work In Acrobat Pro 9.0 - Help! dd.
Thank you both! I opened AA9 Distiller. Went to Menu Settings Add Adobe PDF Settings and manually added them. Fabulous! Muito Obrigado!
DB:2.76:Download Directory zm.
after checking the documentation of weblogic 6.1 , I didn't find any information on the default download directory or any declaration on it.
My soft creates files th.
If you know any way to do that . I'll thanks you :)
DB:2.76:Download Directory zm.
after checking the documentation of weblogic 6.1 , I didn't find any information on the default download directory or any declaration on it.
My soft creates files th.
If you know any way to do that . I'll thanks you :)
DB:2.74:4 *.Joboptions Files From Old Reader Version Are Stuck In Trash And I Can't Delete Them zm.
Olá a todos. I have a 5 year old Mac, PowerBook G4 which I love and don't want to replace. It runs MAC OS 10.4.11, it's a 867 mHz Power PC dual OS 9. The first Acrobat was 5.0, and when I downloaded an upgrade I just dragged the 5.0 to the trash. Now there are four files that I can't get emptied from the trash. They are eBook. joboptions, Press. joboptions, Print. joboptions and screen. joboptions. They are locked and I can't figure out how to unlock them.
I suspect that the problem is that this version of Acrobat only runs under System 9, but I am afraid to start system 9. Can anyone help me?
DB:2.74:4 *.Joboptions Files From Old Reader Version Are Stuck In Trash And I Can't Delete Them zm.
Take them out of the trash click on there icons go to get info and unlock them, then put them back in the trash and delete.
DB:2.70:Tips For Job Options For Lucene Search dk.
Our network admin is asking me if I'm aware of any Distiller. joboptions settings that can be used to optimize search results with Lucene. It's kind of a vague question and I'm not sure how to answer.
We're using Acrobat/Distiller 7. Is anyone aware of. joboptions settings that are suitable or conversely that impair searching?
DB:2.70:Tips For Job Options For Lucene Search dk.
Our network admin is asking me if I'm aware of any Distiller. joboptions settings that can be used to optimize search results with Lucene. It's kind of a vague question and I'm not sure how to answer.
We're using Acrobat/Distiller 7. Is anyone aware of. joboptions settings that are suitable or conversely that impair searching?
DB:2.65:Error In Pdfx4 2007.Joboptions: dp.
I have just installed FrameMaker on a new computer. The install appears to be successful, but I always get the following message in Distiller when I try to Save as PDF:
Error in PDFX4 2007.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Printing to PDF does not work either.
I have Adobe Acrobat 8 installed and am able to create PDFs from other applications. I also have InDesign CS3 and for awhile thought that might be the problem. Has anyone run into this and have any ideas?
DB:2.65:Error In Pdfx4 2007.Joboptions: dp.
In Distiller when you click on the "Default Settings" dropdown there are many settings to choose from, among them two variations called PDF/A -- these are the "archive option" settings; the "/X" may also be archive.
Basically archive is meant for files that have to meet specific criteria for long term electronic storage. You'll find lots of info when you google "pdf a" and "checkcompliance"
DB:2.65:How To Change Default Download Folder In N86 s3.
Software Update Application on N86 8MP phone seem to download files onto C:\ drive (Phone memory) by default and my phone memory seems to be running out of space (12 MB available and could be max increased to 20 MB free space after some cleanup).
How could the default download folder be set on the E:\ drive (8MB memory card)?
That will ensure the download happens without any issue.
DB:2.65:How To Change Default Download Folder In N86 s3.
I am encountering the same problem, but it is going to my SD memory card. ed Nokia, they say just remove the memory card to default it to E:\ . What a lame resolution. Can anyone shed some light on how to do it?
DB:2.64:Pacman Options (Total Download, Show Size And Use Delta) 7c.
pacman has great non-default options. I liked these ones:
UseDelta, TotalDownload, ShowSize.
Display the size of individual packages for --sync and --query modes.
Download delta files instead of complete packages if possible. Requires the xdelta.
program to be installed.
When downloading, display the amount downloaded, download rate, ETA, and completed.
percentage of the entire download list rather than the percent of each individual.
download target. The progress bar is still based solely on the current file download.
DB:2.64:Pacman Options (Total Download, Show Size And Use Delta) 7c.
We just kept the old behavior by default, and added a new option to change it, thats all. If you are not happy, feel free to open a feature request.
DB:2.62:Download From Rapidshare sd.
Can any one cofirm whether they can download files from Rapidshare? I can not (I've N91).Using default browser, eventhough I keep javascript enabled, I get message "Error - Enable Javascript". I tried to use other browser, like Opera 8.65. I get confirmation regarding reservation of download ticket, get the coded number after reaching time 0.00,put that no. in box, button showing "download from. & quot; appears, but actual download don't start after pressing button " download from. "site.
What is wrong? Compartilhe sua experiência. Any known browser which can download from Rapidshare?
DB:2.62:Download From Rapidshare sd.
You experience from the N91, I often suffer from this on my PC,. The download ticket, waiting procedure and then the problem you mentioned has become a pain to me.
DB:2.62:Pdf Preset Returns "Profile Not Available. Cymk Profile Substituted" fj.
I have a longstanding PDF preset for one of my printer clients and this has apparently become corrupted. While I have all the correct settings in a Distiller joboptions setting for this client, under "Summary" in the PDF Preset created in InDesign CS3, there is a warning that says "The preset specifies a profile that is not available. The working CMYK profile will be used instead." I have attempted to recreate the preset, but I get the same warning. I don't understand what 'profile not available' means in this context, since the Distiller joboption for this client *is* available, and working correctly when used to distill postscript and EPS files, etc. Any thoughts? I'm attaching the PDF summary just in case that contains a clue.
DB:2.62:Pdf Preset Returns "Profile Not Available. Cymk Profile Substituted" fj.
I see this all the time, and my understanding is that at the time the preset was created, the input profiles were set differently in your document, and this is just telling you that the conversion is going to use the working space, instead of the missing profile, as the source, which is what you want to happen.
DB:2.62:Unable To Find Adobe Pdf Resource Files On Startup az.
I've been getting this error message every time I start up anymore. It asks me to install in repair mode but that does nothing, I've tried to re-install twice now, still nothing. I followed the files of "C:\Documents and Settings:\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\*.joboptions" , but I can't get past Application data because the adobe file doesn't exist in it, even when I use Run to find it. I'm using XP Pro SP3 and this is the Adobe Master Collection. Por favor ajude!
DB:2.62:Unable To Find Adobe Pdf Resource Files On Startup az.
I went through windows explorer and after I ran the repair I was able to find the adobe file in the applications file, then I found the Adobe PDF file and looked in it, found nothing. the *joboptions file is not in it. Then I ran a search through out the system and still found nothing. The folders don't seem to have restrictions on them.
DB:2.61:How Do You Stop Automatic Download Of Files ad.
I'm usingskype ver. and i want to set sent file downloading from the default of automatic to manual I know this was able to be done in older versions of skpe cuse i had it set to manual for security reasons.
DB:2.61:How Do You Stop Automatic Download Of Files ad.
We've been experimenting with this today.
A link is generated to retrieve the file. The link is sharable with anyone who is a skype subscriber.
Isso não é verdade. If you are referring to a link to image files saved on the Cloud servers, then these links are ONLY accessible by you and the sender of this file. No one else will be able to acess these links.
DB:2.61:Selected Pdf Job Option Doesn't Exist. 1k.
When I try to print to a. ps file I get the message:
"The selected PDF Job Option does not exist n the current installation. Either create this Job Option or select an available Job Option. Continue?"
Was using FrameMaker 7.2 previously. Recently bought Frame 11 (not an upgrade, full program) and installed it on a new machine that is running under Windows 7. I also bought and installed (didn't upgrade) Acrobat 11 after using Acrobat 7 for years on another machine. There are no previous versions of either app on my Windows 7 machines.
I copied two JobOption files from the old machine (Acrobat 7/Frame 7) to the new machine. They are stored in the same location where I found the preset JobOption files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Settings.
In FrameMaker I went to File -- Print Setup and selected Adobe PDF as my default "printer". I set the Default Settings for that printer to the JobOptions file I want to use, which is one of the two I brought over from the other machine (in other words, my JobOptions appear in the list of settings from which to choose).
When I go to print the Book in Frame (Ctrl-P to open the Print Book dialog) I click PDF Setup and the correct PDF Job Options file is shown based on my Print Setup configuration. When I click Set though, I get the above message. I don't understand this message since I both see and can select my JobOptions files in FrameMaker and in Acrobat/Distiller.
I tried reading through the Adobe PDF Creation Settings document to confirm where the JobOptions files need to be stored, but the information I found doesn't seem to cover Windows 7 (named locations don't exist on my system, e. g., Documents and Settings folder).
Can someone clarify for me whether I can use my custom JobOption files from Frame 7 in Frame 11, and if so, where I need to place them? Also, any clarification of this situation in general and why I'd be getting this message when clearly Frame and Acrobat both "see" my JobOptions since they arein the drop-down list, is appreciated.
BTW - I also edited one of my JobOptions in Frame 11 and Saved As a new file but still get the same alert when I proceed.
EDIT: realizing that maybe I should have posted this in the Acrobat forum but since I am working from Frame and accessing settings via Frame, and getting a Frame errror, I started in this forum.
DB:2.61:Selected Pdf Job Option Doesn't Exist. 1k.
Oooo, thank you Arnis! This might make me a happier Frame user again!
DB:2.60:Extrapolate The Joboptions Associated With A Pdf. sz.
Is it possible to extrapolate what joboptions are associated with a pdf. We received a pdf that we would like to use as a template to create other pdfs.
We create postscript files that we run through distiller, however, using the standard joboptions file does not produce fast printing i'm guessing because of the heavy use of a form. We noticed another pdf what was using an xobjects image subtype that prints very fast and we would like to model ours to be the same.
DB:2.60:Extrapolate The Joboptions Associated With A Pdf. sz.
It's almost certainly not the job options, but the tool used and how the PDF was designed. What does Document Info say about its creator and producer?
DB:2.60:C:\Programdata\Adobe\Adobepdf\Settings\*.Joboptions Error pj.
I recently have been having an error message come up during start up with my Dell Studio laptop. The message is as follows. Unable to find Adobe resource files. C:\ProgramData\Adobe\AdobePDF\settings\*.joboptions You dont have administrative privileges to load files.
The message pops up twice and there doesnt seem to be anything not working properly other than the error message; its just annoying. I am running Dreamweaver CS5.5 with Apache services running, everything works fine except for the error messages upon startup. Alguma ideia?
DB:2.60:C:\Programdata\Adobe\Adobepdf\Settings\*.Joboptions Error pj.
Obrigado pela resposta,
Now Im really confused, below are the Adobe programs that are operating on my Windows 7 Home Premium OS. Maybe this will help figure out what the problem is caused from.
Adobe Community Help.
Adobe Download Assistant.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5.
Adobe flash player 11 ActiveX.
Adobe flash player 11 plugin.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0.
Adobe premier Elements 8.0.
Adobe premier Elements 8.0 Templates.
Adobe reader X (10.1.3)
Adobe Widget Browser.
DB:2.59:Having Trouble With Downloads. E-Mail Attachments Are Downloaded As Ashx Files, Instead Of. Doc/.Pdf. Then It Tries To Open Them In Wordperfect, Which Is Supposedly The Default. I Didnt Select That And I Dont Know How To Disable It. Socorro! 9k.
1. I download attachments (.doc,.pdf)
2. Download window says they're ASHX files.
3. Firefox tries to open the files with Wordperfect, instead of Word or Acrobat.
4. how do I stop this?
DB:2.59:Having Trouble With Downloads. E-Mail Attachments Are Downloaded As Ashx Files, Instead Of. Doc/.Pdf. Then It Tries To Open Them In Wordperfect, Which Is Supposedly The Default. I Didnt Select That And I Dont Know How To Disable It. Socorro! 9k.
DB:2.55:Job Options Configuration 7j.
We have been using Adobe Document Server for conversions from PDF to JPEG. Until now all settings were applied using the ".joboptions" files usually located at:
Program Files\Adobe\Document Server 6.0\required\settings.
But we havent reached success on PDF generator trying to do so, and documentation doesn't reveal anything about it. We would appreciate very much if someone help us with this matter.
DB:2.55:Job Options Configuration 7j.
We need several freelancers who can speak english and make several copy + paste operations daily.
Ready to pay via paypal everyday.
Contact us at nobody_4everhotmail if you are interested.
DB:2.54:Exporting Indesign To Pdf: Resolution Output / Distiller Color Management 1k.
Power PC G5, Mac OS X 10.4.11.
InDesign Middle Eastern Version CS3.
Thanks to anyone who can answer any of these questions for me.
I am sending files to a printer who has requested either PDF files directly from InDesign (file-export) or run through Distiller then into Acrobat.
(default setting of PDF/X-1a:2001).
Question 1: Resolution.
They also have the instructions "PDF Output resolution should be set to 600dpi." Is this referring to the Compression pane (Bicubic Downsampling to 300)? I called the printer to confirm if this is what they were referring to, but was told they don't answer questions about making PDFs and that's why they encourage people to use their in-house designers.)
Question 2: Color Management.
For the Distiller/Acrobat option, they have an instructional PDF which I followed, but on the Color Management Pane, they choose the option for Color Handling: "Let InDesign Determine Colors" and the Output color is Composite Gray. But when I get to the color handling option, I only have 2 options: "let PostScript determine" or "no color management." How do I get the InDesign option?
Question 3: Grayscale Text.
Another requirement is that the "Interior text should be submitted as grayscale only." In Acrobat I can preflight and change to grayscale. But will solving the problem of #2 in creating a PostScript file take care of this?
Question 4: Error in Distiller.
I get this error when I open Distiller: "Error in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2007.joboptions: /CheckCompliance out of range" However, the Postscript file goes through just fine as far as I can tell. I found a forum post on this and the basic idea seemed to be "ignore it." Is that a correct interpretation?
DB:2.54:Exporting Indesign To Pdf: Resolution Output / Distiller Color Management 1k.
One more thing I thought I'd better check on. There are 4 or 5 art pieces in a couple of the chapters. They are grayscale, 600 ppi. A couple have a profile of 20% dot gain and a couple have a profile listing of "NA." See attached. Since they are not 100% black to start, do I need to do something different for the files with the pictures?
If I've got it all, these would be my action steps:
1. Export ID file to PDF using X1A preset.
2. Run preflight in Acrobat.
3. Convert colors in Acrobat.
I'm trying to learn more about the PDF process, so I was wondering what is the difference between this convert colors process and using the Convert to Grayscale preflight Fixup?
DB:2.54:When I Download Files Into Download Folder, I Cannot Open Them And They Dont Appear In The Folder. I Tried The Suggestions In The Unable To Download Or Save Files Changed Download Locations It Only Worked A For A Couple Of Files. sx.
Some files didn't appear in my new location either. If I close firefox, it resets the download folder back as the default. I am using 7.0 but this was happening in the last version of 6 as well. I also disabled AVG Safe Search after I checked the know Add-on problem lists.
DB:2.54:When I Download Files Into Download Folder, I Cannot Open Them And They Dont Appear In The Folder. I Tried The Suggestions In The Unable To Download Or Save Files Changed Download Locations It Only Worked A For A Couple Of Files. sx.
I also can't open the files from the download window like I used to.
DB:2.54:Distiller: Pdfx4 2008.Joboptions Bug? m8.
I newly installed Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (I had no previous version). At starting up Distiller, I get an error message:
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
A quick web search shows that this is not a new problem. Some say that Distiller is not able to create PDF/X4 files and that the error is thus a bug in Distiller itself. Isso é verdade? (I can't find a joboptions file of that name in my system . )
Do I need to do anything about it or can I just leave it?
DB:2.54:Distiller: Pdfx4 2008.Joboptions Bug? m8.
Yes, it is a bug in Distiller. Since I have no need for that joboption file, I just 86d it.
DB:2.54:Faq: Creating Pdf Files From Framemaker V.6 Earlier Documents -- Why You Should Not Use "Save As Pdf"! -- Windows Macos Only! 9j.
An issue that has come up over and over again on several FrameMaker and Acrobat/PDF lists as well on the corresponding Adobe User-to-User forums is that of creation of PDF files. FrameMaker 5.5.6 and 6 have what looks like a convenient feature that is supposed to allow you to create PDF files via simply saving the document as a PDF file. I have gone on record as advising end-users not to use this approach for reliable creation of PDF files from FrameMaker documents under Windows and MacOS with FrameMaker 6 and earlier. Why do I most vociferously offer this advice and why doesn't the problem get fixed? And how SHOULD you create PDF files from FrameMaker?
I will start with the good news. The "next major version" of FrameMaker will indeed have "save as PDF" re-implemented in a manner that it will be as reliable as printing to the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS. I am personally working with the FrameMaker development organization to make sure this really happens and is fully and properly tested and debugged! Furthermore, this next major revision of FrameMaker, unlike FrameMaker 6, will come with a Distiller installer that will properly install the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows and the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer on the Macintosh (of course assuring that the latest PostScript driver is also automatically and correctly installed).
But what's wrong with "save as PDF" as currently implemented?
The following are some of the SYMPTOMS reported over the last few years by FrameMaker users that were traced back to use of "save as PDF" under FrameMaker:
(1) No PDF file is produced at all, possibly with a log file showing not-readily apparent PostScript errors during distillation.
(2) The PDF file "loses" color in images. All or some images (raster, bitmap images, NOT vector artwork) appear in the PDF file in grayscale.
(3) The resultant PDF file is on the wrong paper size, i. e., the document's logical page size does not match the output page size as seen in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
(4) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file is blotchy looking or overly bold.
(5) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file cannot be searched or indexed.
(6) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file appears in Courier or in some other substitution font.
(7) Interword or intercharacter spacing is a bit irregular in the resultant PDF file.
(8) Content is missing in the margin areas of the page, i. e. you cannot do full-page bleeds.
(9) Some or all page content is missing (other than margin areas).
(10) Relatively inefficient PDF is generated.
If this list by itself isn't enough for you, please note that some of these symptoms are very subtle and may escape attention when the PDF is first viewed or printed. Oftimes, it is when one attempts to manipulate the PDF file in Acrobat or repurpose its content or even view or print on a system other than the one on which the PDF file was created, that some of these symptoms make themselves obnoxiously visible (or invisible in some cases I won't make any bad jokes here about graphic examples!).
It is important to understand that FrameMaker does NOT have its own native ability to create PDF. Any and all PDF created from FrameMaker documents is actually done by creating PostScript via the PostScript driver and having the Acrobat Distiller create PDF from that PostScript. The only exception to this is creation of PDF via the Acrobat PDFWriter driver, which is likewise not recommended (see below).
In order for "save as PDF" to work correctly, FrameMaker must do the equivalent of calling Printer Setup and selecting the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS followed by setting the driver's options correctly for paper size, page range, etc., followed by sending the proper commands to the driver to create PostScript.
Contrary to popular belief, PostScript as generated by the Windows and MacOS PostScript drivers is VERY device-dependent. The information in the PPD file associated with a printer driver instance provides critical parameters for generation of PostScript including:
Whether the printer supports color (Acrobat Distiller does)
What PostScript language level is supported (Acrobat Distiller 4.x and Acrobat Distiller 5.x are both PostScript language level 3)
Whether native TrueType support is available (Acrobat supports native TrueType as Type 42 fonts)
Available binary communications (Acrobat Distiller supports pure binary and ASCII, but NOT TCP, TBCP, or PJL)
Resident fonts (Acrobat Distiller doesn't really have resident fonts)
Available paper sizes and custom paper size availability (Acrobat Distiller supports a wide range of predefined sizes and continually variable "custom" sizes up to 200" by 200")
Margins / printable areas (for PDF and the Acrobat Distiller, there are no margins in which imaging is not permitted)
Device resolution (Acrobat Distiller can be set to any value from 72 to 4000 dpi; as a convenience, the Acrobat Distiller PPD provides a series of values for use by the driver. Since there is no inherent "resolution" of a PDF file, this parameter is used only for purposes of allowing PostScript programs that query for such a value to be satisfied and for the driver to be able to communicate this value to the operating system and/or application as required.)
Paper handling (totally irrelevant to Acrobat Distiller if input or output tray selection via "setpagedevice" is found in the PostScript stream, it is ignored by Acrobat Distiller)
Thus, if the wrong printer driver instance is selected (i. e., it isn't associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD file) or that driver instance is improperly configured, improper PostScript will result and one or more of the symptoms described above can occur. As currently implemented, FrameMaker depending upon version will not necessarily choose the correct printer driver instance and/or correctly parameterize the print job via driver setup options. In fact, FrameMaker 5,5,6 might even try to generate PDF via calling a PCL driver, FAX driver, or even a non-PostScript inkjet printer!
The Acrobat PDFWriter is a relic of older versions of Acrobat. In fact, it is no longer installed by default in the "easy install" or the "typical install" of Acrobat 5. It hasn't really be updated since Acrobat 3 and only supports PDF 1.2. It is a GDI (Windows) / QuickDraw (MacOS) driver that directly generates PDF without any intermediary PostScript. Since it is not a PostScript printer driver, applications cannot pass through EPS graphics and/or PDFMark information (used for a wide variety of purposes by FrameMaker). For EPS graphics, most applications will send the low resolution TIFF (or PICT) EPS header in lieu of the PostScript text, if they send anything at all, to the driver. Forget about links, structure, or any other PDF "goodies." Expect that PDFWriter will fully "bite the dust" in the next major version of Acrobat.
The ONLY method that is really reliable for producing PDF files with FrameMaker 6 and earlier requires the generation of PostScript via a properly set printer driver instance associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD and distillation of the resultant PostScript by Acrobat Distiller.
Case 1: FrameMaker and the Full Acrobat 4.05 or Acrobat 5.0x Products.
PDF file from a "chapter" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance (Windows) or the Create Adobe PDF desktop printer (MacOS) already installed by Acrobat. If you check the "Acrobat data" option, then make sure to UNcheck the "print to file" option that gets set at the same time. As a result, the driver will automatically send the generated PostScript to the Distiller for you and delete the intermediate PostScript when done.
PDF file from a "book" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance with the "print to file" option checked (Windows) or the Virtual Printer desktop printer (MacOS) associated with the Distiller PPD (see details below under Case 2/MacOS). You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
In both the above sub-cases, the default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (Use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters under Windows. Make sure to set Level 3 only and Binary under MacOS. Font inclusion "All" for Acrobat 4.05 and "None" for Acrobat 5 under MacOS.). With Acrobat 4.05, make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. With Acrobat 5, you can set this on a job-by-job basis via the driver printer setup interface (or print dialog on MacOS).
Case 2: FrameMaker 6 and the Bundled Acrobat 4.05 Distiller.
Windows -- Create a new printer driver instance using the latest version of the Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer, downloadable from Adobe's web site AND the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subdirectory of the Distiller directory). This driver instance should be set to print to the local port named "FILE:". Name this driver instance as "Acrobat Distiller". The default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. Print directly to this Acrobat Distiller printer instance. Make sure that the "print to file" option is checked. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
MacOS -- Install the latest version of AdobePS 8.7.x, downloadable from Adobe's web site. In FrameMaker, go to Page Setup and select the "Virtual Printer" and go to the "Virtual Printer" window pane. Select the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subfolder of the Distiller folder). Print directly to the "Virtual Printer" (Make sure to set Level 3 only, Binary, and font inclusion "All".). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
Case 3: Acrobat 3.
Acrobat 3 is not officially supported for the latest OS versions and I personally would no longer recommend its use for generation of PDF files given that Acrobat 5.0.5 is the current version of Acrobat.
DB:2.54:Faq: Creating Pdf Files From Framemaker V.6 Earlier Documents -- Why You Should Not Use "Save As Pdf"! -- Windows Macos Only! 9j.
An issue that has come up over and over again on several FrameMaker and Acrobat/PDF lists as well on the corresponding Adobe User-to-User forums is that of creation of PDF files. FrameMaker 5.5.6 and 6 have what looks like a convenient feature that is supposed to allow you to create PDF files via simply saving the document as a PDF file. I have gone on record as advising end-users not to use this approach for reliable creation of PDF files from FrameMaker documents under Windows and MacOS with FrameMaker 6 and earlier. Why do I most vociferously offer this advice and why doesn't the problem get fixed? And how SHOULD you create PDF files from FrameMaker?
I will start with the good news. The "next major version" of FrameMaker will indeed have "save as PDF" re-implemented in a manner that it will be as reliable as printing to the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS. I am personally working with the FrameMaker development organization to make sure this really happens and is fully and properly tested and debugged! Furthermore, this next major revision of FrameMaker, unlike FrameMaker 6, will come with a Distiller installer that will properly install the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows and the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer on the Macintosh (of course assuring that the latest PostScript driver is also automatically and correctly installed).
But what's wrong with "save as PDF" as currently implemented?
The following are some of the SYMPTOMS reported over the last few years by FrameMaker users that were traced back to use of "save as PDF" under FrameMaker:
(1) No PDF file is produced at all, possibly with a log file showing not-readily apparent PostScript errors during distillation.
(2) The PDF file "loses" color in images. All or some images (raster, bitmap images, NOT vector artwork) appear in the PDF file in grayscale.
(3) The resultant PDF file is on the wrong paper size, i. e., the document's logical page size does not match the output page size as seen in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader.
(4) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file is blotchy looking or overly bold.
(5) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file cannot be searched or indexed.
(6) Some or all text in the resultant PDF file appears in Courier or in some other substitution font.
(7) Interword or intercharacter spacing is a bit irregular in the resultant PDF file.
(8) Content is missing in the margin areas of the page, i. e. you cannot do full-page bleeds.
(9) Some or all page content is missing (other than margin areas).
(10) Relatively inefficient PDF is generated.
If this list by itself isn't enough for you, please note that some of these symptoms are very subtle and may escape attention when the PDF is first viewed or printed. Oftimes, it is when one attempts to manipulate the PDF file in Acrobat or repurpose its content or even view or print on a system other than the one on which the PDF file was created, that some of these symptoms make themselves obnoxiously visible (or invisible in some cases I won't make any bad jokes here about graphic examples!).
It is important to understand that FrameMaker does NOT have its own native ability to create PDF. Any and all PDF created from FrameMaker documents is actually done by creating PostScript via the PostScript driver and having the Acrobat Distiller create PDF from that PostScript. The only exception to this is creation of PDF via the Acrobat PDFWriter driver, which is likewise not recommended (see below).
In order for "save as PDF" to work correctly, FrameMaker must do the equivalent of calling Printer Setup and selecting the "Acrobat Distiller" printer instance under Windows or the "Create Adobe PDF" desktop printer under MacOS followed by setting the driver's options correctly for paper size, page range, etc., followed by sending the proper commands to the driver to create PostScript.
Contrary to popular belief, PostScript as generated by the Windows and MacOS PostScript drivers is VERY device-dependent. The information in the PPD file associated with a printer driver instance provides critical parameters for generation of PostScript including:
Whether the printer supports color (Acrobat Distiller does)
What PostScript language level is supported (Acrobat Distiller 4.x and Acrobat Distiller 5.x are both PostScript language level 3)
Whether native TrueType support is available (Acrobat supports native TrueType as Type 42 fonts)
Available binary communications (Acrobat Distiller supports pure binary and ASCII, but NOT TCP, TBCP, or PJL)
Resident fonts (Acrobat Distiller doesn't really have resident fonts)
Available paper sizes and custom paper size availability (Acrobat Distiller supports a wide range of predefined sizes and continually variable "custom" sizes up to 200" by 200")
Margins / printable areas (for PDF and the Acrobat Distiller, there are no margins in which imaging is not permitted)
Device resolution (Acrobat Distiller can be set to any value from 72 to 4000 dpi; as a convenience, the Acrobat Distiller PPD provides a series of values for use by the driver. Since there is no inherent "resolution" of a PDF file, this parameter is used only for purposes of allowing PostScript programs that query for such a value to be satisfied and for the driver to be able to communicate this value to the operating system and/or application as required.)
Paper handling (totally irrelevant to Acrobat Distiller if input or output tray selection via "setpagedevice" is found in the PostScript stream, it is ignored by Acrobat Distiller)
Thus, if the wrong printer driver instance is selected (i. e., it isn't associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD file) or that driver instance is improperly configured, improper PostScript will result and one or more of the symptoms described above can occur. As currently implemented, FrameMaker depending upon version will not necessarily choose the correct printer driver instance and/or correctly parameterize the print job via driver setup options. In fact, FrameMaker 5,5,6 might even try to generate PDF via calling a PCL driver, FAX driver, or even a non-PostScript inkjet printer!
The Acrobat PDFWriter is a relic of older versions of Acrobat. In fact, it is no longer installed by default in the "easy install" or the "typical install" of Acrobat 5. It hasn't really be updated since Acrobat 3 and only supports PDF 1.2. It is a GDI (Windows) / QuickDraw (MacOS) driver that directly generates PDF without any intermediary PostScript. Since it is not a PostScript printer driver, applications cannot pass through EPS graphics and/or PDFMark information (used for a wide variety of purposes by FrameMaker). For EPS graphics, most applications will send the low resolution TIFF (or PICT) EPS header in lieu of the PostScript text, if they send anything at all, to the driver. Forget about links, structure, or any other PDF "goodies." Expect that PDFWriter will fully "bite the dust" in the next major version of Acrobat.
The ONLY method that is really reliable for producing PDF files with FrameMaker 6 and earlier requires the generation of PostScript via a properly set printer driver instance associated with the Acrobat Distiller PPD and distillation of the resultant PostScript by Acrobat Distiller.
Case 1: FrameMaker and the Full Acrobat 4.05 or Acrobat 5.0x Products.
PDF file from a "chapter" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance (Windows) or the Create Adobe PDF desktop printer (MacOS) already installed by Acrobat. If you check the "Acrobat data" option, then make sure to UNcheck the "print to file" option that gets set at the same time. As a result, the driver will automatically send the generated PostScript to the Distiller for you and delete the intermediate PostScript when done.
PDF file from a "book" -- print directly to the Acrobat Distiller printer instance with the "print to file" option checked (Windows) or the Virtual Printer desktop printer (MacOS) associated with the Distiller PPD (see details below under Case 2/MacOS). You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
In both the above sub-cases, the default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (Use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters under Windows. Make sure to set Level 3 only and Binary under MacOS. Font inclusion "All" for Acrobat 4.05 and "None" for Acrobat 5 under MacOS.). With Acrobat 4.05, make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. With Acrobat 5, you can set this on a job-by-job basis via the driver printer setup interface (or print dialog on MacOS).
Case 2: FrameMaker 6 and the Bundled Acrobat 4.05 Distiller.
Windows -- Create a new printer driver instance using the latest version of the Adobe Universal PostScript Driver Installer, downloadable from Adobe's web site AND the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subdirectory of the Distiller directory). This driver instance should be set to print to the local port named "FILE:". Name this driver instance as "Acrobat Distiller". The default driver options generally will be OK, but check on paper size and communication protocol (use pure binary, not ASCII, for optimal performance AND no CTRL-D characters). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. Print directly to this Acrobat Distiller printer instance. Make sure that the "print to file" option is checked. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
MacOS -- Install the latest version of AdobePS 8.7.x, downloadable from Adobe's web site. In FrameMaker, go to Page Setup and select the "Virtual Printer" and go to the "Virtual Printer" window pane. Select the Acrobat Distiller PPD file (located in the XTRAS subfolder of the Distiller folder). Print directly to the "Virtual Printer" (Make sure to set Level 3 only, Binary, and font inclusion "All".). Make sure you preset the Distiller to use the joboptions you want. You will need to manually process the resultant PostScript file through the Distiller (or use a "watched folder" arrangement).
Case 3: Acrobat 3.
Acrobat 3 is not officially supported for the latest OS versions and I personally would no longer recommend its use for generation of PDF files given that Acrobat 5.0.5 is the current version of Acrobat.
DB:2.52:Exporting Pdf From Indesign, Need To Attach The Job Options Inside The Pdf, So It Can Be Verified dj.
Exporting a PDF from InDesign, I need to attach the Job Options inside the PDF, so it can be verified that it was produced correctly. Exporting from Distiller works. Same JobOptions file used and attach JobOptions is clicked ON. It's required to verify as part of our QA process.
DB:2.52:Exporting Pdf From Indesign, Need To Attach The Job Options Inside The Pdf, So It Can Be Verified dj.
Thank you for the reply. I will discuss this with our team and look for a way to automate it, if we follow your solution. Or, let me phrase the question again as, How can I verify that a certain PDF Setting (Job Option) has been used to create that PDF when it is exported via InDesign?
DB:2.51:Exporting Files From Indesign To Correct Size mk.
Hope someone can help. I create multiple ads for many publications and have joboptions set up for each. Brill, saves loads of time!
However, some require the ad to be cropped to bleed size but still include crop marks. How can I export a PDF to the correct size (trimmed to the bleed size with crop marks but without the white space you always get?!). For instance, can you specify the length of the crop marks to make them shorter or just specify the correct trimmed size without the white space?
At the moment I have to specify a bleed of 10mm when exporting from InDesign and then crop 7mm off all round to leave 3mm of bleed in Acrobat with the crop marks (albeit small) remaining on the document.
The ads are delivered via adsend so if they don't pass the specs, they are automatically rejected (gone are the days when someone REAL checked them over sigh!)
Please, please, has anyone got a solution.
I'm using CS5 and Acrobat 9 Pro.
Oh, and I can't seem to print a postscript file or PDF anymore since we got a new crappy printer!
DB:2.51:Exporting Files From Indesign To Correct Size mk.
Hope someone can help. I create multiple ads for many publications and have joboptions set up for each. Brill, saves loads of time!
However, some require the ad to be cropped to bleed size but still include crop marks. How can I export a PDF to the correct size (trimmed to the bleed size with crop marks but without the white space you always get?!). For instance, can you specify the length of the crop marks to make them shorter or just specify the correct trimmed size without the white space?
At the moment I have to specify a bleed of 10mm when exporting from InDesign and then crop 7mm off all round to leave 3mm of bleed in Acrobat with the crop marks (albeit small) remaining on the document.
The ads are delivered via adsend so if they don't pass the specs, they are automatically rejected (gone are the days when someone REAL checked them over sigh!)
Please, please, has anyone got a solution.
I'm using CS5 and Acrobat 9 Pro.
Oh, and I can't seem to print a postscript file or PDF anymore since we got a new crappy printer!
DB:2.51:How To Use. Joboptions (Printer Settings) To Make Pdf p9.
Currently we using. joboptions settings file to change the Printer setting of PDF make another PDF with that settings. Following is the non-programmatical process to use. joboptions.
Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers - Adobepdf-printing preference-Adobe PDF settings-Default Settings as Our joboption file.
is it possible to use. joboption file programmatically to change existing pdf settings (For ex. Changing Document size, font embed, save as image pdf etc). Using. joboption file we can change entire properties of PDF. If we can use. joboptions file to change PDF settings in any programming language using any of Adobe dll's or Services then please let me know.
DB:2.51:How To Use. Joboptions (Printer Settings) To Make Pdf p9.
JobOptions files are only used with the Adobe PDF Printer, LiveCycle PDF Generator and the Creative Suite applications.
They are not used with the programming libraries.
DB:2.51:Importing Of Pdf Export Preset 7f.
Does anyone know how to import an existing PDF export preset into IDS. Ideally I'd like to set up Presets in InDesign desktop and then copy them into IDS, but I cant find where the preset files are stored. Alternatively, I could save existing presets as. joboptions files, and then use the script interface to import them. I cant find the right calls to make.
DB:2.51:Importing Of Pdf Export Preset 7f.
In my case (on IDS CS2 on Mac OS 10.4 server), copying a. joboptions file into the right directory (/user/library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings) makes it available ONLY after InDesign Server restart, i. e. the new joboptions remains unknown if I don't restart. br /The same happens with fonts. br /br /Does everybody have the same problem ?
DB:2.51:Acrobat - Force Files To Download Automatically Without Having To Open Them - I Need Local Copies ma.
Is it possible to force Acrobat to automatically download files saved online with out having to open each one.
I am using an iPad mini and need the files stored locally to edit when there is not internet connection.
The default configuration shows all of the files, but only downloads them when I open them.
DB:2.51:Acrobat - Force Files To Download Automatically Without Having To Open Them - I Need Local Copies ma.
Is it possible to force Acrobat to automatically download files saved online with out having to open each one.
I am using an iPad mini and need the files stored locally to edit when there is not internet connection.
The default configuration shows all of the files, but only downloads them when I open them.
DB:2.50:How Do You Retain Changes To The Adobe Acrobat Default Printer Preferences? fk.
After upgrading to Adobe Acrobat Standard X on Windows 7: Changing the PDF default printer driver preferences in Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers to "Smallest File Size" and further changing "Smallest File Size" to Compatibility to Acro 8 and Resolution to 300 DPI, then Saving, Smallest File Size(1).joboptions, OK, Apply, OK. When I return to the driver Smallest File Size selection has returned it's original settings and no additional "Smallest File Size(1).joboptions" is available for selection. Is this a bug or am I approaching it incorrectly. It seemed to work in Acrobat Standard 9.
DB:2.50:How Do You Retain Changes To The Adobe Acrobat Default Printer Preferences? fk.
After upgrading to Adobe Acrobat Standard X on Windows 7: Changing the PDF default printer driver preferences in Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers to "Smallest File Size" and further changing "Smallest File Size" to Compatibility to Acro 8 and Resolution to 300 DPI, then Saving, Smallest File Size(1).joboptions, OK, Apply, OK. When I return to the driver Smallest File Size selection has returned it's original settings and no additional "Smallest File Size(1).joboptions" is available for selection. Is this a bug or am I approaching it incorrectly. It seemed to work in Acrobat Standard 9.
DB:2.50:Acrobat 8: Joboptionsfolder / Pdf Admin Settings In Windows Registry 7a.
Systems are Windows XPSP2, Acrobat Professional 8.1.2.
We would like to share *.joboption files via a readonly server share (W2K3 Server).
In the windows registry we find two values with the default path to the *.joboptions files:
1. HKLM\Software\Adobe\PDF Admin Settings\, Default (Reg_SZ)
2. HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\8.0\ , JobOptionFolder (Reg_SZ)
both registry values point to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\"
When we change these values to "\\server\share\", which is write protected by security settings, and copy the installed *.joboption files to this location, all seems to work fine.
The users joboptions directory found here:
HKCU\Software\Adobe\PDF Settings\, Default (Reg_SZ)
pointing to C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\
we would like to leave as is.
Will we run in troubles, if we share *.joboptions files as described? Problems known with readonly joboptions on a server share?
DB:2.50:Acrobat 8: Joboptionsfolder / Pdf Admin Settings In Windows Registry 7a.
Systems are Windows XPSP2, Acrobat Professional 8.1.2.
We would like to share *.joboption files via a readonly server share (W2K3 Server).
In the windows registry we find two values with the default path to the *.joboptions files:
1. HKLM\Software\Adobe\PDF Admin Settings\, Default (Reg_SZ)
2. HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\8.0\ , JobOptionFolder (Reg_SZ)
both registry values point to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\"
When we change these values to "\\server\share\", which is write protected by security settings, and copy the installed *.joboption files to this location, all seems to work fine.
The users joboptions directory found here:
HKCU\Software\Adobe\PDF Settings\, Default (Reg_SZ)
pointing to C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings\
we would like to leave as is.
Will we run in troubles, if we share *.joboptions files as described? Problems known with readonly joboptions on a server share?
DB:2.50:Cannot Download Any Type Of Files 3f.
I cannot download any type of files. I have a dell inspiron and am using windows 7 64. when i try to download i get the dialogue box and it shows the file but underneath it says cancelled. i try to run it anyway and it appears to be downloading but no files.
are found. My default is mozilla, but I have also tried this on IE with the same results. Por favor ajude.
DB:2.50:Cannot Download Any Type Of Files 3f.
Welcome to Microsoft Community and thanks for posting the question.
As per the description, you are having issues with downloading files.
Which version of Internet Explorer are you using?
This issue persist if File download option is disabled.
Perform the steps mentioned below and see it it helps.
a: Open Internet Explorer.
b: Then click Tools Internet Options.
c: Then click the Security Tab.
d: Then clickthe Custom Level Button.
e: Now Navigate to the Downloads section.
f: Now select Enable for File Download.
g: Click Ok Apply Ok.
Reply to us if you face any issues withdownloading files or any other Windows Issue, and we would be glad to assist you.
Tenha um bom dia!
Espero que esta informação ajude.
DB:2.49:My Download Files Is Preset As Itunes. How Do I Default It Or Chage It Back c3.
when i go to download music off of livemixtapes. there's a icon that symbols itunes.. an it dowloads as a itune format. when its finsh downloaded i cant click it or get in to it.. How do i change it to default or the way i can open the music up.
DB:2.49:My Download Files Is Preset As Itunes. How Do I Default It Or Chage It Back c3.
You may refer to the following article to run the fix it tool and check if it helps.
When you run an. exe file on a Windows Vista-based or Windows 7-based computer, the file may start a different program.
Hope this information is helpful.
DB:2.49:Pelase Uninstall And Reinstal The Product. Error: 16 "Could Not Find Resource Files "Adobe Pdf". "C:\Programdata\Adobe\Adobepdf\Settings\*.Joboptions" xz.
When i tried strat photoshop or another program from adobe, the folowing messagem apears: Pelase uninstall and reinstal the product. Error: 16. And sometimes the folowing message appears too: "Could not find resource files "Adobe PDF". "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\AdobePDF\Settings\*.joboptions".
How can I fix it?
DB:2.49:Pelase Uninstall And Reinstal The Product. Error: 16 "Could Not Find Resource Files "Adobe Pdf". "C:\Programdata\Adobe\Adobepdf\Settings\*.Joboptions" xz.
When i tried strat photoshop or another program from adobe, the folowing messagem apears: Pelase uninstall and reinstal the product. Error: 16. And sometimes the folowing message appears too: "Could not find resource files "Adobe PDF". "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\AdobePDF\Settings\*.joboptions".
How can I fix it?
DB:2.48:How Do I Change The Pdf Version When Combining Files mc.
I am using Acrobat 9 Standard and need to change the default pdf version when combining multiple files, it actually save in 1.6 but would need to lower to 1.4 to be compatible with a client. So far, I changed the. joboptions with no luck. Any idea? Thanks.
DB:2.48:How Do I Change The Pdf Version When Combining Files mc.
Thanks, we already do this but I would like to set it and forget it. Theres always someone that will forget the extra step.
DB:2.48:Default Download Directory xc.
Although I set Firefox to ask me where to save a doanloaded file it always gave me a default directory of ..\Downloads. Sometime ago I downloaded a file to a different (..\Microsoft) directory and since then it became the default one. No matter how many times I download files to the \download directory, the displayed default is always ..\Microsoft. How do I change it back so the default directory is ..\Downloads. (In Firefox setting it is set to ask me where to save the file)
DB:2.48:Default Download Directory xc.
You can disable this feature to remember the download directory via the Boolean pref browser. download. lastDir. savePerSite on the about:config page.
The browser. download. lastDir. savePerSite pref doesn't exist by default (it is a hidden pref), so you need to create it.
Create a new Boolean pref with the name browser. download. lastDir. savePerSite and set the value to false.
You may have to clear the "Site Preferences" via Clear Recent History to remove already stored data.
DB:2.47:Download Of Exe Files Reports Partial Download And Stops xc.
I tried Downloading EXE files on Firefox4 and most of the times even when the Exe is downloaded completely, firefox4 reports issue in download and saves the Exe file as filename. exe. part in the default "Downloads" pasta.
This is happening from almost all the websites on both my laptop (win7) and Desktop (Win7).
Appreciate if this issue is fixed by firefox.
DB:2.47:Download Of Exe Files Reports Partial Download And Stops xc.
I tried Downloading EXE files on Firefox4 and most of the times even when the Exe is downloaded completely, firefox4 reports issue in download and saves the Exe file as filename. exe. part in the default "Downloads" pasta.
This is happening from almost all the websites on both my laptop (win7) and Desktop (Win7).
Appreciate if this issue is fixed by firefox.
DB:2.47:I Need To Change The Distination Folder For My Downloads, Please Help! jc.
Thank you Firefox Folks,
I have a problem with the default save-to Destination File on the newest Firefox browser 5.0.
The files I download while I'm using your browser (stuff like utilities files I download to try, so. exe files) are currently going to My Documents/Downloads and that folder is EA Games Sims3 default downloads in that file, it is their default file. When the files default to there, it is a mess for my Sims3 game and slows it down.
IE has abandoned(?) my WindowsXP Pro/Media Edition OS it seems, and not even my Youtube will load on IE 8.0.6001.187021C. I am just trying to get happy over Firefox and have a way that I can control where the downloads go to at the time of download so they don't end up in my Sims3 Game file. Thanks, TerryfromCO.
DB:2.47:I Need To Change The Distination Folder For My Downloads, Please Help! jc.
Do you mean that you want to save your files where you want them? If so, then I would go to your Menu bar or the orange Firefox tab. If you are using the Menu bar, go to Tools and click on Options (it's at the bottom). Uma janela se abrirá. Under the general tab, click "Always ask me where to save files". If you have the orange Firefox tab, click it and go to the second column. Mouse over Options and click on the first thing you see, which should read Options. Then a window will pop up. Make sure you are under the General tab and click "Always ask me where to save files" (it is the same as using the Menu bar). Or, the option above that is to choose a folder you'd like to save all your files in.
Espero que isto ajude!
DB:2.47:Lulu Joboptions File Into Adobe Acrobat aj.
If someone could help me it would be much appreciated!
I am having problems uploading my files for my book on here. I keep getting font embedding errors. So in trying to fix this, I downloaded the "Lulu joboptions" Arquivo. They seem to have a "download here and do it yourself" approach for everyone including myself who is not a computer genius like it seems they expect everyone to be.
I have Adobe Acrobat X Pro. I downloaded the joboptions file and opened it. I manually added all the fonts I need (and was told were not embedded), into the "Always Embed" caixa. At the bottom I click "save as". I saved it into some kind of "settings" folder in Adobe Acrobat it seemed to automatically place itself in.
Now here is the problem. what do I do from here?? I assumed my "lulu joboptions" settings would be automatically in place but that doesn't seem to be the case. How do I "set" or "activate" these specific settings when I open Adobe to make a. pdf? If someone can give me a step by step basic rundown that would be so appreciated! I am about to kill myself over the stress this has been causing me!
DB:2.47:Lulu Joboptions File Into Adobe Acrobat aj.
Acrobat Pro is a waste of time. If you want a user friendly PDF program, try Nitro PDF. You won't regret switching. Eu não fiz.
Regards, MichaelLulu's Red-Headed Stepchild and Sometime Poet.
DB:2.47:Word Pad 1s.
How can I take word pad off of default filewhen I need to download a pdf file? I want adobe has primary and only default.
DB:2.47:Word Pad 1s.
Thanks I done what you told me to do. I won't know when I need to do a pdf download to see if this will work but thanks.
If you find my response helpful, please click on the "Vote as Helpful" button! Thank you!
DB:2.47:Downloading Files From Datebases d3.
In my application I have to upload and download files into the database. I read the how to documentation (oracle/technology/products/database/htmldb/howtos/howto_file_upload. html) and was able to implement it without any problem.
When I download the application and choose open instead of save, it doesnot find the default program (eg: Word for. doc files, Acrobat Reader for. pgf files etc). It gives me a list from which I have to choose the program to open the file.
Does anybody know how to make it open automatically with the default program for that file type in the system?
DB:2.47:Downloading Files From Datebases d3.
You have to configure that in your browser. Look for "mime types" or "helper applications"
DB:2.47:How To Select Or Change The Default Destination For Files Downloaded xp.
I downloaded a tax file as areliminary to being able to upload it to the tax dept (canada cra corresponding to us irs) \when I try to upload it for sending I can't find it. I am hoping to change the default download location to one I can find and access.
and then download it to this new download location as part of the process of sending the file to the cra.
DB:2.47:How To Select Or Change The Default Destination For Files Downloaded xp.
Hi Moose164 is this a saved file or dowloaded file you are looking for. You say you downloaded a file and you are trying to upoad one are they the same files.
DB:2.46:How To Specify Joboptions From "Save As" Or "Convert To" x8.
When I print a document (from Word or FrameMaker) to the Adobe PDF printer, I get a chance to set PDF options. There is a list of my. joboptions files. I can choose my low-file-size-poor-graphic-quality file or my big-file-size-great-graphics-quality joboptions or my middle-size-middle-quality joboptions.
However, when I "save as" a PDF file from Word, or right-click in Explorer and choose "convert to PDF" I don't get a chance to specify the joboptions. Is there a way to determine which joboptions will be used in either or both of those cases?
Using Acrobat Pro 9 Distiller 9.
DB:2.46:How To Specify Joboptions From "Save As" Or "Convert To" x8.
When using the convert to PDF option, use the preference under that menu option in WORD or other application using PDF Maker. The job. options are selected in the convert preferences.
DB:2.46:Quicktime Music Drum Synthesizer 9z.
Olá; How do I get quicktime to play midi files with a drum synthesizer instead of the default music synthesizer? I've tried changing it but I have no other options than the default music synthesizer. Do I have to download something?
DB:2.46:Quicktime Music Drum Synthesizer 9z.
Right, Thanks. I'm using soft synths, no hardware synths. I need quicktime to play my midi drum tracks as examples. I've been all over google looking for a third party download for this purpose, no luck.
DB:2.45:Pdf Settings ( Joboptions ), Always Standardprofile Is Used xm.
Hallo. I use a livecycle 8.2.1 server with the generatePDFService as webservice. In the adminconsole i can convert a lot of formats to PDF. That works nice. But if i want to change the "PDF Format" from for example "Standard (Acrobat 6)" to "Press Quality(Acrobat 5)" than the output file is always the default Standard profile and Acrobat6.I tryed every profile, but on everyone i get a "Standard" file. Its running on a windows server with Office 07 and Acrobat 9 Pro. I also tryed different fileformats ( doc, docx, jpg, txt . )So now i need help.
DB:2.45:Pdf Settings ( Joboptions ), Always Standardprofile Is Used xm.
When you use the LiveCycle Administration Console to convert a file to PDF, LiveCycle uses the default conversion settings. You can change the default value for the Adobe PDF settings, Adobe 3D PDF settings, security settings, and file type settings. In LiveCycle Administration Console, click Services LiveCycle PDF Generator ES. On the Adobe PDF Settings, Adobe 3D PDF Settings, File Type Settings, or Security Settings page, click Set Default Settings. Select your preferred default settings. Click Save. For more information, see Generate PDF Administration Help.
DB:2.44:Changing The Download Folder 33.
Is it possible to change the default folder that Skype downloads files in to?
Currently, Skype is dropping all my files in to the Windows Downloads folder and as a lot of files sent to me are work related, I'd rather they were in a specific folder, not lumped with every other file I download. However, I can't seem to change the default download directory.
I've searched support and forums but can't find a definitive answer - any help?
DB:2.44:Changing The Download Folder 33.
Thank you - I was looking and looking. Couldn't see the forest for the trees.
DB:2.43:Editing. Joboptions Files With A Text Editor 8p.
Does anyone else do this? I've found that there are many more features than those that are available in Distiller.
Is there a paper on what all the code lines mean? There are a few choices in the. joboptions text files that I don't understand.
DB:2.43:Editing. Joboptions Files With A Text Editor 8p.
I don't understand the the value "UseName" from the above passage. Does this mean that the PDF joboption file will use a flatter preset of the same name?
By the way, no it means that you set UseName to the name of a.
transparency flattener preset file that already exists.
DB:2.43:[ Pacman ] Download From Server X, If Not Found, Download From Y ? 11.
So I was thinking about using some kind of prioritizing as the default ( Latvia ) server is missing some files. Is it possible to set the default server and if something is missing, try to get it from another, without interrupting the whole download/install process ?
DB:2.43:[ Pacman ] Download From Server X, If Not Found, Download From Y ? 11.
Will try to enable one or more alternate mirrors and see whether it works or not.
You can use something like Xynes powerpill.
DB:2.43:How Do I Default To Acrobat Instead Of Preview For Pdf Files On The Web k3.
I was able to change the default to Acrobat by using the finder - get info, choose app - and that works fine for pdf files already on my laptop, but PREVIEW still launches whenever I download a pdf file from the web - how can I also default those files to Acrobat?
DB:2.43:How Do I Default To Acrobat Instead Of Preview For Pdf Files On The Web k3.
You can use RCDefaultApp.
DB:2.42:Error Loading/Saving Pdf Presets 8x.
Error loading/saving pdf presets.
I am using CS4 and Windows 7. I have a. joboptions file I want to load in InDesign, but when I try, I get the error message: Cannot create the file. The folder may be write protected.
I am a local administrator on the computer.
I have tried manually copying the. joboptions file into the folder C:\Users\my profile\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings, but it doesnt show up in the list of available presets.
I used the same version of InDesign with Windows XP and was able to load and save presets this way just fine.
DB:2.42:Error Loading/Saving Pdf Presets 8x.
Found another solution here: forums. adobe/message/3250523.
Thing is to run InDesign one time as administrator create the pdf preset you want save it somewhere you can find it copy it to the alluser folder.
C:\Users\All Users\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Settings.
and from now on you can load your PDF setting always. saving new will have to be done when running as administrator unfortunately.
Espero que isto ajude.
DB:2.41:How Do I Change The Default Location For Files That I Download From . 93.
Original title: Downloading files from .
How do I change the default location for files that I download from . Presently everything goes into the download file and I want them to go to documents file.
DB:2.41:How Do I Change The Default Location For Files That I Download From . 93.
Set Default Library Save Folder.
DB:2.41:When I Download Any Kind Of File The Default Opening Program Is Windows Picture Viewer k7.
original title: download issues.
DB:2.41:When I Download Any Kind Of File The Default Opening Program Is Windows Picture Viewer k7.
· Do you remember making any changes recently?
You may try the following and check for the issue.
Method 1: Run the following fixit and check if it helps.
Fix broken desktop shortcuts and common system maintenance tasks.
Method 2: Follow steps from the below mentioned article and see if it helps.
How to change or select which program starts when you double-click a file in Windows XP.
DB:2.41:Download Date, Or Date Added? cp.
When downloading files to the default download folder, I notice some downloaded files retain their original creation/modification dates, and others have the date of download. Is there some way to enforce all downloads be stamped with the current download date? My intention is to find a way to always be able to sort the Download's directory by newest download, or date added. Thanks for any ideas = ]
DB:2.41:Download Date, Or Date Added? cp.
You are a genius!
DB:2.41:Distiller X Failure f7.
Distiller (as part of Acrobat X Pro) has suddenly started generating these errors, and won't run:
Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files.
You must have Administrator priveleges to install these files. Please contact your local system administrator.
I've tried copying files to the location (failed due to access issues, despite trying to give full control access). I've tried reinstalling Acrobat X, and it still gives the same messqage. Does anyone have any ideas?
DB:2.41:Distiller X Failure f7.
That is a mystery isn't it. I see, every so often, a problem where security has gone awry like this, but I've never see anyone suggest how it can happen. Clearly (a) someone does it or (b) some software does it or (c) something breaks, but that doesn't help very much! Glad you solved it.
DB:2.40:Adobe X Standard: Cant't Load Standard. Joboptions Or Any Other. Joboptions File fj.
After installing Acrobat X standard on a Win 7, 64 Bit, professionell machine Acrabat and distiller start, but when printing to Acrobat or out of distiller there is always an error:
Adobe PDF-Setting: Error reading the file. (as described: the. options files).
So I can't write anything from any other location than from out of Acrobat X (but there just without changing any setting - so too low resolution).
- I tried chaning the access-rights to the files (now for everybody) - still doesn't work.
- I saved a configuration-file from another machine (running win 7, 32 bit) on a network drive and tried to open this one: Doesn't work.
The Acrobat X was installed before on a slow Win 7, 32 bit and everyhting worked.
Now after chaning and upgrading to the faster machine witz Win7 64 bit it doesn't work anymore.
DB:2.40:Adobe X Standard: Cant't Load Standard. Joboptions Or Any Other. Joboptions File fj.
Moving this discussion to the Printing Prepress portion of the Acrobat forums.
DB:2.40:Question About Setting Hybrid Extension Addons 9a.
I am trying to load a joboptions for a project. I tried to use the Hybrid extension panel and more specifically the "system" shortcuts. I used $userdatafolder which I tried to complete with "/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/". However I couldn't get it to work. I found another way but I remain curious if this kind of cooking is possible ?
Any experience someone ?
DB:2.40:Question About Setting Hybrid Extension Addons 9a.
thanks for the feedback. Actually, I embed the joboptions within the zxp and then move teh file at extension startup. Only matter is that the file won't be moved as long as teh user didn't show up the extension. I hoped using hybrid option would have installed teh file at installation level.
But I will keep your advice regarding to installation delays slowing down and userdatafolder unconsistencies. I will keep on using my own installation method then.
DB:2.40:Distiller Api Events Do Not Fire 81.
I am using Visual Basic Express 2008 on Win 7, 64-bit. I cannot get OnJobStart, OnJobDone, and OnLogMessage to work, but they don't.
Below is a simple example of what I'm trying:
Public Class Form1 Public WithEvents pdf As ACRODISTXLib. PdfDistiller6.
Dim myPSPath As String = "C:\Users\D. P. Story\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\distill\" Dim mypdfPath As String = "C:\Users\D. P. Story\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\distill\test1.pdf" Dim jobOptions As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Settings" Public Sub pdf_OnLogMessage(ByVal strMessage As String) Handles pdf. OnLogMessage 'OnLogMessage catches the log messages that normally would appeat in the distiller log strMessage = strMessage. Replace(vbLf, vbNewLine) TextBox1.AppendText(strMessage) End Sub Public Sub pdf_OnJobStart(ByVal strInputPostScript As String, _ ByVal strOutputpdf As String) Handles pdf. OnJobStart TextBox1.AppendText("Job Starts!" vbCrLf) End Sub Public Sub pdf_OnJobDone(ByVal strInputPostScript As String, _ ByVal strOutputpdf As String) Handles pdf. OnJobDone TextBox1.AppendText("Job Done!" vbCrLf) End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System. Object, _ ByVal e As System. EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click On Error Resume Next TextBox1.AppendText("Begin distilling. " vbCrLf) pdf = New ACRODISTXLib. PdfDistiller6.
pdf. bShowWindow = True pdf. FileToPDF2(myPSPath, mypdfPath, jobOptions, False) End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System. Object, ByVal e As System. EventArgs) Handles MyBase. Load pdf = Nothing End SubEnd Class.
I do not get any text returned to TextBox1, so these events never occur. Is there some error in my syntax?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DB:2.40:Distiller Api Events Do Not Fire 81.
OK, found the problem. I was in debug mode, the application was started by the VP 2008 Express application and I was not getting those distiller messages; when I started the test app from windows explorer, the messages started appearing! This could then be an issue of the environment the application was executin in, rathe than an issue with Win 7, 64-bit. Many thanks for everyone's help.
DB:2.40:How To Restore Default Progam To Open Downloaded Files ( Is Set On Media Player, Cant Change) c3.
Have repeatedly tried to download files from cnet to my pc, when download box appears, opens with Media Player, the problem is, Media Player is set as the default program. What procedure do I use to restore to a default capable of regular downloads.
A few times a week.
== I attempted to download files today, repeatedly.
DB:2.40:How To Restore Default Progam To Open Downloaded Files ( Is Set On Media Player, Cant Change) c3.
DB:2.40:Printing To Adobepdf Stops Responding 7x.
I've searched up and down for some guidance on this problem and have found a lot of questions on the forums, but not a lot of resolutions (for my case in particular).
Our graphics department creates a lot of PDFS based off of Powerpoint and Quark files. About 6 times/day the Adobe PDF printer locks up and stops responding. They need to reboot in order to get it working again.
Their Acrobat Distiller log shows the following error:
Acrobat Distiller 9.3Started: Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 10:17:14.
Adobe PostScript software version: 3018.101CID support library initialization completed. Adobe PDF Settings file read error in PDFX4 2008.joboptions:/CheckCompliance out of range.
I've seen several other forum discussions with this particular error, and everyone says to change the distiller option to Standard as opposed to PDFX4 2008. Well, in our case the Distiller was set to a custom joboptions file that basically set higher resolutions. It was very similar to the "High Quality Printing" configuração. I had our users try the High Quality Printing setting, and they still experience the same problem.
I've checked the Windows Event logs and do not see any relevant events that correspond to the times that these jobs are failing.
This is occuring on freshly loaded workstations running Windows 7 (64-bit) with Adobe CS 4.
I'm going to try to repair the Acrobat installation during my lunch hour today, but was hoping someone could provide some alternative guidance as well.
Obrigado por ler!
DB:2.40:Printing To Adobepdf Stops Responding 7x.
Well, after installing Windows Update KB980408, the lockups have stopped happening. Esquisito.
DB:2.39:How Can I Use Data Merge, Within A Master, Within A Book? dm.
I am producing an 84pp catalogue for multiple brands.
I have it set up as:
1x. indd document per spreadMaster styles within one. indd document for black text, white text etc. Book setup to contain all of the. indd files to make up the 84pp book.
Now, my problem is I have to change the footer text and references depending on the brand, so I can have the footers saying 'Call Brand A on 123 4567' or 'Call Brand B on 567 1234' and have various in-text references change from Brand A to Brand B and vice versa.
I have a data merge on each of the masters in my. indd style source looking at a simple. csv of:
Brand NameURLPhone NumberBrand Abranda0800 123 4567Brand Bbrandb0800 567 1234.
This works fine on the masters within the source. indd.
But, when I close this master style source and go into another. indd document within the book (after synchronising) I see the Brand Name container but, when I export the documents it does not populate the book with the data - it keeps the containers.
Obviously with a normal in-document Data Merge you'd click 'Create Merged Document' but I don't want to export each page, and I have PDF print presets /.joboptions file with settings for the book.
Any advice on how to get this to work?
DB:2.39:How Can I Use Data Merge, Within A Master, Within A Book? dm.
I'm not really following the workflow here, but this seems like it might be better suited to Conditional Text than to Data Merge.
DB:2.39:Importing Pdf Presets fd.
I know I can script a boatload of PDF Export options, and I can likely read a. joboptions file but is there a way to script the equivalent of using the "Load" button on the "Adobe PDF Presets" dialog?
DB:2.39:Importing Pdf Presets fd.
I know I can script a boatload of PDF Export options, and I can likely read a. joboptions file but is there a way to script the equivalent of using the "Load" button on the "Adobe PDF Presets" dialog?
DB:2.39:Default Moh Files p3.
Hello, I am working an older Call Manager System 4.0 and found that when it was installed it was installed with only one "The Boys from Liverpool" MOH file. Which now one here likes and of course I open my mouth and tell them there should be other choices. NÃO!
Does anyone know the link to download the basic comes with the systems MOH files?
Obrigado pela ajuda.
DB:2.39:Default Moh Files p3.
Thank you for the reply. I did pretty much as you said and found royalty free music that I was able to download and then used exactly the program you recommended. Thank you again for you help.
DB:2.39:Distiller Epilogue/Prologue Files xk.
This may not be the place to ask this, but I've had no luck in the Acrobat forum.
When using Distiller, normally a PDF will be generated at the dimensions set in the joboptions file under default page size.
My understanding is that if you go to the advanced section in the joboptions file and turn on Process DCS Comments, then check Resize Page and Center Artwork for EPS files, the PDF that is generated should be at the size of the original documents and not the default page size set in the joboptions file.
Unfortunately, this is not what I'm seeing. Every PDF generated is set to the default page size.
Is there a way to control this via the epilogue or prologue files?
DB:2.39:Distiller Epilogue/Prologue Files xk.
By "these" I mean the files exported directly from InDesign.
I do know that these EPS files will Distill properly when run through newer versions of Distiller, specifically Distiller X. I just tested with Distiller 7 and it seems to work there as well.
DB:2.39:Need Help With An Error On Boot Up jd.
Everytime I boot my PC I get an error that says.
Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files.
"C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\settings\*.joboptions"
Do you want to run the installer in Repair Mode?
Okay so I run the installer and repair it, no good dosn't fix it. Reboot, Cancel the Installer, IT RUNS ANYWAY. Um. that's got me worried it's some kind of eploit.
According to threads I've found on the subject they all pretty much blame making Adobe PDF your default printer. Bem. That's not it in my case it was once for a few hours but that was back when I was using Adobe 7 and I am now using 9 like 3 months ago and the problem just started last week. Does anyone know how to replace/repair/hit the PC with a framing hammer to make it work and tell me it's not an exploit pretty please?
DB:2.39:Need Help With An Error On Boot Up jd.
Everytime I boot my PC I get an error that says.
Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files.
"C:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\settings\*.joboptions"
Do you want to run the installer in Repair Mode?
Okay so I run the installer and repair it, no good dosn't fix it. Reboot, Cancel the Installer, IT RUNS ANYWAY. Um. that's got me worried it's some kind of eploit.
According to threads I've found on the subject they all pretty much blame making Adobe PDF your default printer. Bem. That's not it in my case it was once for a few hours but that was back when I was using Adobe 7 and I am now using 9 like 3 months ago and the problem just started last week. Does anyone know how to replace/repair/hit the PC with a framing hammer to make it work and tell me it's not an exploit pretty please?
DB:2.39:Wmv Default 8x.
How do I set my default setting to use Real to play internet WMV files?
I downloaded a trial version of Parallels which has now expired and every time I try to download and.
play a WMV file off the internet it is defaulting to Windows Media Player which is not available as the trial is time expired.
DB:2.39:Wmv Default 8x.
Download and install Flip4Mac WMV Player from telestream/flip4mac-wmv/overview. htm (Windows Media Player for the Mac is no longer supported, even by Microsoft).
They will then play in Quicktime 7.
Alternatively do as Carolyn suggests!
DB:2.39:Start-Up 89.
During start-up the following appears. "C:\programdata\adobe\adobepdf\settings\*.joboptions.
DB:2.39:Start-Up 89.
We don't know what OS you use, or what Adobe products you have installed.
Is there no message associated with that file path?
Have you checked your startup list what could cause this message?
DB:2.38:Howto Specify Job Options For Autocad Conversion 8z.
I am using Acrobat Professional 8.1.2 and AutoCAD 2007. The Adobe PDF plugin for AutoCAD makes GREAT pdfs, but it makes them as "Optimized for Web" and "PDF v1.6" por padrão. I have not been able to discover how to change these settings.
I expect that I will need to change the jobOptions file used, but there are no areas where I can tell what JobOptions file the AutoCAD convert is using.
DB:2.38:Howto Specify Job Options For Autocad Conversion 8z.
I am using Acrobat Professional 8.1.2 and AutoCAD 2007. The Adobe PDF plugin for AutoCAD makes GREAT pdfs, but it makes them as "Optimized for Web" and "PDF v1.6" por padrão. I have not been able to discover how to change these settings.
I expect that I will need to change the jobOptions file used, but there are no areas where I can tell what JobOptions file the AutoCAD convert is using.
DB:2.38:Preserve Halftone Information--Check Or Don't Check? fd.
I have a client that is about to send their manuals to press. We are not sure whether to select Preserve Halftone Information in the Distiller. joboptions file or not.
We are using FrameMaker 9 (unstructured), and the rest of the specified. joboptions settings are as follows:
Compatibility: Acrobat 8.0 (PDF 1.3)
Color Images: Compression - Automatic, Quality - High.
Compress Text: On (but I couldn't find this setting)
Color Conversion: Tag Everything.
RGB Profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1.
CMYK Profile: U. S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2.
The client asked about the halftone information, and I thought that I should probably find some more information.
DB:2.38:Preserve Halftone Information--Check Or Don't Check? fd.
You should never use device-specific printer drivers to produce PDFs. The AdobePDF printer instance is specifically designed for PDF creation and is included with FM.
DB:2.38:Download kx.
when i download larger file than it automatic stop downloading at a constant point, speed of downloading is also constant (showing in firefox downloader ) but after an hour when i saw the download percentage is remain constant.
. it is happen only in large files when i download it.
. when you lunch any more version of 3.6.19 than please give more priority to default downloader (firefox downloader).
DB:2.38:Download kx.
when i download larger file than it automatic stop downloading at a constant point, speed of downloading is also constant (showing in firefox downloader ) but after an hour when i saw the download percentage is remain constant.
. it is happen only in large files when i download it.
. when you lunch any more version of 3.6.19 than please give more priority to default downloader (firefox downloader).
DB:2.38:Broken Download Links 3j.
The download page is not currently working, with broken links to all of the downloads. For example, the Windows version links to the following file which doesn't exist:
Is anyone else having this issue, and if so can this be fixed?
DB:2.38:Broken Download Links 3j.
Most of the issues with site were adressed. Let us know if you are still facing with any.
DB:2.38:[Cs5] Using Pdf Export Preset From Distiller With Indesign, Doesn't Work The Same? 78.
We are in the process of reworking one of our workflows in which we would manually use Distiller to create a PDF. Now we are trying to automate this with InDesign. My first thought was that I could try using the same PDF Export Preset (.joboptions file) used in Distiller, load it into InDesign, and export my book as a PDF using this preset.
For my current testing example, there are about 115 pages in this PDF document. The PDF that Distiller created is of pretty good quality, and is about 34MB. When I used the same. joboptions file to export an InDesign book of the same original documents as a PDF, the result is equal in quality, but is about 119MB.
Does anyone know why they aren't even close in file size? Is InDesign packing more stuff (maybe related to the actual InDesign documents, or the book itself) into the final PDF? If so, is there anyway to get InDesign to give a similar PDF (in terms of both size and quality) using the. joboptions file from Distiller?
Desde já, obrigado!
DB:2.38:[Cs5] Using Pdf Export Preset From Distiller With Indesign, Doesn't Work The Same? 78.
One thing I just found is this article:
Which kind of explains the difference between the Distiller/InDesign PDFs. Assuming that is all correct, are there any options I'm left with to create a similar PDF (in terms of quality and size) with InDesign/InDesign server?
DB:2.37:Joboptions Crossbreeding pz.
My printservice only provides Distiller joboptions.
I only use Indesign CS3 and Indesign CS2 on PC.
When creating the PDF I decided to pick the Distiller Joboption.
Now I found out that it seems to be a big no no.
What exactly will go wrong, when I use the Distiller joboptions within Indesign?
DB:2.37:Joboptions Crossbreeding pz.
DB:2.37:Where Are The Job Options Saved? j7.
We work in a writing group that is in several states and we're trying to document our current processes. We'd like to have access to each others job options files but we're not sure where they are located and how they are saved. One group is using FM 9 and another is FM 8, and the job options seem to be different. Is there a way to save the joboptions from FM 9?
Thank you so much for your help.
DB:2.37:Where Are The Job Options Saved? j7.
The two locations here (not counting those hidden in the Extras folder),
listed in Acrobat Help, are all that I know of:
A few of the following presets are not available until you move them from.
the Extras folder (where they installed by default) to the Settings folder.
for custom settings.
Typically, the Extras and Settings folders for default settings are found in.
(Windows) Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF,
(Vista) ProgramData/Adobe/Adobe PDF, or (Mac OS) Library/Application.
Support/Adobe PDF. The default settings files installed with Distiller are.
Read Only and Hidden.
The custom settings are found in (Windows) Documents and.
Settings/[username]/Application Data/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings, (Vista)
Users/[username]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings, or (Mac OS)
Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings.
DB:2.37:Missing Ppd In Adobe Cs5.5 (Mac Os 10.7) k8.
Hi there, After installed the InDesign CS5.5. The PPD in Print dialog became Device Independent. And the POstScript file is failed by using PDF/X-1a joboptions because of the missing geometry set. Thanks in advance. Best regards, KK.
DB:2.37:Missing Ppd In Adobe Cs5.5 (Mac Os 10.7) k8.
Hi Manish_1988,Thx for the info! Warmest regards, KK.
DB:2.37:Postscript Virtual Printer. 8m.
We just swapped our old G5 Xserve running Panther Server for a shiny new Xeon Xserve running Leopard Server.
I'm currently struggling to implement the PDF system I had set up on the old server on the new one. Under Panther I had virtual printers set up that took incoming jobs and spooled them as PostScript files into folders, for instance the 'High Res PDF' printer would dump a raw PostScript file into a watched folder for Distiller to pick up and process with the appropriate JobOptions.
According to this post: andrewcain. blogspot/2007/10/ps-printing-in-leopard. html the CUPS process now runs as a low privilege user, and this is where my problems start. I cannot get my printer to output to the folders I want, every time I get a backend error because the folder is not writable. I have tried changing the permissions on the output folders (which are on an external RAID) to allow full access to 'everyone', and I have tried setting the owner to '_lp', nothing works.
So far the only place _lp will output to is /tmp, as mentioned in the above post, but if I try to write to a subdirectory of /tmp, even one with the same permissions, it won't work.
Is there any way around this?
DB:2.37:Postscript Virtual Printer. 8m.
We just swapped our old G5 Xserve running Panther Server for a shiny new Xeon Xserve running Leopard Server.
I'm currently struggling to implement the PDF system I had set up on the old server on the new one. Under Panther I had virtual printers set up that took incoming jobs and spooled them as PostScript files into folders, for instance the 'High Res PDF' printer would dump a raw PostScript file into a watched folder for Distiller to pick up and process with the appropriate JobOptions.
According to this post: andrewcain. blogspot/2007/10/ps-printing-in-leopard. html the CUPS process now runs as a low privilege user, and this is where my problems start. I cannot get my printer to output to the folders I want, every time I get a backend error because the folder is not writable. I have tried changing the permissions on the output folders (which are on an external RAID) to allow full access to 'everyone', and I have tried setting the owner to '_lp', nothing works.
So far the only place _lp will output to is /tmp, as mentioned in the above post, but if I try to write to a subdirectory of /tmp, even one with the same permissions, it won't work.
Is there any way around this?
DB:2.37:Need To Make The "Smallest" Pdf Possible. dc.
I have played with the setting in "joboptions", can't seem to get very small files. Example, distilling or exporting from ID, I can't seem to get the file under 1.5mb's. It a 30 x 40 +bleed/marks poster. I've set distiller/Export to res down to 72 and even down to 60dpi in 1 case, set quality to "MIN", and still to big. We low res PDF's to clients for OK'ing, and they are on older PC's and have size limits.
Any suggestions, very appreciated. Obrigado.
DB:2.37:Need To Make The "Smallest" Pdf Possible. dc.
Also make sure you're now allowing other meta-content to be included.
Options such as layers, links, bookmarks, optimise etc (bottom of the.
PDF export main screen) should be disabled if only for print .
DB:2.37:How To Fix A Font Encoding Problem In Pdfmaker For Word? zj.
I've just been upgraded to a new computer at work, and I'm finding that a custom font I need is not appearing correctly in PDFs I create using the PDFMaker plugin for Word.
The font (Helvetica Fraction) is a Type 1 font with a custom encoding scheme. If I just print to the PDF driver, then look at the font embedding in the resulting PDF, Helvetica Fraction is listed as Type 1, Custom Encoding, and text set in Helvetica Fraction appears correctly.
If I use the PDFMaker plug-in to create a PDF from the same document and then examine the embedding, Helvetica Fraction is shown as Type 1 (CID) with an encoding of Identity-H. In this case, text set in Helvetica Fraction does not appear. There is text in those places, but if I try to highlight it and copy it over the Clipboard on my computer, all I get is strings of capital Zs.
So far, I've tried removing unneeded fonts from my system, clearing my font cache, setting different joboptions files in PDFMaker, reducing the output resolution to 600 dpi, and turning off as many advanced options as possible. Any additional recommendations?
My current setup: Office 2007, Acrobat 9, Windows 7.
DB:2.37:How To Fix A Font Encoding Problem In Pdfmaker For Word? zj.
I normally leave the "rely on system fonts" checkbox on. When I look at a Word document that's experiencing this problem, Word is not substituting another font for Helvetica Fraction.
Meanwhile, I've also purchased an updated copy of the font, which did not help either.
DB:2.37:Want To Move The Download Files From Windows 8 Purchase To Upgrade Later. mk.
I purchased and downloaded Windows 8. I want to save the files to another location on my hard drive so I can install later. What is the directory path of the download? It's not in my default download directory.
DB:2.37:Want To Move The Download Files From Windows 8 Purchase To Upgrade Later. mk.
Check for a folder named 'WindowsESD' at the root of your C drive (if you have multiple partitions this folder could be on a different partition), you should see a file there named install. esd You can burn that to a blank DVD as a disc image. If you don't.
see it, enable show hidden files and folders.
DB:2.37:How To Automatically Download Files To Different Folders Based On File Extension pc.
I download all types of files and I prefer to sort my files into folders based on type. For example, I have a folder for installation files, so I would like to be able to set the DEFAULT download location for. exe files to "C:/users/%username%/downloads/setup files". I would like to do the same for ISO files: default save location is the "downloads/disk images" pasta.
DB:2.37:How To Automatically Download Files To Different Folders Based On File Extension pc.
Read the instructions CAREFULLY.
DB:2.36:Freeze When Editing Joboptions Files In Acrobat 8.1 mp.
Our prepress department has 3 macs, 2x G5 Mac dual 1.8 ppc, and 1x Mac Intel 2x2.66 dual core processors. All are running Mac OS 10.4.11. Since we have upgraded to CS3, none of us can edit pdf colour settings in distiller. We can click on all the tabs and edit settings, except *color*, which does not change to the color settings box. Can't say *cancel* or *ok*, and if we try to save the settings we get *Error occurred writing to Adobe PDF settings file*, or *An error occurred trying to save the job options*. Most times we will have to quit or force quit Acrobat, as we can't get rid of the edit settings dialog box. Is anyone else having this experience. I would really like to get this problem solved right away.
DB:2.36:Freeze When Editing Joboptions Files In Acrobat 8.1 mp.
I may have fixed mine. In the userlibraryApplication SupportAdobeColorsetting there was a duplicate or corrupt. csf file that I had created somehow. Monitor calibration? Not sure but when I trashed it Distiller was working again. a fluke?
DB:2.36:Error Message *.Joboptions z8.
I recently have been having an error message come up during start up with my Dell Studio laptop. The message is as follows. Unable to find Adobe resource files. C:\programData\Adobe\AdobePDF\settings\*.joboptions You dont have administrative privileges to load files.
The message pops up twice and there doesnt seem to be anything not working properly other than the error message; its just annoying. I am running Dreamweaver CS5.5 with Apache services running, everything works fine except for the error messages upon startup. Alguma ideia?
DB:2.36:Error Message *.Joboptions z8.
If you try to open the folder to access the joboptions files, are you permitted to do so? If not, you need to fix the permissions for the folder and then try again.
DB:2.36:How Can I Change The File Version For Scanned Pdfs To 1.4 When Using The "Pdf From Scanner" Feature From Acrobat Xi? By Default It's Always Saved As 1.5. 9z.
Because our IT system can only handle PDFs with versions up to 1.4, we need to "PDF from scanner" feature to store the scanned PDFs in version 1.4.
Acrobat 9 always saved it in 1.4, but starting with Acrobat X, the PDFs are saved in 1.5.
There must be a setting or configuration somewhere where I can change this.
I already tried modifying the distiller's standard joboptions, but that did not work.
Obrigado por qualquer ajuda.
DB:2.36:How Can I Change The File Version For Scanned Pdfs To 1.4 When Using The "Pdf From Scanner" Feature From Acrobat Xi? By Default It's Always Saved As 1.5. 9z.
We use in our software an open-source pdf library that only supports pdf versions up to 1.4. I know it is old, but it's not that simple to exchange it.
But I just had a look into the Actions as you suggested. This way I get it to work. It costs one additional click, so that's acceptable.
Obrigado pelo apoio.
DB:2.36:Save Downloaded Files: At Different Locations c1.
I wish to save my downloaded files at different locations, and not any particular default location.
I want a promt to ask me the location each time I download a file.
Think this feature was available in Safari 4; but Safari 5 saves all my files to a location, instead of asking me on each download.
DB:2.36:Save Downloaded Files: At Different Locations c1.
DB:2.36:File Access - Download Multiple Files At Once? x1.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to configure File Access within UAG 2010 to allow the download of multiple files at once. By default you can only select one file and download one file at a time, we have a requirement to download more than one file.
at a time but I cannot see how to configure this.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
DB:2.36:File Access - Download Multiple Files At Once? x1.
By design, you can only download one file at a time with File Access. Both IAG and UAG have this same limitation.
DB:2.36:Which File Contains The "General" Pdfmaker Settings ? cc.
I know that there are 'joboptions files which contain customized Conversion Settings. But reading through these files I don't see any of the "general" settings referenced, eg. "Create Bookmarks".I can customize the general settings for my own user profile, but I want to roll out my customized general settings to 3,000 workstations ( likely into the "All Users" folder ? ). However, I need to know which file, and its location, contains this information so we can deploy this corporate-wide. Any thoughts ? Obrigado.
DB:2.36:Which File Contains The "General" Pdfmaker Settings ? cc.
This will surely work without fail. You can change other keys according to your requirement.
DB:2.36:I Can No Longer Download Files. The Download Manager Comes Up And Indicates File Is Downloading, But It Isnt. 39.
I can't download any files. The download window appears and indicates file is downloading, but it doesn't. I had to open IE to download latest version of Firefox. I have reset all download values to default. I have changed the location of file downloads and I've cleared the download manager.
DB:2.36:I Can No Longer Download Files. The Download Manager Comes Up And Indicates File Is Downloading, But It Isnt. 39.
I have tried all of the above and nothing helps. I created a new profile and was still unable to download files. Should I remove Firefox and reinstall it.
DB:2.36:Setting Default Programs md.
I have previously mentioned this but didn't get much help. So I am asking the question again hoping to be clearer this time.
I have a problem with associating programs I want to open certain files. For instance, I press command+I and set 'Keynote' to be default program and change all for. ppt files. But everytime I download a new file. ppt format, Windows Powerpoint opens. Same is the issue with quicktime files, I set VLC as default but quicktime always opens up.
Are there any other ways to set default programs of your wish to open certain files?
DB:2.36:Setting Default Programs md.
How about hold ctrl and click on file, "open with" opção. Does it help?
DB:2.36:Distiller Crash When Printing From Air 3.2 j1.
I have a problem with the new air runtime 3.2 when printing to pdf. For some reason when printing an movieclip through the pdf printer. It crashes.
-What i've tried so far.
Updated the air runtime // dev kit in flash builder. Changed the app xml and recompiled.
Removed the PDFX4 2008.joboptions (Suggested in some forums)
Tried to set the transparancy option to none (somewhere in the joboptions file).
What is odd, it works perfectly with the old air runtime engine 3.1. But after updating to air 3.2 it crashes.
This was the error message, it probably has something to do with text/embedded fonts (pure graphics seem to wordk). But i'm not sure. The error from the log file :
Acrobat Distiller 9.5.
Started: maandag 2 april 2012 at 7:54:13.
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
CID support library initialization completed.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
Acrobat Distiller 9.5.
Started: maandag 2 april 2012 at 7:57:32.
Versão do software Adobe PostScript: 3018.101.
CID support library initialization completed.
Erro de leitura do arquivo Adobe PDF Settings no PDFX4 2008.joboptions:
/ CheckCompliance fora do alcance.
I tried it with acrobat 8 (also worked with air 3.1)
%%[ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: --nostringval-- ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
DB:2.36:Distiller Crash When Printing From Air 3.2 j1.
I seem to have solved my own problem (will need some further testing but for now it is working). For some reason the display object that has to be printed needs to visible on the stage. So constructing an (sprite/movieclip with classic textfields) in memory and sending it directly as a printjob resolves into a crash. But if you attach it to the display/stage before sending the printjob, the problem seems to be resolved. Maybe this is the same reason why a printed sprite/movieclip gets corrupted after printing.
DB:2.36:How To Overwrite Default Prologue/Epilogue. Ps Distiller 8 Files ? da.
I've just upgraded from Acrobat 7 (on Win XP) to Acrobat 8, and it's not been easy.
I did find that to use my custom joboptions settings (printing to Acrobat PDF from FrameMaker 7.2), I needed to put the. joboptions files into the "All Users" settings instead of my individual user settings folder (kb2.adobe/cps/333/333453.html). So that's straight.
But now I can't seem to make the analogous change for the prologue/epiloge. ps files. Because they don't appear to be processed when the custom files are in my individual user settings folder, I'm trying to overwrite the. ps files in the "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe PDF\Distiller\Data" folder, but I'm getting an Access is Denied error.
My user is the "computer administrator", so that should give me access to everything, right?
But, I've tried turning off "Read only" settings to the individual files, to successively higher-level folders, etc., and nothing works. I also made sure to disable the Acrotray. exe on the off chance that that was locking the file, and then rebooting, but no luck there either.
So, how can I get the combo of FrameMaker 7.2 and Acrobat 8 to use my custom prologue/epilogue. ps files? Is there perhaps some registry setting?
DB:2.36:How To Overwrite Default Prologue/Epilogue. Ps Distiller 8 Files ? da.
I used an unlocking utility (ccollomb. free. fr/unlocker/). And although it told me that there were no lock handles, it gave me the option for it to delete the files. I did, copied over my custom. ps files, and all's good now :-).
DB:2.36:Adobe Pdf 9.0 Printer Not Working jz.
I use Acrobat 9 Professional here and Adobe PDF printer doesn't work.
Distiller notify " /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings/PDFX4 2008.joboptions.
/CheckCompliance out of range".
What's the problem?
DB:2.36:Adobe Pdf 9.0 Printer Not Working jz.
The cups-pdf printer I mentioned before: codepoetry/projects/cups-pdf-for-mosx will work on Snow Leopard per the instructions of users SFJeep and JLG.
DB:2.36:Ids On Winserver 2008 Location Of Joboptions Files aa.
I am attempting to find where to put my joboption file on Windows Server 2008. Indesign Desktop is not installed on this server, nor can it be. I tried.
The job option file I am attempting to use is: PDFX1a 2001.joboptions.
but my javascript that works locally does not on the server. My function call is:
mydoc. exportFile(ExportFormat. pdfType, File(file), app. pdfExportPresets. item("[PDF/X-1a:2001]"));
but that results in an error as the item is not found.
Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.
DB:2.36:Ids On Winserver 2008 Location Of Joboptions Files aa.
I have a similar problem.
I put the joboptions to C:\Users\ [serviceuser]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe PDF\Settings and this worked at the client in Windows Server 2008.
But when I try to generate from the Server using Tomcat it does not work.
Does someone know how to set tomcat so that we can use the. joboptions under the new folder?


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Pague opções de estratégia posteriores

Central de Ajuda. Procurar Resultados. Reserva on-line. Pague opções posteriores. Você pode pagar mais tarde através da opção Alterar sua reserva - mas isso precisa ser organizado através do nosso call center no 087 135 1351. As únicas opções de pagamento disponíveis para isso são o pagamento através de SID ou por cartão de crédito. Se você estiver dentro de 96 horas de partida, lamentavelmente não pague opções mais tarde estão disponíveis, mas o pagamento através de cartão de crédito, e SID através do nosso site ou call center será aceito. Neste momento, esta opção de pagamento posterior não está disponível através de EFT ou Pick n Pay. Como podemos ajudar? Procurar Resultados. Pague opções posteriores no Vend Ecommerce. Pague opções posteriores no Vend Ecommerce. A opção de pagamento mais tarde (off-line) no Vend Ecommerce é uma opção de pagamento que não exige um cartão de crédito ou autorização de pagamento on-line. A opção de pagamento posterior funciona muito bem se você quiser o

Sistema de crédito comercial que significa

significado do sistema de crédito comercial A Trade Finance tem analisado os mercados globais de comércio e exportação de financiamento desde 1983 e o que constitui o financiamento comercial passou de um produto básico de letra de crédito para financiamentos de títulos e dívidas combinados altamente estruturados. O seguinte é um guia para aqueles de vocês novos no mercado ou aqueles que apenas procuram algum esclarecimento. As seguintes seções foram escritas por nossa própria equipe editorial e incluem contribuições de nossos treinadores internos e outras fontes oficiais. Se houver algum termo com o qual não esteja familiarizado, consulte o nosso Glossário. Se você quiser uma versão gratuita de Trade Finance, clique AQUI. O que é o financiamento comercial? Existem várias definições a serem encontradas on-line quanto ao financiamento comercial e a escolha das palavras usadas é interessante. É descrito tanto como um & lsquo; science & rsquo; e como um termo impreciso que cobre u